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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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Like most of Sonys conference isn't going to be out before the neo. IDK I didn't see anything that would make me get a ps4 this year

God of War, Spider-Man, Detroit, Death Stranding are were listed as "In Development" so they're reallllllly far away.

Horizon, RE7, and Last Guardian are all either this year or soon next year though, probably getting all three. Those and Spider-Man I'm excited for from this conference.

Don't really believe GoW can pull off becoming a story-based game, lol.
I want everything but RE7 and FFXV.

Seriously. Sony take all my money. Just all of it.

IDK when I was younger sony would have won me over but now I'm way more hyped for a game like Forza Horizon 3.

And I really don't like a lot of the settings of sonys games. The bend game is zzz.

I'm pumped for stuff like Mafia III and titanfall 2 though. Multiplatform games are what I'm pumped about
God of War, Spider-Man, Detroit, Death Stranding are were listed as "In Development" so they're reallllllly far away.

Horizon, RE7, and Last Guardian are all either this year or soon next year though, probably getting all three. Those and Spider-Man I'm excited for from this conference.

Don't really believe GoW can pull off becoming a story-based game, lol.

I know they're still doing mo-cap. I met someone who is doing acting in that. She was in new york for the entire school year and just is going back

IDK when I was younger sony would have won me over but now I'm way more hyped for a game like Forza Horizon 3.

And I really don't like a lot of the settings of sonys games. The bend game is zzz.

I'm pumped for stuff like Mafia III and titanfall 2 though. Multiplatform games are what I'm pumped about

My tastes in games have gotten odd lately. I used to play pretty much anything. I used to hate open world games. I'm now more picky, but pretty much what Sony showed is what I love. Would have preferred to see some indies though.

Binding of Issac is one of my favorite games of all time. I'm at like 300 hours, I think.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Found his reddit account


And the radio said, "No John. You are the idiots."

And then John was a BernieBro
My tastes in games have gotten odd lately. I used to play pretty much anything. I used to hate open world games. I'm now more picky, but pretty much what Sony showed is what I love. Would have preferred to see some indies though.

Binding of Issac is one of my favorite games of all time. I'm at like 300 hours, I think.

IDK what are my likes anymore. It like depends on what I'm feeling at the time


New York Times: Blaming Muslims After Attack, Donald Trump Tosses Pluralism Aside

Without distinguishing between mainstream Muslims and Islamist terrorists, Mr. Trump suggested that all Muslim immigrants posed potential threats to America’s security and called for a ban on migrants from any part of the world with “a proven history of terrorism” against the United States or its allies. He also insinuated that American Muslims were all but complicit in acts of domestic terrorism for failing to report attacks in advance, asserting without evidence that they had warnings of shootings like the one in Orlando.

Mr. Trump’s speech, delivered at St. Anselm College in Manchester, N.H., represented an extraordinary break from the longstanding rhetorical norms of American presidential nominees. But if his language more closely resembled a European nationalist’s than a mainstream Republican’s, he was wagering that voters are stirred more by their fears of Islamic terrorism than any concerns they may have about his flouting traditions of tolerance and respect for religious diversity.


Mr. Trump carefully read his remarks from a teleprompter and offered more detail than his stump speeches generally contain, but his speech was still rife with the sort of misstatements and exaggerations that have typified his campaign.

He repeatedly stretched the facts, for example, in describing the United States as overrun by dangerous migrants. He claimed the country has an “immigration system which does not permit us to know who we let into our country,” brushing aside the entire customs and immigration enforcement infrastructure. And he asserted that there was a “tremendous flow” of Syrian refugees, when just 2,805 of them were admitted into the country from October to May, fewer than one-third of the 10,000 Syrians President Obama said the United States would accept this fiscal year.


Mr. Trump’s remarks may come as an acute disappointment to Republican leaders in Washington who have spent the days since he claimed the party’s nomination pleading with him to button down his campaign, only to see him intensify its racial tenor.

It is enough to convince senior Republicans that talk of an eventual pivot is folly — that he is unwilling or incapable of being reined in.

“Everybody says, ‘Look, he’s so civilized, he eats with a knife and fork,’” said Mike Murphy, a former top adviser to Jeb Bush. “And then an hour later, he takes the fork and stabs somebody in the eye with it.”


