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No Scrubs
Meanwhile, back in New York City:


This could be interesting? I'm not a real lawyer and I'm not sure how serious an order to show cause actually is.

This is pretty serious. If Trump can't show cause as to why this should be done behind closed doors then this lawsuit will play out in public and this is the guy accusing Trump of violating campaign finance law. So this could be a gigantic fucking disaster for him.


So Pence adds nothing to the ticket outside of increased social conservative credentials and is on record opposing basically all of Trump's major policy initiatives.

Great pick.
So Pence adds nothing to the ticket outside of increased social conservative credentials and is on record opposing basically all of Trump's major policy initiatives.

Great pick.

I guess having midwest governor on the ticket makes Trump look a little less crazy. Which he needs.


So Pence adds nothing to the ticket outside of increased social conservative credentials and is on record opposing basically all of Trump's major policy initiatives.

Great pick.
A really good debater could hammer the hell out of the policy conflicts between Trump and Pence. I won't be shocked when Hillary and her running mate both try to make their respective opponents squirm a bit on the debate stage.

And Ann Coulter is reacting on Twitter:
I hope Pence is not true.
Oh my fucking god, how long does it take for GTA 5 to install.

I'm installing it from disc and don't want to play online, but the install is stuck at 0%. What's going on?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Pence being Trump's VP will hurt him in Indiana over generic Republican VP.

Not enough to lose this state.

Skiptastic said:
Thank goodness, get Pence out of my state.

My Man Mitch is staying at Purdue, so it could be an interesting race for governor here.

They're already talking about running Holcomb, who I think Gregg could beat.
I cant believe nobody picked Pence. No winners on the R side.

I picked Sessions on the assumption Trump would pick someone safe, conservative, boring, and loyal, so I feel a little bit vindicated. I think Pence is unpopular in Indiana for s reason, and will ultimately prove to be a mild liability, and not quite as safe as he initially seems.

I also have STRONG doubts the Trump canpaign has adequately vetted all the thousands of hours of Pence's talk radio show. Wonder if that will turn up anything odious.


Why is Cornel West such garbage.

Obama has failed victims of racism and police brutality

Obama’s attitude is that of a neo-liberal, and they rarely have solidarity with poor and working people. Whatever solidarity he does offer is just lip-service to suffering but he never makes it a priority to end that suffering.

Obama has power right now to enact the recommendations made after Ferguson. Better training, independent civilian oversight boards, body cameras. But he has not used executive orders to push any of these changes through.

This November, we need change. Yet we are tied in a choice between Trump, who would be a neo-fascist catastrophe, and Clinton, a neo-liberal disaster. That’s why I am supporting Jill Stein.

Pushing police reform exclusively through executive action sounds like a fun way to cause a fucking giant shitstorm.
Pushing police reform exclusively through executive action sounds like a fun way to cause a fucking giant shitstorm.

Like West gives a fuck about all that. Let him do it, cause a giant backlash which loses you the WH, and then it gets overturned on minute 1 of the Trump Presidency. Now what?
Why is Cornel West such garbage.

Pushing police reform exclusively through executive action sounds like a fun way to cause a fucking giant shitstorm.
Obama has power right now to enact the recommendations made after Ferguson. Better training, independent civilian oversight boards, body cameras. But he has not used executive orders to push any of these changes through.

He can't be serious. Obama has the power to unilaterally implement policing policies on the state level? Who is spending the money required for body cams btw? This is madness, and not the type of argument I'd expect from an alleged intellectual.

Perhaps Michael Eric Dyson said it best.


Why is Cornel West such garbage.

Pushing police reform exclusively through executive action sounds like a fun way to cause a fucking giant shitstorm.

Cornel West is an utter, abject embarrassment of a human being. His relentless, insane jealousy and aggression towards Obama is pathetic - and all because he didn't get a room for the inauguration.
Not enough to lose this state.

They're already talking about running Holcomb, who I think Gregg could beat.
Correct on the first point. Trump will win Indiana, as much as I hate to say it, unless he goes off on a Richard Mourdock moment.

I think Holcomb gets away with being associated with Republicans who are winners in Indiana (Mitch Daniels and Dan Coats) without carrying any of the baggage that has hurt Pence (RFRA, abortion bill). Someone like Brian Bosma gets that baggage. Basically, unless Holcomb can't speak, he is the literal embodiment of "Generic GOP Candidate" in Indiana and wins.

Another name that could come up that I think beats Gregg is Susan Brooks.

But I'm hoping it's Bosma and Gregg wins. That would be nice.



When your mom has to hold your hand to stop you from fidgeting in church.


CNN: 5 people to watch in Hillary Clinton's veepstakes

Sections abridged so as to not copy the whole article:

As she nears a decision on her own running mate, Hillary Clinton and her campaign are watching Donald Trump's search with astonishment.

It's a moment that highlights the stark differences between how the two presumptive nominees make decisions, with Trump's unfolding like a reality show and Clinton's taking place almost entirely in secret before her expected announcement late next week.

