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I can't believe they still are ringing that Benghazi bell. The only people who ever cared about benghazi were never ever going to vote for Clinton to begin with.

They even grilled her in the House about benghazi and they ended up coming out of it looking worse than she did. How is that even possible. Is this literally all they have?

It's the literal definition of an echo chamber. They get all this positive reaction doing this stuff from their base and don't realize the country has moved on, or never cared in the first place.


I don't recognize the title reference???

Also, were there any instances of Scalia doing anything similar to Ginsburg?

See, this is what really gets me. Right wing parties dominate the Anglosphere when they don't go full retard with social conservatism or authoritarianism. Economic liberalism in the classical sense is very attractive to the Western public, for whatever reason. It's not really surprising that more socially liberal PMs like John Key, Turnbull and even Cameron (compared to the current lot) do better than the Tony Abbots or Steven "C51" Harpers.

Yeah, if Turnbull was the model for the centre right they'd probably never lose government.

I dunno, maybe people on the right say the same thing about Blair and Clinton.



That trump gained versus just Hillary losing sucks.
Swing state polls are looking good. Whiter states are close... OH, WI, etc.

I do think now that I'm off my panic cloud for a bit that Q is getting it totally wrong as usual in Pennsylvania. Fool's gold etc.

But again the swing state polls look good, overall, for Hillary. Focus on the fundamentals, right?

In related news, this is just a mess:



Said Dennis Fernandez, 67, of Florence, Arizona: "If Hillary Clinton won, I'd probably consider suicide. I'm definitely not a fan."
Oh okay.

23% fear both candidates. Gotta wonder what that means for Johnson and Stein. I feel like we need more data on how people are responding to the both of them.

The thing about Hillary is that there is nothing to fear. Comey definitely called her out for being careless, but she wasn't indicted because they basically said they have nothing indicating that she intended to cause real harm to the country. He stopped short of saying that.

With Trump there's a lot more to fear and it shows, but it's sad that Hillary isn't too far behind him while a sizable chunk of voters fear them both. Low info voters are taking over and it's infuriating.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Trump will be leading polls right after the convention. Similar path as in recent elections.


I do think now that I'm off my panic cloud for a bit that Q is getting it totally wrong as usual in Pennsylvania. Fool's gold etc.

What did I tell you in 2008 and 2012? Just like I personally handed Obama Pennsylvania in those elections, I am going to hand deliver Pennsylvania to Hillary. No worries brother, my volunteer corps don't play.


What did I tell you in 2008 and 2012? Just like I personally handed Obama Pennsylvania in those elections, I am going to hand deliver Pennsylvania to Hillary. No worries brother, my volunteer corps don't play.
If Philly and surrounding counties in Eastern PA turn out, and they always do, it's over. There's not enough over here in Western PA and even in Central PA.

Hillary's ad with Trump saying he watches "the shows" to learn about foreign affairs while it then goes on to highlight all of Hillary's actual accomplishments with foreign affairs is actually quite good.

Can't wait to see the ads from the Republicans that use all of that bitter Bernie ranting from the primary. Still mad at him for taking so long to drop out, but I do think it was largely in part because he was waiting to see what the FBI did. Still, he didn't have to be such a huge dick during the primary season. He did a lot of unnecessary damage. Like, if Hillary did get indicted and Dems bailed on her and she had to drop out, Bernie was second in line anyway. No need to give the GOP more ammo, but he did. He's a really bad politician, he doesn't calculate things properly. He just happens to be pretty good on the stump.

edit: Newt's comments on Fox all but confirm it's Pence. Pence is a yes man who can also bring a lot of Republicans back into the fold. Newt is just another loud mouth on TV, he even said so himself. Maybe even the Koch gravy train will come back with Pence.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
CBS/NYT poll

Clinton 40 (-3)
Trump 40 (+3)

OK, that one sucks.

67% say Hillary is untrustworthy.

Trump's said he'd be fine bombing our own allies in order to get terrorists, but in the eyes of the American people, Hillary's crimes with her e-mails is just as bad.

We deserve Trump.


67% say Hillary is untrustworthy.

Trump's said he'd be fine bombing our own allies in order to get terrorists, but in the eyes of the American people, Hillary's crimes with her e-mails is just as bad.

We deserve Trump.
What's the % for Trump's untrustworthiness?

And yeah I would have to agree, it's infuriating, Hillary is careless with some e-mails, okay... but Trump tells the nation to its face that he wants to bomb our own allies to get terrorists, kill the families of terrorists, lie his ass off on a weekly basis, insult basically every group out there except white men... he gets away with that? What the fuck is wrong with people?

Let's not forget his taxes, Trump University (which is honestly his equivalent of the email scandal and then some). He's the least authentic person to ever run for the Presidency and people are flipping out over Hillary's emails?

