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LOL Cenk literally ends the video with we warned you, this is your fault, not ours.

Nevermind their dishonest coverage of Clinton throughout the primary.

The entire segment was just another we told you so

Cenk is an idiot for losing his shit over a Quinnipiac poll and completely ignoring just about every other poll out there.


I don't recognize the title reference???

Also, were there any instances of Scalia doing anything similar to Ginsburg?

If the Republicans can reform themselves into neoliberals-who-aren't-racist by 2024, they could certainly beat whoever the Democrats throw forward.

See, this is what really gets me. Right wing parties dominate the Anglosphere when they don't go full retard with social conservatism or authoritarianism. Economic liberalism in the classical sense is very attractive to the Western public, for whatever reason. It's not really surprising that more socially liberal PMs like John Key, Turnbull and even Cameron (compared to the current lot) do better than the Tony Abbots or Steven "C51" Harpers.
The Tebow thing is a pretty stupid move though because Trump stole $12K in charity money to buy a Tebow helmet and that's all people will talk about on that RNC day that Tebow is speaking.

Did Donald Trump violate IRS rules, by using a charity's money to buy himself a signed football helmet?

Four years ago, at a charity fundraiser in Palm Beach, Donald Trump got into a bidding war at the evening's live auction. The items up for sale: A Denver Broncos helmet, autographed by then-star quarterback Tim Tebow, and a Tebow jersey.

Trump won, eventually, with a bid of $12,000. Afterward, he posed with the helmet. His purchase made gossip-column news: a flourish of generosity, by a mogul with money to burn. "The Donald giveth, and The Donald payeth," wrote the Palm Beach Daily News. "Blessed be the name of The Donald."

But Trump didn't actually pay with his own money.

Instead, the Susan G. Komen organization — the breast-cancer nonprofit that hosted the party — got a $12,000 payment from another nonprofit , the Donald J. Trump Foundation.

Trump himself sent no money. (In fact, a Komen spokeswoman said, Trump has never given a personal gift of cash to the Komen organization.) He paid the bill with money from a charity he founded in 1987, but which is largely stocked with other people's money. Trump is the foundation's president. But, at the time of the auction, Trump had given none of his own money to the foundation for three years running.



The musical interludes should be amazing, I mean, last time they had that choir sing America 278728 times in one song


There are a few African-Americans, like Jamiel Shaw Sr., who became an outspoken advocate for tougher immigration laws after his son was killed in 2008 by an undocumented immigrant;
Yeah, I'm sorry for what happened to his son, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to hear a whole lot of generalizing about us being violent criminals. Yep. Expected.


contribute something
See, this is what really gets me. Right wing parties dominate the Anglosphere when they don't go full retard with social conservatism or authoritarianism. Economic liberalism in the classical sense is very attractive to the Western public, for whatever reason. It's not really surprising that more socially liberal PMs like John Key, Turnbull and even Cameron (compared to the current lot) do better than the Tony Abbots or Steven "C51" Harpers.

I think that because Anglo culture is just so, so liberal, due to history, that the right/left divide will always be about non-economic issues. Even Old Labor at its height was far less radical than most left-wing parties in France.

When the left and the right mostly agree on economics (especially true in the United States), there's a lot of room for dumbfuckery. The phrase "identity politics" is usually used to disparage left-liberals, but the Republican Party's brand of conservatism can't really be described in any other terms.


Queen Ruth don't give a fuck

Queen Ruth ain't never scurred.


On one hand, I understand wanting the Supreme Court to remain a neutral body.

On the other hand, Trump is such a special case, such the antithesis to everything our country claims to stand for, it's not to see him be rejected by the highest powers of our government. Like a virus.
Let's just examine this situation for a minute here: Trump's son-in-law has squeezed out one of Putin's goons (who somehow gets outmaneuvered constantly and really sends a bad sign about Putin's competence) to become Trump's campaign manager and now Trump's son-in-law is advising against Christie because Christie put Trump's son-in-law's father in prison.

This is just ridiculous.


Let's just examine this situation for a minute here: Trump's son-in-law has squeezed out one of Putin's goons (who somehow gets outmaneuvered constantly and really sends a bad sign about Putin's competence) to become Trump's campaign manager and now Trump's son-in-law is advising against Christie because Christie put Trump's son-in-law's father in prison.

This is just ridiculous.
A big, fat mess.


I watched a TYT video where Cenk discussed a bit of what Ezra Klein said about one of Hillary's answers to his questions in his interview with her (the one where she discussed how Republicans are her enemies). The first minute was calm, if not a little extra, but then he went full on foam at the mouth for the next 4-5 minutes, and it was like... whoa. Calm down.
I watched a TYT video where Cenk discussed a bit of what Ezra Klein said about one of Hillary's answers to his questions in his interview with her (the one where she discussed how Republicans are her enemies). The first minute was calm, if not a little extra, but then he went full on foam at the mouth for the next 4-5 minutes, and it was like... whoa. Calm down.

