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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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Since this E3 (outside Sony and Watch_Dogs 2) has been depressing...I decided to work through my back log.

: looks at my PS3 backlog :

63 games I've never played, but I own.

: looks at my PS4 backlog :

14 games I've never played, but I own.

: looks at my Wii U backlog :

LOLOLOL. I don't have a Wii U log, let alone backlog. :(

I think I'll be done by election day.

I feel like Trump turning 70 today is going to surprise some people.

These really are some of the older candidates we've ever had. Of course, the orange formaldehyde Trump soaks himself in means he'll live forever.


Wub wub wub

During the MS conference you could see Tabata's face show concern with the audience wondering wtf they were watching.
Square Enix's marketing team was so busy patting themselves on the back for Uncovered that they forgot to do anything properly for E3. Sad!


Square Enix's marketing team was so busy patting themselves on the back for Uncovered that they forgot to do anything properly for E3. Sad!

I think FFXV is going to suck. I'm bracing myself. It looks so rough and unfinished and there's only 3-4 months left. Makes me wonder if they will need to delay it.

Sony conference was amazing. One of the best ever. Really set a new bar that was desperately needed. Other companies should learn from it.
So does Bernie drop out tonight, or does he wait a few days?

He meets with Hillary today/tonight, right? Or is that tomorrow? He doesn't drop today, in any case. I'd give my right arm if he was non-viable. He won't be...but man it would be perfect.

If anyone is still tracking California, she's holding a 476k vote lead.
Bernie's weak stances on gun control automatically disqualifies him from making any demands on Hillary

I wish she had hit him way, way harder on this even though it wasn't necessary.

Bernie screamed how corporations were bad and terrible. Except the gun industry, supposedly, because of reasons. And we have to dream big. Do big. Be big. Except, again when it comes ot guns. Then we have to be pragmatic. And we can yell about the rigged : insert anything you want here : but we must not yell about guns...also because reasons. And don't even get me started on his PLCAA stance.

Influence of the events of the past week is evident in the most recent NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll, which shows Clinton leading Trump by 7 points, 49 percent to 42 percent. The poll was conducted online June 6 through June 12 among 9,355 adults who say they are registered to vote.

The four-way horserace question — in addition to asking about Clinton and Trump — also listed Gary Johnson (the Libertarian candidate) and Jill Stein (the Green Party candidate) as additional third party options. The results from this question also show Clinton gaining on Trump. She now enjoys 42 percent support; Trump has 38 percent, Johnson has 9 percent support and Stein has 5 percent. Support for Johnson and Stein remained consistent from last week's results — but Clinton now leads Trump by 4 points. In last week's four-way horserace results, Clinton trailed Trump by a single point — 39 percent to 40 percent.

Unsure if this one has been posted yet.


How Gun Laws Change After Mass Shootings [NY Times]
In states where a mass shooting happened, 15 percent more gun-related bills were introduced in state legislatures, three Harvard Business School professors found in a working paper published last month. But in states with legislatures that were led by Democrats or divided between the parties, a mass shooting wasn’t followed by any statistically significant increase in gun laws enacted.

It was different in states with Republican-controlled legislatures. After a mass shooting, the number of laws passed to loosen gun restrictions rose by 75 percent. In other words, in places where mass shootings lead to any legislative changes at all, it tends to be in the direction of guns becoming more easily available, like lowering the minimum age to buy a handgun to 18 from 21 or eliminating a waiting period for a gun purchase.
I don't know what to say.
I mean it makes sense in the same way gun sales spike after a mass shooting. The legislatures just seem to reflect their constituents. I have no doubt that many politicians would be in favor of very soft measures if their constituents weren't insane and the NRA weren't willing to destroy them.
How Gun Laws Change After Mass Shootings [NY Times]

I don't know what to say.

This has been the trend. Sadly.

The fact that loosening gun restrictions hasn't made any improvement is a key part of my argument for why we need to try something different and tighten it with constitutional restrictions that can withstand legal challenges such as the slate of laws Obama proposed with his common sense gun control.

