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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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This new stuff coming out about the shooter doing what he did out of self hate and the pressures of society on a gay (bi?) man in a religious family really makes Trump's speech and refusal to believe it was anything less than a direct Islamic Terrorist attack directly from ISIS to look pretty ridiculous.

The story got a lot more complicated and Trump's knee jerk reaction is looking dumber and dumber.
This new stuff coming out about the shooter doing what he did out of self hate and the pressures of society on a gay (bi?) man in a religious family really makes Trump's speech and refusal to believe it was anything less than a direct Islamic Terrorist attack directly from ISIS to look pretty ridiculous.

The story got a lot more complicated and Trump's knee jerk reaction is looking dumber and dumber.

The cries for Obama to pin down the motivations of the killer when we hadn't even identified the names of all the dead were tone deaf and tactless.

I don't want a president that rushes to condemn anyone before all the facts have come in, even if it's fairly apparent to everyone else the true group or motivation or whatever. The leader of a country like America should be waiting for the facts before potentially upsetting foreign groups or foreign powers.


Actually, Russian state media are the ones that host the Green Party debates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1N0D6Em6P_8

I'd have more respect for them if they held them in Burger King bathrooms.
Humpty once got busy in one.
This new stuff coming out about the shooter doing what he did out of self hate and the pressures of society on a gay (bi?) man in a religious family really makes Trump's speech and refusal to believe it was anything less than a direct Islamic Terrorist attack directly from ISIS to look pretty ridiculous.

The story got a lot more complicated and Trump's knee jerk reaction is looking dumber and dumber.

Shame it is hard to get the facts out there after everyone rushed to push hearsay and rumors.
A) The thread got a lot better quickly; the last post I saw when I opened it was the "All Sanders supporters are dumb" post before I posted (well, I saw that post, then had to go off and do a few things, and then posted in PoliGAF without checking back on the thread). Hence my frustration at the thread - it felt more like a "bash Sanders and his supporters" thread rather than any kind of actual discussion. The military part comes in because it's a very obvious counter-argument to the "BernieOrBust people all have more privilege" than me. Just like Sanders' policy weaknesses would disproportionately hurt minorities over whites, Clinton's policy weaknesses disproportionately hurt enlisted folks (who are predominantly poor and minority). The fact that folks were arguing with a straight face that the first was unacceptable but ignoring / unwaware of the second...is like a blind spot some Sanders supporters have of racial minority issues. The hypocrisy of the argument at the time bugged me.

B) Overall I pretty much agree with you (in my case, hispanic culture / experience is the one I'm really lacking, since I've had very little experience on that front). In that thread at the time, and as often in identity threads on Main OT GAF (and other places), I think it turns not into discussions about gaining perspective and sharing experiences but using their identity as a club to beat people over the head with and try to show how virtuous they are. I enjoy actual discussions, but in the OT threads that I see that are tied to identity politics, in my experience, tend to have a lot of folks using social justice as a cudgel for being an asshole and it being "OK". (The Trump thread where folks were justifying actual fucking terrorism because they were minorities might have done it for me).

"Identity politics", like "SJW", are terms that are like tools. How they are used and what they stand for is very much based on the wielder and the observer. (I say this as what might be called a SJW myself, but more of a SJ Cleric, because NO ONE EVER WANTS TO BE THE FUCKING HEALER). Do people use SJW as a pejorative to be an asshole to someone? Absolutely. Are there fanatics (especially online) who go way too fucking far and deserve the pejorative usage of that term? Absolutely.

Or, in longer, better terms, what I try to work on myself (the ending is what makes it all spot-on)


Anyway, sent you a PM if you wanted to keep discussing and not derail the thread further. :D

I'm super late to respond to this, but it was a good read. Thanks for posting it.


This new stuff coming out about the shooter doing what he did out of self hate and the pressures of society on a gay (bi?) man in a religious family really makes Trump's speech and refusal to believe it was anything less than a direct Islamic Terrorist attack directly from ISIS to look pretty ridiculous.

The story got a lot more complicated and Trump's knee jerk reaction is looking dumber and dumber.

He does this every single time, just like with the downed plane, which they still haven't determined the cause of. Hillary has called him a loose cannon and she should continue to do so.

This doesn't exactly speak to your question, like I guess if you really wanted to you could make an argument that gun quantity is not necessarily related to gun bans, but I find the evidence pretty compelling.
No, I absolutely concur that gun crimes go down after gun bans, but what I've seen is that the murder rate tends to remain mostly level (and usually goes up for a little bit). I have also seen the argument that Europe has just had a downward trend in murders in general for a variety of reasons and that comparing those countries to us is hopeless if you only ever look at one measure.


Can Bernie Sanders Boost This Congressional Candidate To Victory? [NPR]
The reach of Bernie Sanders's political influence will be tested Tuesday in a Nevada congressional race.

Lucy Flores was among the presidential candidate's first endorsements earlier this year, and his blessing and subsequent fundraising plea helped the former state legislator raise over $600,000 for her competitive Democratic primary.

Now she's facing off against two rivals who both have support from swaths of the Democratic establishment. And she's hoping the progressive energy she's worked to create can boost her in the close race for the right to challenge freshman Rep. Crescent Hardy, one of the most vulnerable Republicans in the country.

Flores's main competitors in the Democratic primary in Nevada's 4th District have their own big boosters. State Senate Minority Whip Ruben Kihuen has the backing of Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and former President Bill Clinton, while Nevada education leader Susie Lee has been endorsed by EMILY's List, the influential Democratic group that backs pro-abortion rights women.
I've seen three different people post the same joke they cribbed from Keeping It 1600 in three different places this week. I think I need to widen my bubble a bit if I'm getting this much of a feedback loop. I need to find some conservative podcasts or something.