He's a lunatic


Politico: Liberals gear up for DNC superdelegate fight

More than a dozen prominent progressive organizations, Democratic officeholders, and top liberal operatives are demanding that the Democratic National Committee's Rules Committee remake the superdelegate system when the panel meets just before the convention in Philadelphia at the end of the month.

The argument, made in a letter to the DNC, convention delegates, and the DNC's Platform Rules Committee, is that the superdelegate process as it stands "undermines representative democracy and means that the electorate is not necessarily decisive in determining who will be the Democratic nominees for president and vice president."

"We urge members of the Rules Committee to introduce, demand a vote on, and support language to such an effect — and if needed, issue a minority report in support of such measures to be taken to the floor of the convention. We encourage all delegates who believe that the will of the electorate should reign supreme to support these efforts," reads the letter, which was first obtained by POLITICO. It is signed by liberal advocacy groups MoveOn.org, Democracy for America, and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, as well as the center-left NDN think tank, among others.

The signers want to keep the total number of delegates the same but convert the existing superdelegates to regular delegates.


Sanders, who lagged far behind Clinton in superdelegates during the primary, wrote in an email to supporters Tuesday that he plans to still focus on moving the party to the left through the Rules Committee deliberations at the convention.

"We still have a tremendous amount of work left to do in the Democratic Rules Committee that will be meeting in the coming weeks," Sanders wrote in the email. "We have to enact the kinds of reforms to the Democratic Party and to the electoral process that will provide us the tools to elect progressive candidates, to allow new voices and new energy into the Party, and to break up the excessive power that the economic and political elites in the Party currently have. As with our fights on the platform committee, that will only be possible if we stand together."

The Rules Committee is set to hold a meeting ahead of the convention on July 23.

I wonder if the Rules Committee will actually make any changes to the delegate system (I doubt they'll give these people exactly what they're asking for, if they change anything at all).
Benghazi. Night. Is what they want to open the show up to the general public for the GE with? That's the best they have? We assumed they'd kept something in reserve but the emails is the only thing they've had all long? Nice. If that's the most harmful thing they can try to heave out, the Clinton campaign is going to be extremely pleased.

Tim. Fucking. Tebow.
And Dana White? wtf? Was Vince McMahon not available? BOO!

More importantly for a longer-term perspective, that list is almost complete devoid of "rising stars" or "strong leaders" that conventions are supposed to showcase for the future other than Ernst, who's on night one. I guess you could technically count Walker and Cruz, but both their futures are premature damaged goods after this primary and aren't the types to be particular strong candidates in the first place.

And bugger off from changing your system, DNC. Tell me with a straight face after the RNC that you'd be okay with a Trump-style uprising doing that to your party. The "undermines representative democracy" line would only mean anything if Supers had ever hijacked the nomination from the pledged delegate winner, but they haven't. TLDR; Sanders lost, god.


Sidhe / PikPok
That speaker lineup...

Trying to resurrect Benghazi is a waste of a night. 4 years of that hasn't stuck. The masses don't care.

On the economy night... haven't Kentucky and Wisconsin struggled with state budgets and job growth? And what's Tiffany Trump going to talk about? How you can be a self starter entrepreneur like her... as long as you have looks, family reputation, connections, and money to start with?

Overall, the lineup seems like crotchety old white men of the "I got mine" variety, who will be blending in a lot of fear of "others" talk, and saying how bad the economy is while ignoring every actual indicator that sows it is doing just fine.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions


Whenever I get down about the state of American politics, I just read some news about our friends across the pond. The UK is such a mess right now.


remember me
This made me laugh.


here's hoping philly stays peaceful
How has this not been posted?

Someone recorded Newt speaking candidly about Trump in February...and well, it isn't roses for Trump.

In a private speech recorded in February, the onetime Speaker of the U.S. House, now reportedly on the shortlist to be Trump’s running mate, said Trump would lose in a landslide if he didn’t evolve to be more like Ronald Reagan than Barry Goldwater. He added that no one knows what a Trump presidency would be like — not even Trump.

Newt Gingrich, a leading candidate to be Donald Trump’s running mate, told Republicans at a closed-door meeting earlier this year that Trump is not a conservative, speaks to voters “at the lowest level of any candidate in either party,” and could lose in a landslide if he didn’t significantly change his approach to campaigning.

Gingrich suggested Trump’s move from campaigning to governing would be challenging: “How we make the transition from, you know, language for fourth graders to real policy, I don’t know.”

In the February speech, Gingrich said he had no idea what kind of president Trump might be. “I do not believe anybody including Trump can tell you what a Trump presidency would be like,” Gingrich said.

Gingrich spoke for just over half an hour to the Republican group’s Feb. 29 meeting in Washington, devoting about 10 minutes to Trump. His comments were a mix of pointed criticism and awe at Trump’s political skills. He likened Trump’s approach to “some weird combination of the Kardashians” soliciting hearty laughs from the audience. “I mean think about it, the whole tweeting, the whole continuous noise.