That bill didn't overreach. I believe it would have withstood constitutional challenges and I think it would have helped reduce mass shootings, and reduce the lethality of the mass shootings that still occur.

We can still get it done. We should not stop campaigning for this. Let your senators know (fortunately my Elizabeth Warren is one of our Senators here in MA and she's a leader on this issue).
A tie in Utah, of all places...

He's so toast.

He'll make up for it in NY and California.

This has been the trend. Sadly.

The fact that loosening gun restrictions hasn't made any improvement is a key part of my argument for why we need to try something different and tighten it with constitutional restrictions that can withstand legal challenges such as the slate of laws Obama proposed with his common sense gun control.

That bill didn't over reach. I believe it would have withstood constitutional challenges and I think it would have helped reduce mass shootings, and reduce the lethality of the mass shootings that still occur.

We can still get it done. We should not stop campaigning for this. Let your senators know (fortunately my Elizabeth Warren is one of our Senators here in MA and she's a leader on this issue).

One thing I always hear about from conservatives is that there has been a drastic increase in the # of guns in the US and murder/violence has gone down since the 90's. My argument is normally that there are other factors involved in the reduction of murder. Mainly less gang violence (though that is still a problem) and an increase in technology for the general public and police that makes it hard to get away with violent crimes. Is there any other good rebuttal against this argument?
One thing I always hear about from conservatives is that there has been a drastic increase in the # of guns in the US and murder/violence has gone down since the 90's. My argument is normally that there are other factors involved in the reduction of murder. Mainly less gang violence (though that is still a problem) and an increase in technology for the general public and police that makes it hard to get away with violent crimes. Is there any other good rebuttal against this argument?

Absolutely. Gun numbers are a misleading statistics (something you need to remember when trying to argue that number of guns in America compared to other countries means something).

More people aren't buying guns. Gun owners are buying more guns. The number of *households* with guns in them has been going down.


So that's the rebuttal. So that one guy now has 8 guns instead of 1. How does him having more guns than he can carry make America safer? It doesn't.

I don't mind if he wants to have a whole housefull of guns, with guns on every wall, etc. But you can't argue that him increasing his collection better allows him to stop violent crime.

So clearly the decline in violent crime comes from elsewhere. There are fewer gun owners. The increase in gun sales is fully attributable to people buying bigger and bigger collections of weapons, not to more people buying weapons.

Them are the facts.
Absolutely. Gun numbers are a misleading statistics (something you need to remember when trying to argue that number of guns in America compared to other countries means something).

More people aren't buying guns. Gun owners are buying more guns. The number of *households* with guns in them has been going down.


So that's the rebuttal. So that one guy now has 8 guns instead of 1. How does him having more guns than he can carry make America safer? It doesn't.

I don't mind if he wants to have a whole housefull of guns, with guns on every wall, etc. But you can't argue that him increasing his collection better allows him to stop violent crime.

So clearly the decline in violent crime comes from elsewhere. There are fewer gun owners. The increase in gun sales is fully attributable to people buying bigger and bigger collections of weapons, not to more people buying weapons.

Them are the facts.

Thanks this is exactly what I needed.

Not the only one.

E3 Zelda overshadows all else.

Today we could get Zelda and Bernie dropping out. That has to be a Top 3 day in the entire history of the world.
I have a stupid conference call this morning. Ugh. I'm praying I'm done in time!

I normally take this whole week off, but I'm tapped out for time off until the end of the month, so I've just brushed aside any and all hopes of catching this stuff during the day. I can't afford to be distracted or annoyed about having to stop watching something like that at work right now. So I'll catch up tonight. I love Zelda, but I'm not expecting too much information or excitement today given the game is still a good ways away and I'll probably be wanting to play the NX version.

I'd be shocked if they showed that.

MaryAlice Parks ‏@maryaliceparks 2m2 minutes ago

And there it is.

Live stream?

He's pulling out on Thursday then. If he was going to keep fighting on, he'd be in front of a big crowd.
MaryAlice Parks ‏@maryaliceparks 2m2 minutes ago

And there it is.