Gingrich going hard for that VP spot:

“We originally created the House Un-American Activities Committee to go after Nazis. We passed several laws in 1938 and 1939 to go after Nazis and we made it illegal to help the Nazis. We're going to presently have to go take the similar steps here,” Gingrich said in a Monday appearance on “Fox and Friends.”

No, I absolutely concur that gun crimes go down after gun bans, but what I've seen is that the murder rate tends to remain mostly level (and usually goes up for a little bit). I have also seen the argument that Europe has just had a downward trend in murders in general for a variety of reasons and that comparing those countries to us is hopeless if you only ever look at one measure.

Just to reiterate, stuff like this chart is misleading. 'Guns per 100,000 people' is a misleading stat that people use on both sides of this issue. Like I said earlier this morning, the number of gun owners in America has measurably decreased over the last 40 years and seems to be continuing to trend downwards.

I don't think a graph like this based on *gun owners* would look too different, but obviously I can't have it both ways.


Is it just me or do Americans not realise how utterly horrifying the phrase 'un-American activities' is? All it does is bring to mind 1984 and fascism.

Mind you, I also find the word 'homeland' inherently creep. Possibly too much Babylon 5 when growing up is responsible for that one...



Dragons are real and Sam Bee is one. God damn.

I'm calling my shitty Republican Senators today

It really bugs me that "accused rapist and fugitive from justice" is not more prominent in articles about Assange.

I remember defending the guy because the circumstances of his accusations seems shaky, but it does seem like he's a massive shitheel so I really have no reason to give him the benefit of the doubt about anything.
Newt went full facist. Dude really wants to be VP.

Maybe and, you know, this is completely just off the top of my head here....

We could have some kind of place where we put people we don't like? Just..nothing permanent. But, just intern them for a while in some kind of...camp or something? I feel like this might work. Maybe we could even build a wall or something around them? Not sure on that last thing..../s


Totally unrelated but Netflix added Bob Ross. OMG. BOB FUCKING ROSS.

Apparently Julian Assange is going to release more Clinton emails.
However, as the article points out, Julian has an unnatural hate of Hillary (Like claiming Google is conspiring with Clinton, without a single bit of evidence), so who knows what is actually in them.
He had nothing. He probably has some of the emails guciffer (Romanian hacker) had. Nothing the FBI doesn't. Probably will selectively quote or will use some other persons email as a smear on Clinton.
Utah General Election:

Clinton 35% (Tie)
Trump 35%
Johnson 13%


I hate to agree with Benchmark, but this is something that we keep seeing so I would now classily Utah as a state we need to lump in with GA and AZ. Ultimately, I bet Trump wins Utah, but this is bad news for the GOP in Arizona and Nevada, states that also have decently sized Mormon populations.


If Clinton is really only down 9% among whites, no matter what the topline in the poll says, it would be a big Clinton victory.
Just to reiterate, stuff like this chart is misleading. 'Guns per 100,000 people' is a misleading stat that people use on both sides of this issue. Like I said earlier this morning, the number of gun owners in America has measurably decreased over the last 40 years and seems to be continuing to trend downwards.

I don't think a graph like this based on *gun owners* would look too different, but obviously I can't have it both ways.
No, I don't think it's misleading. I think the number of civilian guns in a country is probably directly correlated to gun ownership, and probably more important than gun ownership in determining correlation to crimes used by gun owners (since there are so many illegally held weapons and gun crimes occur from people who shouldn't have them like minors).
I hate to agree with Benchmark, but this is something that we keep seeing so I would now classily Utah as a state we need to lump in with GA and AZ. Ultimately, I bet Trump wins Utah, but this is bad news for the GOP in Arizona and Nevada, states that also have decently sized Mormon populations.

I imagine Utah is a fairly cheap media market? Makes sense, but I could be wrong. I'd throw a bit of cash there. At the very least, maybe you make him spend some time there...if he's that smart to know he's fucked. Hell, I'd get a PAC to throw money behind someone else like Johnson. I know he's not a good fit, but if people won't vote for her, we can at least get them to not vote for Trump.
Rove doesn't like Trump, does he? I get the feeling he's way more old guard. Let's not count our chickens before they commit vote fraud, though.


Five days for an Ocarina of Time playthrough? You can 100% that game in like a day.

I take my sweet, sweet time. It usually takes me a day to get to the Temple of Time, and then another day or two to finish. Also depends on other things going-on (I have a niece's dance recital one night, a dog who doubles as my shadow, etc).

But then where would he fit in being on GAF for most of the day
Usually my job allows me to linger about, thank goodness.. :p
Good on Bernie's part to do it in video form. (If that's what this is)

I feel if he dropped out in front of a live crowd I would genuinely fear for his life knowing the kind of screwballs have come to support him.
I've never beaten ocarina of time.. I think I'm a bad person.

Plz ban.

Although, I played the Legend of Zelda series in a weird order.

The order in which I beat the games:

Twilight Princess
The two DS Games
Link's Awakening
Oracle Games
Ocarina of Time
Skyward Sword
Link Between Worlds

Never beaten Link to the Past

It takes 5 minutes to beat. Also play Majora's Mask. It's the best Zelda game! Don't debate me on this.

Majoras Mask is shit. Skyward Sword is the best Zelda.

Good on Bernie's part to do it in video form. (If that's what this is)

I feel if he dropped out in front of a live crowd I would genuinely fear for his life knowing the kind of screwballs have come to support him.

I'm sure the argument could be made that he deserves in some part to face that kind of threat to his person, seeing the extent that he went SCORCHED EARTH on the DNC and Hillary, and in turn played a part in escalating the rhetoric.
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