She made a mistake but even the FBI could not indict her because they could not find evidence of her intentionally tying to damage the country. That speaks volumes in and of itself. It says that while she made a mistake, it doesn't necessarily mean she's untrustworthy.

We are looking at a nation that has no critical thinking skills anymore.

If this isn't evidence that Hillary running all those ads early is useless, I don't know what is.
Well normally it would matter but somehow Trump can get away with spending no money and having a half-assed campaign.

I bet his ads for the GE will be a riot though. And not in a good way.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
What's the % for Trump's untrustworthiness?

Mr. Trump is also distrusted by a large number of voters — 62 percent — but that number has stayed constant despite increased scrutiny on his business record and falsehoods in his public statements and Twitter messages.

Hillary is distrusted even more than Donald fucking Trump. Jesus fucking Christ, America...


How much of that % for Hillary is from Republicans though?

Independents and Democrats are who we need to look at. Barely any GOPers will switch sides so they can think whatever they want.

LOL @ Trump saying no one has ever seen what Ginsburg did. Do you not remember Scalia, you fuckwit? Most likely you weren't paying attention and you didn't know... we know this is new to you.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Well, the report wasn't entirely terrible for hillary:

Voters still view Mrs. Clinton as vastly more prepared for the job — with 50 percent saying she is prepared, compared with the 30 percent who say the same about Mr. Trump. Voters’ views of Mrs. Clinton’s preparedness have also declined, by nine percentage points since last month.

And on different topics:

Illegal immigration
Hillary: 60
Trump: 29


Hillary: 46
Trump: 47

Hillary: 41
Trump: 52

National security/terrorism
Hillary: 46
Trump: 46

The American people are weird.


yeah y'know what, i'm just gonna stop posting in this thread for a while if we're gonna kvetch about daily polling in fucking july
I understand, but surely you would agree it's infuriating that Hillary is actually viewed as being more untrustworthy by 5 points heading into the conventions. Depsite all of Trump's tweets, antics, racism, sexism, hatred, violent threats against allies, outright lies, and skeletons in his closet pre-politics. Hillary fucked up with the emails but didn't intend to cause harm, and yet, she is viewed as being more untrustworthy as Trump continues to lie his ass off on a weekly basis.

She's gotta figure out a way to reverse this, and the GE is only 4 months away. I think Trump got a free pass just shouting whatever he wanted at his rallies while Hillary had to deal with Bernie internally while worrying about how to handle Trump, the most unconventional Presidential candidate ever, externally.
I don't think I can survive a household of panic and this thread of panic

Worst week for Clinton and she's tied. TIED, people are freaking out that she's tied after being raked over the coals by the media and the FBI director smacking her down.

We still

1) Don't have Trump as the nominee, meaning that the dirt has yet to air from the piles and piles of shit the DNC has on him. Don't want to lead someone to a trap only to launch it ten yards before the X on the ground

2) Just the start of the campaigning by Obama/Biden/?Warren?/Sanders

2.1) Sanders literally just endorsed, Sander's people can officially start a cool down period if they haven't already

3) She has a major ground game operation across the country that will pay dividends near the end of the election


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I don't think any of these polls are indicative of what'll happen in November, but the idea that Trump is within 20 points of Hillary even on her worst day, let alone surpassing her, even if it's marginally, is rage inducing.


I don't think any of these polls are indicative of what'll happen in November, but the idea that Trump is within 20 points of Hillary even on her worst day, let alone surpassing her, even if it's marginally, is rage inducing.
Now imagine had they nominated one of the more marketable candidates.

On second thought, I don't want to.. yikes..
I'm not going to freak out until Trump break out of the barrier of his low 40s polling. And just because Clinton has lost some support doesn't mean it won't come back


I have to clock out of this for a bit or I'm going to lose my mind. After all the shit Trump has said and done and been shown to be a liar and worse and his numbers still haven't dropped. I guess there is some positive in that they're not getting higher just that Hillary's numbers are moving all over the place depending on the poll.

That Trust number though is going to drive me up the F'n wall though. I know a good deal of that is prebaked in because how she's been attacked over the decades and the rest is more recent stuff on top of that. I want to hope that ultimately that might not matter come election time when people still think she's best prepared for the job. I don't care if people don't like her but I care they see how horrible Trump would be at the job and that she would be better at it.

What just makes me so angry when I really think about it is after all the racist and bigoted things Trump says and does on a near daily basis he's not hurting more. That makes me angry at the media but more so people in general. It's a clear showing that so many people are okay or agree with his racism and bigotry and want more of it. Its caused me to look very carefully at the people around me, people I know lean republican, to see where they stand. That BS is a deal breaker for me. Then there are those that claim to want what Sanders wants and continue to act like there is no difference between Hillary and Trump and I want to..... *deep breath*

Those saying they're voting for Jill Stein is another thing that is bothering me. It must be nice to be in a position to do something that potentially could add to Trump winning and not worry because you personally won't be affected. That BS drives me up the wall at times more so then Trump does.


