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Fucking amazing:


There goes using Hillary's emails as an effective attack.
People call it the Clinton News Network but the media is basically dumping the entire oppo file on this guy (for Hillary to pound him senseless over it). All I can say is LOL GOP candidates. What the fuck were you clowns even doing?

Jeb is probably crying into a bowl of icecream right now wearing nothing but his tighty whities.


People call it the Clinton News Network but the media is basically dumping the entire oppo file on this guy (for Hillary to pound him senseless over it). All I can say is LOL GOP candidates. What the fuck were you clowns even doing?

Jeb is probably crying into a bowl of icecream right now wearing nothing but his tighty whities.

I would not be the least bit surprised if Clinton's oppo team were releasing one or two tidbits every few days to various media outlets, just to keep the steady drumbeat of Trump trash flowing. They have a wealth of info to use against him, while she's already been vetted by the public six ways from Sunday.


Hope the Democrats do a good job messaging, seems like the vast majority of the country agrees with them.
The recent developments in the shooting case let them eviscerate Trump on them now, since this was about internalized homophobia, not a Jihadist agent.


Trump "clarified" his earlier insinuations about Obama being complicit in terrorism:

“I was referring to the fact that at times President Obama seems more in support of Muslims than Israel,” Donald Trump says in statement to Bloomberg Politics sent by spokeswoman Hope Hicks.

“For example the Iran deal, which was one of the worst deals in history, gave $150 billion dollars to a radical regime, which will allow them to fund terrorist activities as well as pursue their stated goal of ‘full annihilation and destruction’ of Israel. It is great for Iran and bad for Israel and the United States,” Trump says

NOTE: Nonpartisan fact-checking site PolitiFact has rated $150b assertion false (http://bit.ly/22qb8FG)



There has to be some completely shocking stuff we'll see from Trump in the coming months beyond the topics covered. Like we can't even imagine after his recent stupidity.

Go all out on him. He deserves less than no dignity.


Josh Barro has a great article on how Trump is a dangerous lunatic, which also contains a valuable perspective on Islam in America:

businessinsider said:
Several politicians, including Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz, have framed a hostile stance toward Islam as necessary to protect the safety of LGBT Americans. It is reasonable to raise concerns about global Muslim attitudes about pluralism, and particularly about treatment of LGBT people in Muslim-majority countries, some of which sanction the death penalty as punishment for homosexuality.

But those who do raise these concerns, including Trump, should note that opinion among Muslims in the US is very different than it is abroad.

A 2014 Pew survey found that 45% of American Muslims think homosexuality should be accepted by society, a higher figure than for Mormons or evangelical Christians. That was up from 38% in 2007 - reflecting the fact that Muslim Americans, like all the American religious groups studied by Pew, are becoming more accepting of gays over time.

That is, we don't need to ask whether Islam can be compatible with a modern, pluralistic society that protects the rights and safety of LGBT people. In the US, we know that Islam is compatible enough - approximately as compatible as various other major religious traditions whose compatibility with Americanism we do not routinely question.

There is a reason the attacks in Orlando and San Bernardino, California, though apparently based in extreme Islamist ideology, were not supported by a local terrorist network like the attacks in Paris and Brussels. The reason is that America's Muslim minority is well-integrated, well-adjusted, and not disposed to harbor people who would harm other Americans. Lone-wolf attacks are a risk, but they are a risk mitigated by American Muslim communities, not exacerbated by them.

All of which is to say that America's Muslim communities are an example of how our pluralistic society is working pretty well, not of how everything is broken.

It's hard for people to be optimistic right now, but Clinton is right to take the view that we are better off with small changes than large ones, that we are better off being open to each other than identifying specific religious groups as threats, and that America has a pretty good thing going that we shouldn't just throw away for an authoritarian approach to "safety."


edit: Note that this article was written before some of the stuff coming out today. Personally I think the odds are very low that the shooter was genuinely affiliated with ISIS in any degree.


There has to be some completely shocking stuff we'll see from Trump in the coming months beyond the topics covered. Like we can't even imagine after his recent stupidity.

Go all out on him. He deserves less than no dignity.

And we haven't had a debate yet, I put money on him just walking off stage during one


A guy who performs at the club said his friend was in the bathroom with the shooter and he said that he let black people go "because he had no problem with them." First time I had heard anything like that.

Based on what they have been saying on TV this shooter seems to have more in common with Dylan Roof and the Aurora shooter than anyone connected to ISIS.

But what if Trump revokes CNN's press credentials, he would probably just refuse to go lol

I'm still 50/50 on him showing up, to be honest. On the one hand, I think he thinks he can beat her at a debate because he "beat" the rest of the idiots he went up against. If she kicks his ass during the 1st debate, I doubt he'll go to the 2nd. Usually the 2nd is the Town Hall. The optics on that would be DELICIOUS.


