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Who gives a shit about the phrasing? Obama's speech is literally about how everybody waffling around about what phrase we use to talk should shut the hell up because it totally doesn't matter. That applies to people on every side of the aisle!

Yeah, it's such a minor fucking point to complain about, from everyone. It doesn't matter. I think Hillary is just (rightly) frustrated that instead of people talking about various policy proposals for domestic and foreign safety, we're debating what the fuck we call these attacks. Pointless.


Sanders now negotiating from a position of rapidly increasing weakness for:

@aseitzwald said:
1) New ldrshp of DNC
2) Most progressive platform in history
3) Open primaries, same-day reg
4) End super dels

Better get those demands in now, rather than later tonight after he gets blown out by 80 points.


I wouldn't worry about Sanders or the meeting tonight. When she was SoS, Clinton often had the stroke the egos of stubborn men who think too highly of themselves to get what she wants.


So DNC hacked. There's at least two more weeks of articles about how Hillary is unfit and can't handle the security of our country.
Sanders now negotiating from a position of rapidly increasing weakness for:

Better get those demands in now, rather than later tonight after he gets blown out by 80 points.

Cohn in the midst of a mini-tweetstorm about this, as well:


Some thoughts on Sanders's reform proposal, as reported by @Yamiche:
The Dems don't have much control over same day registration. Voter registration laws are set by the state, not the DNC.
Super Delegates are interesting. They have big benefits in a few relatively unlikely scenarios. But they've created perception of elite ctrl


Sanders now negotiating from a position of rapidly increasing weakness for:

Better get those demands in now, rather than later tonight after he gets blown out by 80 points.

Pfft, position of weakness? You'll regret those words after Bernie flips California when the vote counting is finished! Once he pulls that off, the superdelegates are going to switch to Bernie en masse.



Where do you live?

Has Trump given any examples of how Obama has prioritized our enemies over Americans? Mostly he just says shit and expects people to just believe it.

Pennsylvania. This is a fairly diverse area, but that doesn't stop the bigotry towards Muslims I've been trying to bat down recently. The last couple of days have been a weird agglomeration of conspiracy theories, gun rights, and terrorism, and how Obama Is Blaming America.


Isn't it universally agreed on that the rape accusations (having sex with two women without a condom) are a tool to extradite him. I don't believe he has actually been charged or that most people think that there is any real levy to these accusations.

I agree that society is full of misogynists who seek to excuse and deflect accusations of sexual abuse, but I don't find that to be a compelling argument.

Since the justice process has not been allowed to be carried out, because Assange has spent literally years fleeing from it, it seems awfully convenient to conclude that the accusations are without basis based primarily on the testimony and argument of the person who is accused.

If there is no truth to the accusations than Assange should probably just turn himself in, no? After all, before they came out he was moving freely in Sweden and planning to live there permanently (before his application was rejected). Why would he be afraid of being extradited to Sweden if he wanted to live there?

I think that this is another one of those situations where people who are invested in Assange being a good person have worked hard to come up with justifications to explain his continually bizarre behavior in response to allegations he claims are nonsensical and to attack and discount the people making the accusations. This pattern repeats itself over and over with only minor variations whenever a celebrity or public figure is accused of a sex crime, regardless of how often the target turns out to actually be guilty.


I swear, I gotta start deleting some asses on Facebook. My favorite logic bomb lately: "Hussein Obama says he's not sure if the Orlando shooter was with ISIS. He said he was, ISIS said he was! What more does he need?!?"

A little skepticism is healthy, but when you inherently distrust your president so much that you'll take the word of terrorists over his, you done goofed.

I've also learned that if Obama would only use the phrase RADICAL ISLAM TERRARIST every terrorists across the globe would immediately drop dead. My last nerve is being WORKED.


I swear, I gotta start deleting some asses on Facebook. My favorite logic bomb lately: "Hussein Obama says he's not sure if the Orlando shooter was with ISIS. He said he was, ISIS said he was! What more does he need?!?"

A little skepticism is healthy, but when you inherently distrust your president so much that you'll take the word of terrorists over his, you done goofed.

I've also learned that if Obama would only use the phrase RADICAL ISLAM TERRARIST every terrorists across the globe would immediately drop dead. My last nerve is being WORKED.

It's becoming more doubtful he was an ISIS supporter.


Pfft, position of weakness? You'll regret those words after Bernie flips California when the vote counting is finished! Once he pulls that off, the superdelegates are going to switch to Bernie en masse.
Sanders about to flip the non-existent Santa Monica county!!
Also, Glenn Greenwald is super wrong. The 2008 Dem platform was neutral/in tacit support of marriage equality:


We support the full inclusion of all families, including same-sex couples, in the life of our nation, and support equal responsibility, benefits, and protections. We will enact a comprehensive bipartisan employment non-discrimination act. We oppose the Defense of Marriage Act and all attempts to use this issue to divide us.

Being against marriage equality was not a "vehement position".
I agree that society is full of misogynists who seek to excuse and deflect accusations of sexual abuse, but I don't find that to be a compelling argument.

Since the justice process has not been allowed to be carried out, because Assange has spent literally years fleeing from it, it seems awfully convenient to conclude that the accusations are without basis based primarily on the testimony and argument of the person who is accused.