Cross-posting my thoughts:

"So it is almost certainly confirmed that the killer was a self-hating gay man. That would help explain his unusual current supposed impetus of "seeing two gay men kissing" as in context being the moment that pushed this conflicted man into committing such a horrid massacre. The conflict between the hate clearly preached by his archaic father and his own inner feelings mixed with elements of Elliot Rodgers style loathing of those who wouldn't sleep with him seems to be the motive. I bet the father found out he was gay, and his abuse played a role in the development of this killer: explains why the father seems so fixated about defending his son's straightness moreso than anything else, casting his own son as a bloodthirsty monster (which in the end he was) rather than downplaying it just for the sake of saying his son was straight. Would also explain why the killer strangely pledged allegiance to Hezbollah AND ISIS despite the two groups being enemies: he was not a sleeper cell agent of ISIS, but a lone wolf for whom anti-gay propoganda finally twisted into a monster. I expect that a part if the killer's motive was a twisted "atonement" for being gay."

Now that evidence has piled up that the killer was gay and that self-hatred and contradiction between his own feelings and disgusting archaic homophobia was the true motive, I wonder what the GOP will say...
Cross-posting my thoughts:

"So it is almost certainly confirmed that the killer was a self-hating gay man. That would help explain his unusual current supposed impetus of "seeing two gay men kissing" as in context being the moment that pushed this conflicted man into committing such a horrid massacre. The conflict between the hate clearly preached by his archaic father and his own inner feelings mixed with elements of Elliot Rodgers style loathing of those who wouldn't sleep with him seems to be the motive. I bet the father found out he was gay, and his abuse played a role in the development of this killer: explains why the father seems so fixated about defending his son's straightness moreso than anything else, casting his own son as a bloodthirsty monster (which in the end he was) rather than downplaying it just for the sake of saying his son was straight. Would also explain why the killer strangely pledged allegiance to Hezbollah AND ISIS despite the two groups being enemies: he was not a sleeper cell agent of ISIS, but a lone wolf for whom anti-gay propoganda finally twisted into a monster. I expect that a part if the killer's motive was a twisted "atonement" for being gay."

Now that evidence has piled up that the killer was gay and that self-hatred and contradiction between his own feelings and disgusting archaic homophobia was the true motive, I wonder what the GOP will say...

Toxic masculinity and massive anger problems played a large role though.


Junior Member
Cross-posting my thoughts:

"So it is almost certainly confirmed that the killer was a self-hating gay man. That would help explain his unusual current supposed impetus of "seeing two gay men kissing" as in context being the moment that pushed this conflicted man into committing such a horrid massacre. The conflict between the hate clearly preached by his archaic father and his own inner feelings mixed with elements of Elliot Rodgers style loathing of those who wouldn't sleep with him seems to be the motive. I bet the father found out he was gay, and his abuse played a role in the development of this killer: explains why the father seems so fixated about defending his son's straightness moreso than anything else, casting his own son as a bloodthirsty monster (which in the end he was) rather than downplaying it just for the sake of saying his son was straight. Would also explain why the killer strangely pledged allegiance to Hezbollah AND ISIS despite the two groups being enemies: he was not a sleeper cell agent of ISIS, but a lone wolf for whom anti-gay propoganda finally twisted into a monster. I expect that a part if the killer's motive was a twisted "atonement" for being gay."

Now that evidence has piled up that the killer was gay and that self-hatred and contradiction between his own feelings and disgusting archaic homophobia was the true motive, I wonder what the GOP will say...

They will keep claiming that this is an ISIS operative. It plays to their narrative, they will call out the "Lame" Stream media as being lap dogs to King Emperor Hussein Obamas administrations message.


Toxic masculinity and massive anger problems played a large also though.

Yeah, that's what I was referencing with the Elliot Rodger's namedrop - I actually considered adding a bit about toxic masculinity, but I didn't want to accidentally derail too much considering the track record of parts of that thread. Definitely played a role in the killing.

They will keep claiming that this is an ISIS operative. It plays to their narrative, they will call out the "Lame" Stream media as being lap dogs to King Emperor Hussein Obamas administrations message.

Yeah, that's about what I expect too.