In conversations with nearly two dozen people inside and close to Clinton's orbit, here are five things to watch as her search for a running mate unfolds:

1. Tim Kaine

He's mentioned at the top of every single conversation and Clinton believes he could help win Virginia. He's been increasing his outreach to progressive groups in recent weeks, particularly the abortion-rights movement, and may well address that during Thursday's appearance to make them more comfortable with his views.

"He's a safe pick, who gets more interesting the more you learn about him," one Democrat close to Clinton said. "He's fiercely loyal and she can trust him."

2. Sherrod Brown

The Ohio senator is said to be "incredibly intriguing" to Clinton. He could help carry Ohio, which is a battleground where she will need help.

"He's more of a risk," one Democrat close to Clinton said. "She doesn't like to take risks."

3. Cory Booker

Clinton has told people she's willing to lose his New Jersey Senate seat, if it helps add excitement to her ticket and wins the White House. The new campaign discussion of race could also help his chances.

"Do not count him out," one Democrat close to Clinton said. "She loves his story and what it would add to her campaign."

4. Tom Vilsack

He would be the "safest pick of all," a Democrat close to both Clinton and Vilsack said, but would be far more of a "Plan B pick."

He is strong in rural America and his native Pittsburgh, but doesn't excite the liberal Democratic base. He's seen as the "boring Tim Kaine," another Democrat said, "but one she trusts implicitly."

5. Elizabeth Warren

The Massachusetts senator is intent on defeating Donald Trump and Clinton loves her fiery approach, but she also doesn't truly trust her and "would constantly worry what she's about to say," a friend of Clinton's said.

For these and other reasons, Warren seems to be the most unlikely pick.

At this point, I'll be surprised if it's not Kaine, though Cory Booker sounds unexpectedly favoured as well.


Yeah, the liability issues w/ Warren really made themselves clear in the past few weeks.

I think she'd love a two-woman ticket but there don't seem to be any other candidates.


Pence is boring. Boo-urns :(

Why is Cornel West such garbage.

Pushing police reform exclusively through executive action sounds like a fun way to cause a fucking giant shitstorm.

Why was this man allowed near the Democratic platform? Why does Sanders think he is a good person to throw their lot in with?



What does neoliberalism have to do with police racism and presidential power.

I'm convinced that this word has no meaning at this point.

We joke about words losing meaning this cycle, but I literally have no idea what neoliberalism means anymore. Just seems interchangeable with status quo and establishment at this point


We joke about words losing meaning this cycle, but I literally have no idea what neoliberalism means anymore. Just seems interchangeable with status quo and establishment at this point
Study done in 2014/5 found it had already lost its meaning a while ago. Wasn't just this election, you just have more people picking up buzzwords this cycle.


Reuters Politics
Reuters Politics Verified Account


BREAKING: Trump told Republican officials he picked Indiana Governor Mike Pence as running mate - source


Yep. Knew it would be Pence. He doesn't really look young though. He looks like a lifelike has been GI Joe figure.

Anyway, Ras poll sucks. 7 points? Sheeeeeit.

I agree with Plinko. We can't take anything for granted. This election is defying every norm.

It's good that the FBI is now out of the way. However, they took forever to finish the investigation. It basically happened right before the conventions and it hurt her big time. If Trump then rides on the coat tails of that and has a good convention, Hillary will have a LOT of work to do.

Do not underestimate Trump and his army of low info voters. We're heading into uncharted territory politically speaking. Hilary's problems wouldn't be so bad if things didn't take forever to go away. Bernie, FBI.


We joke about words losing meaning this cycle, but I literally have no idea what neoliberalism means anymore. Just seems interchangeable with status quo and establishment at this point

It seems to mean "anyone who is being supported by big businesses" which can be supported by the thinnest of evidence to mean anyone from the dodgiest of Blue Dogs to Elizabeth freaking Warren.


No Scrubs
Yeah, the liability issues w/ Warren really made themselves clear in the past few weeks.

I think she'd love a two-woman ticket but there don't seem to be any other candidates.

If only Clinton wasn't based out of NY then she could have picked Gillibrand.


Georgia is the new Pennsylvania. Those undecideds are just Republicans pinching their noses. It's not going blue this decade. Stop this.

Georgia is trending blue in almost all districts. This election will be very close for us, but it will probably take a few more years.

We have a ton of unregistered minorities here too. All the more reason to fight voter ID laws


I think Booker is a phenomenal choice if the Clintonites think his Senate seat isn't an issue. He is truly the only potential candidate that has a shot at being a future contender and grooming him would be awesome.


No Scrubs
I think Booker is a phenomenal choice if the Clintonites think his Senate seat isn't an issue. He is truly the only potential candidate that has a shot at being a future contender and grooming him would be awesome.

Whenever I tell someone he might be an option they perk up a bit, dude's exciting despite what the internet may tell you.
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