If there is no truth to the accusations than Assange should probably just turn himself in, no? After all, before they came out he was moving freely in Sweden and planning to live there permanently (before his application was rejected). Why would he be afraid of being extradited to Sweden if he wanted to live there?

I think that this is another one of those situations where people who are invested in Assange being a good person have worked hard to come up with justifications to explain his continually bizarre behavior in response to allegations he claims are nonsensical and to attack and discount the people making the accusations. This pattern repeats itself over and over with only minor variations whenever a celebrity or public figure is accused of a sex crime, regardless of how often the target turns out to actually be guilty.

But you forgot those extraditions are just so the US 5 years later can ship him off to a blacksite!
but who was bear

Hillary's lead is down to only 476,597 votes!

Wait, that's more than it was?

Well for fucks sakes why didn't someone tell people who supported Bern...


Were they clear about it?

*sigh* Well I guess they've realized by now that the flip isn't going to happen.

They haven't?

Surprised he didn't demand caucuses everywhere.

I'm not against open primaries everywhere.

Clinton would still have won handily ;)

Getting rid of caucuses and in return opening up more races... I think it's a net win. Caucuses are awful and allow a candidate like Bernie Sanders to look much more popular than they are thanks to how active their supporters are.

I don't think we want to encourage people to be as... supportive I guess is a kind word... of a politician.
I'm not against open primaries everywhere.

Clinton would still have won handily ;)

Getting rid of caucuses and in return opening up more races... I think it's a net win. Caucuses are awful and allow a candidate like Bernie Sanders to look much more popular than they are thanks to how active their supporters are.

I don't think we want to encourage people to be as... supportive I guess is a kind word... of a politician.
I'm ok with open primaries.

I'd really be ok with condensing the primary schedule. Stretching this out from the beginning of February to the middle of fucking June made Sanders supporters extremely desperate, delusional and insufferable.

campfireweekend said:
I don't understand people who dont think skyward sword is the best Zelda.
Another for the "Skyward Sword was the best one" camp here.


Maybe only tangentially related, but if you're a Christian or interested in a different Christian voice on some of these issues going around, check out Jen Hatmaker on facebook. She's a Christian author/blogger from Austin, TX. She posted about the Christian response to the Orlando tragedy today:


I've been listening to my gay friends and leaders the last two days (Listening! It's so 1991), and this is what I am hearing:

It is very difficult to accept the Christian lament for LGBTQ folks in their deaths when we've done such a brutal job of honoring them in their lives. It kind of feels like:

"We don't like you, we don't support you, we think you are a mess, we don't agree with you, we don't welcome you, we don't approve of you, we don't listen to you, we don't affirm you. But please accept our comfort and kind words this week."

Anti-LGBTQ sentiment has paved a long runway to hate crimes. When the gay community is denied civil liberties and respect and dignity, when we make gay jokes, when we say 'that's so gay', when we turn our noses up or down, when we qualify every solitary statement of love with a caveat of disapproval, when we consistently disavow everything about the LGBTQ community, we create a culture ripe for hate. We are complicit.

We cannot with any integrity honor in death those we failed to honor in life.

Can you see why the Christian outpouring of compassion toward Orlando feels so disingenuous? It seems like the only harm toward the LGBTQ community that will overcome Christian disapproval is a mass murder. We grieve not publicly for your dehumanization, suicide rates (individual deaths have failed to move us), excommunications, denial of liberties, hate crimes against you, religious exclusion, constant shame beatdown.

Christian love has yet to outpace Christian disdain.

Definitely something to think about for the Christians in the "How dare they blame us?" camp.


Open primaries AND same-day registration as a demand? Aside from the latter not being in the control of the DNC, if someone wants to vote in the Dem primary, but can't bring it upon themselves to register as an actual the Dem the actual day of the vote, then they have no business voting in it . . . PERIOD. This is a party function, get out of here with that nonsense.

Get rid of Superdelegates? After the shitshow that is the GOP candidate this year? Again, F off with that demand too.

You lost by nearly 4 million votes and hundreds of pledged delegates, count yourself lucky if you get to speak at the damn convention you freeloader that only became a Dem because it was the only way you'd get the national attention your narcissistic ass craves.


I should play Skyward Sword again. It's hard to go back to SD though and I don't have a powerful enough system to play it in Dolphin.

*plus, inevitable NX rerelease/uprez


Watching off to college week on who wants to be a millionare and hearing all these kids achievements makes me hate myself that much more lol


Christie: Orlando attack should prompt overseas military response

Gov. Chris Christie on Tuesday described his "outrage" over the weekend massacre in Orlando and said the largest mass shooting in U.S. history should prompt an overseas military response.

Christie, speaking on WFAN sports radio, said "radical Islamic terrorists are out to kill us," when asked to respond to the Orlando shooting at a gay nightclub that left 49 people dead. The governor said it should spark a military response.

"You've got to get over there and make them pay where they live," Christie said on WFAN's Boomer & Carton Show.

"It is unacceptable to allow this type of stuff in our country and for us to not fight back," he said. "We've got to fight back."

The governor was scant on the details of where the U.S. should attack.
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