Guys. The plane ticket is easily $500, hotel and food is possibly $1000. That only leaves $8500 for hookers and cocaine. It's honestly a pretty good deal and I might pitch in.
Guys. The plane ticket is easily $500, hotel and food is possibly $1000. That only leaves $8500 for hookers and cocaine. It's honestly a pretty good deal and I might pitch in.

Bernie math. I forgot

Fam, I'm drinking store brand pop and a travel size bottle of vodka while watching this Bastille concert.

I question my taste level atm.


Cross-posting my thoughts:

"So it is almost certainly confirmed that the killer was a self-hating gay man. That would help explain his unusual current supposed impetus of "seeing two gay men kissing" as in context being the moment that pushed this conflicted man into committing such a horrid massacre. The conflict between the hate clearly preached by his archaic father and his own inner feelings mixed with elements of Elliot Rodgers style loathing of those who wouldn't sleep with him seems to be the motive. I bet the father found out he was gay, and his abuse played a role in the development of this killer: explains why the father seems so fixated about defending his son's straightness moreso than anything else, casting his own son as a bloodthirsty monster (which in the end he was) rather than downplaying it just for the sake of saying his son was straight. Would also explain why the killer strangely pledged allegiance to Hezbollah AND ISIS despite the two groups being enemies: he was not a sleeper cell agent of ISIS, but a lone wolf for whom anti-gay propoganda finally twisted into a monster. I expect that a part if the killer's motive was a twisted "atonement" for being gay."

Now that evidence has piled up that the killer was gay and that self-hatred and contradiction between his own feelings and disgusting archaic homophobia was the true motive, I wonder what the GOP will say...

I kind of had that idea that he was a self-hating gay man when they said about how he got angry about guys kissing... It seems more information is coming out to support that may be true...


Wow, I didn't know this was a thing - a bunch of Bernie delegates are trying to crowdfund their trip to the national convention.



I assume Clinton's delegates are generally more prepared and able to pay for it? Also, $10k seems like a lot for a trip to Philadelphia.

A bunch of delegates aren't gonna show up and the DNC is gonna get blamed huh?


Guys. The plane ticket is easily $500, hotel and food is possibly $1000. That only leaves $8500 for hookers and cocaine. It's honestly a pretty good deal and I might pitch in.

{*wags finger, Bernie-style*}
Cocaine is the drug of choice of the millionaires and billionaires; a Sanders delegate is probably going to want something a bit sticky-ickier..


95% of my meager gaming time is occupied by Zelda, Elder Scrolls, and Civ.. so tomorrow has me writhing in anticipation right now. I'll probably have to take benadryl to force myself down.
really though how much is it for a 4-day trip to philly?

About...uh six years ago, I spent 6 days in DC with my mom and we spent $1700 total. We stayed in Alexandria, though. I can't imagine spending $10,000 to go to the convention. The rest of them also seem on the high side, but maybe that's just me?


really though how much is it for a 4-day trip to philly?

I'm seeing tickets from ATL -> PHL for as low as $100 round trip, but realistically we'll say $200. Looks like about $400 for 4 nights in a hotel. Extra stuff like taxis, parking at the airport, etc, maybe $200. Food, maybe $200

So around $1000 sounds reasonable
Cross-posting my thoughts:

"So it is almost certainly confirmed that the killer was a self-hating gay man. That would help explain his unusual current supposed impetus of "seeing two gay men kissing" as in context being the moment that pushed this conflicted man into committing such a horrid massacre. The conflict between the hate clearly preached by his archaic father and his own inner feelings mixed with elements of Elliot Rodgers style loathing of those who wouldn't sleep with him seems to be the motive. I bet the father found out he was gay, and his abuse played a role in the development of this killer: explains why the father seems so fixated about defending his son's straightness moreso than anything else, casting his own son as a bloodthirsty monster (which in the end he was) rather than downplaying it just for the sake of saying his son was straight. Would also explain why the killer strangely pledged allegiance to Hezbollah AND ISIS despite the two groups being enemies: he was not a sleeper cell agent of ISIS, but a lone wolf for whom anti-gay propoganda finally twisted into a monster. I expect that a part if the killer's motive was a twisted "atonement" for being gay."

Now that evidence has piled up that the killer was gay and that self-hatred and contradiction between his own feelings and disgusting archaic homophobia was the true motive, I wonder what the GOP will say...