I'm still 50/50 on him showing up, to be honest. On the one hand, I think he thinks he can beat her at a debate because he "beat" the rest of the idiots he went up against. If she kicks his ass during the 1st debate, I doubt he'll go to the 2nd. Usually the 2nd is the Town Hall. The optics on that would be DELICIOUS.

I don't see how he could do that. That would be seen as surrendering and the election would be over. This isn't the Republican primary.


One of the biggest problems with the 24 hour news cycle is that we've now had a whole day for politicians and presidential candidates to talk about ISIS when it turns out this guy very likely had a totally different motive.

What is everybody supposed to do now?


I'm still 50/50 on him showing up, to be honest. On the one hand, I think he thinks he can beat her at a debate because he "beat" the rest of the idiots he went up against. If she kicks his ass during the 1st debate, I doubt he'll go to the 2nd. Usually the 2nd is the Town Hall. The optics on that would be DELICIOUS.

Little hands probably wouldn't show unless they feed him the questions beforehand



Kills Photobucket
I'm still 50/50 on him showing up, to be honest. On the one hand, I think he thinks he can beat her at a debate because he "beat" the rest of the idiots he went up against. If she kicks his ass during the 1st debate, I doubt he'll go to the 2nd. Usually the 2nd is the Town Hall. The optics on that would be DELICIOUS.

100% he shows up for the first debate.

I think him bailing on the others is a possibility if he bombs the first one.
He revoked WaPo's credentials? What a giant baby.

Also, I had this crazy idea today. What if instead of needing a specific reason to be put on a list that stops you from buying a gun, you actually needed a specific reason to be able to buy one? Insanity, I know.


One of the biggest problems with the 24 hour news cycle is that we've now had a whole day for politicians and presidential candidates to talk about ISIS when it turns out this guy very likely had a totally different motive.

What is everybody supposed to do now?

Pretend the last 24 hours didn't happen and start the cycle again.


One of the biggest problems with the 24 hour news cycle is that we've now had a whole day for politicians and presidential candidates to talk about ISIS when it turns out this guy very likely had a totally different motive.

What is everybody supposed to do now?

Either they talk about gun control, or they just keep pretending it's ISIS


Anderson Cooper has been one of the worst debate moderators all cycle. The only person he grills is Hillary and that's because he knows she'll answer his questions.

Have Megyn Kelly or one of the Univision anchors do it.
Anderson Cooper has been one of the worst debate moderators all cycle. The only person he grills is Hillary and that's because he knows she'll answer his questions.

Have Megyn Kelly or one of the Univision anchors do it.

Oh man how much money I would donate to see Trump have to go through the Univision moderators.


I'm still 50/50 on him showing up, to be honest. On the one hand, I think he thinks he can beat her at a debate because he "beat" the rest of the idiots he went up against. If she kicks his ass during the 1st debate, I doubt he'll go to the 2nd. Usually the 2nd is the Town Hall. The optics on that would be DELICIOUS.

He couldn't not show up. That would be even worse than McCain suspending his campaign to return to Washington to solve the financial crisis.
He couldn't not show up. That would be even worse than McCain suspending his campaign to return to Washington to solve the financial crisis.

I believe he shows up to the 1st one, no question. That's as far as I'm willing to go. If he feels they're not being fair to him...I don't know what he does. I'm sure he'd argue he's just refusing to be PC or whatever the hell he's on about.


Would be great if the evidence supports that this guy was just nuts and the entire of Twitter can tweet "you were wrong" at Trump.
One of the biggest problems with the 24 hour news cycle is that we've now had a whole day for politicians and presidential candidates to talk about ISIS when it turns out this guy very likely had a totally different motive.

What is everybody supposed to do now?

Well, it's not like they don't need something to fill the next 24 hours...
Wait so Hillary said Radical Islam today?

"From my perspective, it matters what we do more than what we say," Clinton said on CNN's "New Day." "And it mattered we got bin Laden, not what name we called him. I have clearly said we -- whether you call it radical jihadism or radical Islamism, I'm happy to say either. I think they mean the same thing."



A guy who performs at the club said his friend was in the bathroom with the shooter and he said that he let black people go "because he had no problem with them." First time I had heard anything like that.

Based on what they have been saying on TV this shooter seems to have more in common with Dylan Roof and the Aurora shooter than anyone connected to ISIS.

There were black people in the group of victims, so I am doubting that story.
This really looks like a classic case of self-hate caused by society as well as toxic masculinity and really doesn't seem to have to do with ISIS.

Will this cause anyone to find some spine and attack Trump for fascist-mongering?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
For those of you who have been isolated in the events of this week, don't forget the Sony E3 Press Conference going on now.

The Live orchestra is interesting. But i'm an orchestra fanboy :)
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