At one point, Gingrich suggested he was shocked to hear of a highly educated supporter of Trump’s. “I had a very sophisticated medical doctor in Des Moines write me two days ago and say he sent a thousand dollar check to Trump. And I wrote back and said what are you doing?” Gingrich said to laughs. “He said I have finally concluded that we have to kick over the table in Washington.”

Gingrich also agreed with what many Republicans during the primary process feared: “National Review’s right. Donald Trump’s not a conservative.” Instead, Gingrich characterized him as “an American nationalist” who uses a deliberately unpredictable mix of hostility against “stupidity,” liberals and political correctness.


1. OMG this is some amazing stuff.

2. 99.9999% likely this was leaked by Chris Christie.

3. Repeating for awesomeness: " “I had a very sophisticated medical doctor in Des Moines write me two days ago and say he sent a thousand dollar check to Trump. And I wrote back and said what are you doing?” Gingrich said to laughs."

here's hoping philly stays peaceful
Are you suggesting that Duff is a pure and sufficiently refined substance to burn? Because I refuse to believe that, unless it's been rubbing alcohol all along. Would explain why the Flaming Moe combusted.

Plus, look at this dude. Totally a Trump supporter.



This is why I laugh whenever I hear about the US being a "post-racial country".

I'm laughing at the fact he's polling at 0% with blacks in two states. Has any presidential candidate polled that bad with blacks before?I don't think he will end up up with 0% of the black vote in those states on election night.





A whole night on infidelities!

The RNC will be a big fat mess. Trump's probably not going to get a decent polling bump at all if that is the stuff he focuses on at the RNC.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
That really is pretty special.

Politico: Liberals gear up for DNC superdelegate fight

I wonder if the Rules Committee will actually make any changes to the delegate system (I doubt they'll give these people exactly what they're asking for, if they change anything at all).
Stop it. You dumbasses don't even know what you're trying to do. Bernie lost and it had absolutely fuck all to do with superdelegates. Stop trying to fix things that aren't broken.


I'm laughing at the fact he's polling at 0% with blacks in two states. Has any presidential candidate polled that bad with blacks before?I don't think he will end up up with 0% of the black vote in those states on election night.

The RNC will be a big fat mess. Trump's probably not going to get a decent polling bump at all if that is the stuff he focuses on at the RNC.

There are a couple of heavily black precincts in Pennsylvania where Romney received zero votes on Election Day. Some conservatives were trying to push this as evidence of vote rigging.
Yeah, vote for the person that's fourth in a 2-way race.
Worked for Kasich! Didn't bother dropping out until after Cruz did, which I'm sure the literally hundreds of people who voted for him feel better about the strength of their candidate. And think of those countless sandwiches he was able to experience!

Honestly surprised she'll only be on the ballot in 30 states. The Greens, by third-party standards, you'd think would have their shit together better than that. Are the Libertarians on in every state? ...35! Okay, slightly less pathetic.
Doesn't "Bernie or Bust" mean that you either support Bernie or not support anyone at all?
It was always, always #NeverHillary, and anyone who claimed otherwise was fooling you.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009

Like if the final list is Christie, Gingrich, and Pence, how could it NOT be pence? I don't like any of them but that's like picking between shit, asshair, and a block of cheese. How is this even a consideration? If Pence would say yes, and I guess that could be the holdup but I doubt it, why would they not pick him?

Like if the final list is Christie, Gingrich, and Pence, how could it NOT be pence? I don't like any of them but that's like picking between shit, asshair, and a block of cheese. How is this even a consideration? If Pence would say yes, and I guess that could be the holdup but I doubt it, why would they not pick him?

Because Pence is a block of bland cheese, and Trump isn't fond of bland. I personally think Trump wants Christie because he's been loyal to Trump, something that gets Trump rock hard. This is obviously a case of the party and the Trump kids pushing Pence while Trump wants one of the two loudmouths that he gets along with.


Newt talked too much shit on Donald in the past. Also he'd be a mix of a brain and an attack dog. Trump is the attack dog. He just needs a yes man with executive experience. That man is Pence. Pence is making it clear that he's happy to roll over for the Trumps.

Christie is like a less offensive version of Trump. A big guy who tells it like it is blah blah. They'd cancel each other out.

I still can't believe Trump is going to be the nominee. This is a new low and a sad state of affairs for this country. Are we turning into a banana republic?

It's scary enough that he will be in the GE, even if he loses. If he wins, we are beyond fucked.

I'm not watching the RNC. I'll just read about it here and other places. I can't believe they're having a Benghazi night. Do they not realize that not all ot the victims would agree with this tactic? Pure lunacy. Playing politics with the dead is somehow OK but basically making shit up about Hillary and blaming their deaths on her is just dandy. Right.


How many states will have Stein on the ballot?

Also what kind of voter is Johnson attracting? If it's just people who hate Trump and people who are actually libertarians, ok. But there are young people who have libertarian streak on some key issues. These people probably hate Hillary.

Anyway do we have good data on any of this?
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