They like to blame mental disorders as a scapegoat. Not that most mentally unstable people are dangerous compared to angry young men who are sexually frustrated. Statistically they are a the most likely risk factor for everyones safety.

I saw some comments saying the shooter was Bipolar. If that is true I imagine the GOP will use it as a scapegoat to deflect away from guns.

USAToday had a article on it regarding the abuse against his exwife;

“In the beginning he was a normal being that cared about family, loved to joke, loved to have fun,” she said. “But then, a few months after we were married, I saw his instability and I saw that he was bipolar and he would get mad out of nowhere. That’s when I started worrying about my safety.”

Read this. All of you read this. Pure fire.

I’m angry that the one and only closest thing to a “safe space” gay people, and especially trans people, have ever had — one that was already imperfect, all too often fraught with internecine stratification based on attractiveness, on body type, on dick size, on sibilance, on gender expression, but one that is so often for so many if not always a welcoming environment, at least a more or less physical and mortal safe haven in a world that is all too regularly the opposite — has now been overtaken by an outsized danger that feels as beyond hope as it is beyond comprehension.

I am sick of listening to people actively seek to derail a presidential election out of spite, so that a megalomaniac who will make all of this infinitely worse will win, in order to prove points about minutiae instead of focusing on the big picture. I am sick of those people refusing to acknowledge that that is how we ended up with George W. Bush, and I am sick of that because that is partly how we ended up here today, in this aftermath.
Did she really say "someone being investigated by the FBI shouldn't be able to ____"

Because that seems like a very big oversight for her to say. That's like instant GOP fuel.

No, she said "if the FBI is investigating you for suspected terrorist activity, you shouldn't be able to buy a gun no questions asked"


95% of my meager gaming time is occupied by Zelda, Elder Scrolls, and Civ.. so tomorrow has me writhing in anticipation right now. I'll probably have to take benadryl to force myself down.

I basically only play Binding of Isaac since I burned out on WoW for the time being. Also a Zelda fiend so yea tomorrow is the big day for E3 stuff.
The gun dealer who sold the weapons sounds like a lovely person

The New York Daily News reported that the store's owner, Ed Henson, an ex-NYPD officer, had posted on Facebook in December a meme that said, "F--- Islam, F--- Allah. F--- Muhammad. F--- the Koran. F--- people who support terrorism,” as well as a comment in November calling for Obama to be "handcuffed, removed from Office and charged with Treason and then publicly executed!"
I basically only play Binding of Isaac since I burned out on WoW for the time being. Also a Zelda fiend so yea tomorrow is the big day for E3 stuff.

I beat Ultra Greed with Azazel the other night! So proud of myself lol



Me: Ugh, Trump is such a fascist.
Mom: Not as much as Christie is.
Me: No, I think Trump's definitely more of a fascist than Christie.
Mom: Are you kidding? Haven't you fucking seen him?
Me: Wait. What do you think I'm saying?
Mom: That Trump is a fat ass.
Me: Fascist. He's a fascist.
Mom: Oh, okay.


I beat Ultra Greed with Azazel the other night! So proud of myself lol

Grats! Lilith time! :D

She's fun in Greed Mode because the trash waves recharge her Box of Friends so you can duplicate her pets like 4x per floor and just wreck bosses. Combine that with some good battery recharge abilities and Ultra Greed can get destroyed.

FYI for the Greed Donation Machine at the end... the little % on the HUD tells you the coin jam chance. It goes up per character as you donate more, so if you are going for Keeper just spread the love around and do Greed Mode with a few different characters

Keeper is a nightmare though. He haunts my dreams. I die so much

Adam and his mom debating who is the FUPA king


A week or so ago i saw a link somewhere to a scatter plot with groups of ethnic groups, their education level, and how they voted. I can't remember where I saw it though and my google searching is failing me. I believe it was by Nate Cohn maybe? You could hover over a point and see "white female, alabama, masters degree" and how that block voted on a scale of repub to dem. Anyone have a link to that? Am I not remember that correctly?


A week or so ago i saw a link somewhere to a scatter plot with groups of ethnic groups, their education level, and how they voted. I can't remember where I saw it though and my google searching is failing me. I believe it was by Nate Cohn maybe? You could hover over a point and see "white female, alabama, masters degree" and how that block voted on a scale of repub to dem. Anyone have a link to that? Am I not remember that correctly?



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