If this is him dropping out, I knew he wouldn't do it live in front of people. I doubt there's a crowd there. Probably just him and the camera. Hopefully, he'll say he spoke to Hillary and she agreed to fight for "his" agenda.

I normally take this whole week off, but I'm tapped out for time off until the end of the month, so I've just brushed aside any and all hopes of catching this stuff during the day. I can't afford to be distracted or annoyed about having to stop watching something like that at work right now. So I'll catch up tonight. I love Zelda, but I'm not expecting too much information or excitement today given the game is still a good ways away and I'll probably be wanting to play the NX version.

I'd be shocked if they showed that.

Live stream?

He's pulling out on Thursday then. If he was going to keep fighting on, he'd be in front of a big crowd.

I'm hopeful they show some decent stuff. It's basically all they have. A little bit of Pokemon, and then Zelda. I'd have called off, but I'm trying to make a final decision about work/career/future...ugh. Stupid decisions. IF someone would just live my life and make all of my decisions for me, I'd be happy.
If this is him dropping out, I knew he wouldn't do it live in front of people. I doubt there's a crowd there. Probably just him and the camera. Hopefully, he'll say he spoke to Hillary and she agreed to fight for "his" agenda.

I'm hopeful they show some decent stuff. It's basically all they have. A little bit of Pokemon, and then Zelda. I'd have called off, but I'm trying to make a final decision about work/career/future...ugh. Stupid decisions. IF someone would just live my life and make all of my decisions for me, I'd be happy.

My current work situation is awkward. We've got a disgruntled team member who I'm supposed to be learning the ropes from, who in the past month or so has been hospitalized with complaints of chest pains twice and suspended twice. He's currently on that second suspension so I have to be completely on point to demonstrate to everyone that the rest of our team can still provide them with more than adequate IT support, and to also help show admin that should he quit or should they want to fire him, that we've got this.

So I need to be focused and on task right now, ready to drop anything should my phone ring.


Glad I took this week off. Today is for E3, tomorrow through Sunday is for an Ocarina of Time playthrough. Looks like I'll be pausing on Thursday for a moment..


Chris Christie may be trying to transition to Sports Radio talk host.

He's been hosting a sports radio show a ton recently.
My current work situation is awkward. We've got a disgruntled team member who I'm supposed to be learning the ropes from, who in the past month or so has been hospitalized with complaints of chest pains twice and suspended twice. He's currently on that second suspension so I have to be completely on point to demonstrate to everyone that the rest of our team can still provide them with more than adequate IT support, and to also help show admin that should he quit or should they want to fire him, that we've got this.

So I need to be focused and on task right now, ready to drop anything should my phone ring.

I feel you. I was working full time, but I also have been working for myself too. (Two part time things, basically.) I quit the full time job because it was just terrible....just awful. Plus, I just started my Masters....and not sure what I'm doing at the moment. :p I'm a mess.
No crowd. No boos at the mention of Clinton.

I believe I said it in chat last Tuesday, he's not going to withdraw in front of a crowd of his most loyal supporters and I absolutely don't blame him. Would you want to?

This is almost certainly him pulling out. If he was going to stay in, it'd be a rally. Thursday it is. Since the chat with Obama last week, I've been expecting a concession right around then. Not tonight after Clinton's DC win, but a day or two after.

great. I can make my Bernie Sanders thread on Thursday.

Thursday the 14th of June, 2016. The date that #BernieorBust will become less a fan of Sanders than PoliGAF.
Can't imagine how mental Trump will go when he loses big.

At this rate, it's going to be a bigger loss than Romney.

Oh the salt.
Will he? I'm more apt to believe he'll either question the validity of results/refuse to concede or make excuses. "We're hearing about lots of immigrants voting, we don't know where they're coming from, I don't know. Some are saying they are not registered, I don't know. But we're winning in [insert some red states]. And votes are still being counted in California, I don't know why it was called early by the media. Seems very unfair and could, I think, have an influence on the results, who knows."

I have a hard time believing he'll walk out and say we ran a good campaign but Hillary won, I called to congratulate her etc etc.
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