I don't think any of these polls are indicative of what'll happen in November, but the idea that Trump is within 20 points of Hillary even on her worst day, let alone surpassing her, even if it's marginally, is rage inducing.

You could basically run an empty chair for one of the parties and it would gather between 30 and 40% of the vote. It is what it is.
I have to clock out of this for a bit or I'm going to lose my mind. After all the shit Trump has said and done and been shown to be a liar and worse and his numbers still haven't dropped. I guess there is some positive in that they're not getting higher just that Hillary's numbers are moving all over the place depending on the poll.

That Trust number though is going to drive me up the F'n wall though. I know a good deal of that is prebaked in because how she's been attacked over the decades and the rest is more recent stuff on top of that. I want to hope that ultimately that might not matter come election time when people still think she's best prepared for the job. I don't care if people don't like her but I care they see how horrible Trump would be at the job and that she would be better at it.

What just makes me so angry when I really think about it is after all the racist and bigot things Trump says and does on a near daily basis he's not hurting more. That makes me angry at the media but more so people in general. It's a clear showing that so many people are okay or agree with his racism and bigotry and want more of it. Its caused me to look very carefully at the people around me, people I know lean republican, to see where they stand. That BS is a deal breaker for me.

Those saying they're voting for Jill Stein is another thing that is bothering me. It must be nice to be in a position to do something that potentially could add to Trump winning and not worry because you personally won't be affected. That BS drives me up the wall at times more so then Trump does.

White people can't be trust to make decisions in a nutshell. But don't worry, minorities will save us from this mess because his racism has had a YUUUGE effect on the opinions of minorities.
This is less about Trump, more about Clinton. She had a terrible weak that reinforced many people's views on her untrustworthiness and "the system being rigged." She's an incredibly bland, flawed candidate who is lucky to be facing arguably the worst presidential candidate in modern history.

She'll be fine. Look at poll aggregates and how state campaigns are organized. It's not close. And Trump will fuck up many times between now and October.
White people can't be trust to make decisions in a nutshell. But don't worry, minorities will save us from this mess because his racism has had a YUUUGE effect on the opinions of minorities.

I mean, it already has.

Almost no percent of the black population will vote Trump, Hispanics are a little different in terms of support for republicans in general, but that comes down to the regions the different circumstances of their families coming to America and influencing their political ideology.

Clinton and Trump are battling over the small percent of white voters who can go either way, everyone else is pretty much baked in to their sides, minorities (at least for this election, and the last one... and the one before that) have been the cornerstone for the democratic national election turnout, we just need to get a high enough percent of higher educated white male voters and it's over for Trump


I mean, these aren't good numbers and I agree that the fact that Hillary isn't consistently at least 20 points ahead is bad enough. But I'm going to worry only if the race looks the same in late August. Most voters don't tune in until the conventions. Once they do and then conclude that Trump is preferable to Hillary, well... it's unfathomable.
I mean, it already has.

Almost no percent of the black population will vote Trump, Hispanics are a little different in terms of support for republicans in general, but that comes down to the regions the different circumstances of their families coming to America and influencing their political ideology.

Clinton and Trump are battling over the small percent of white voters who can go either way, everyone else is pretty much baked in to their sides, minorities (at least for this election, and the last one... and the one before that) have been the cornerstone for the democratic national election turnout, we just need to get a high enough percent of higher educated white male voters and it's over for Trump


And I am glad the whole email thing got sorted out this early before the convention. Now Hillary is in a good position to jettison her campaign in full. I'm not going to freak out about polling just yet.
johnson's supporters: the usual libertopians combined with disaffected otherwise-would-be trump voters

stein's supporters: who?

Young people who tuned into the election for the first or second time and hate clinton because they bought into the righr wing bullshit and hate establishment politics, even though they have been involved in one or two presidential election

its really funny listening to 20 year olds saying they are tired if the establishment when they dont even vote in midterms, really classic stuff.

But honestly, i think were gonna have a case where the polls will underewtimate thr overall clintin percentage like in 2012 with Obama due to people underestimating hispanic and black turnout.


Oh shit Diablos, it's all over:


Donald Trump has opened up a seven-point lead over Hillary Clinton nationally, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll released Thursday.

Trump has 44 percent support to Clinton's 37 percent, according to the conservative-leaning Rasmussen. Another 13 percent favor another candidate, and six percent are undecided.

Thursday's survey is the third week in a row that Trump has led Rasmussen's weekly poll. It shows Trump at his highest level of support in a Rasmussen poll since October.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Can we nominate Jill stein?

Assmusen had shown a 20 pt + swing in 3 weeks! In five more weeks Shitlary will be at 0!
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