User 463088
Since this E3 (outside Sony and Watch_Dogs 2) has been depressing...I decided to work through my back log.
: looks at my PS3 backlog :
63 games I've never played, but I own.
: looks at my PS4 backlog :
14 games I've never played, but I own.
: looks at my Wii U backlog :
LOLOLOL. I don't have a Wii U log, let alone backlog.
I think I'll be done by election day.
These really are some of the older candidates we've ever had. Of course, the orange formaldehyde Trump soaks himself in means he'll live forever.
: looks at my PS3 backlog :
63 games I've never played, but I own.
: looks at my PS4 backlog :
14 games I've never played, but I own.
: looks at my Wii U backlog :
LOLOLOL. I don't have a Wii U log, let alone backlog.
I think I'll be done by election day.
I feel like Trump turning 70 today is going to surprise some people.
These really are some of the older candidates we've ever had. Of course, the orange formaldehyde Trump soaks himself in means he'll live forever.