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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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Unfairly or not, she really is a pretty weak candidate that got very lucky running against Trump.

She is not a weak candidate. She's been doing everything right as a candidate so far. It's just unfortunate she's had a argent on her back for longer than I have been alive.
My top ten list is

1) William Henry Harrison
2) Herbert Hoover
3) Grover Cleveland (But only the 1st time)
4) Warren G Harding
5) Gina Davis in Commander in Chief
6) The Head of Richard Nixon
7) Jesus who founded America
8) Me in 25 years.
9) Grover Cleveland (but only the 2nd time)
10) Ronny Raygun PEW PEW PEW


I feel your pain, guys. People that equate Clinton and Trump are just plain dumb. I scrubbed all the Trump supporters off my social media and out of my life, but now I have friends posting this kind of thing.


My top ten list is

1) William Henry Harrison
2) Herbert Hoover
3) Grover Cleveland (But only the 1st time)
4) Warren G Harding
5) Gina Davis in Commander in Chief
6) The Head of Richard Nixon
7) Jesus who founded America
8) Me in 25 years.
9) Grover Cleveland (but only the 2nd time)
10) Ronny Raygun PEW PEW PEW

I laughed.
I admit it.

i am tired of seeing shit about people saying no to both Hillary and Trump.

If there are any Democrats right now who could be president, Diamond Joe and Hillary are some of the most qualified individuals to be president.
My top ten list is

1) William Henry Harrison
2) Herbert Hoover
3) Grover Cleveland (But only the 1st time)
4) Warren G Harding
5) Gina Davis in Commander in Chief
6) The Head of Richard Nixon
7) Jesus who founded America
8) Me in 25 years.
9) Grover Cleveland (but only the 2nd time)
10) Ronny Raygun PEW PEW PEW

The lack of Tiny Lister as the Earth President from Fifth Element is a shame.
After going through the typical Reddit spaces I can't find chatter over whatever these documents were. Anywhere. That's the sort of thing that would have 500 new threads a minute if it had anything actually damning in them. Where are they posted?

r/The_Donald is a terrifying place. Like, wow, even for Reddit standards, even in comparison to the awful shit that's come out of toxic matters at Reddit before, even in comparison to the most extreme incidents in the past few years. It's en route to a complete banning at the pace it's running now.

Oh, and when did they re-purpose "cuck" to something racial? It was a term for "beta" males and has an actual historical background. Urban dictionary seems to have it right.


The greatest think Kennedy ever did was get shot. Second greatest was picking LBJ as VP.

1.) Lincoln
2.) Washington
3.) FDR
4.) LBJ
5.) Obama
6.) Truman
7.) Dwight
8.) Grant
9.) George H.W. Bush
10.) Teddy

- Read some Kennedy books though. 1) He prevented a very very very very very real prospect of a nuclear war. That Cuban Missle Crisis was no joke. Literally every advisor he had, every single one, was telling him to start war. He was the only one that went along with his own gut assuming that Kruschev was bluffing. No one believed that. This is even more important because Kennedy ran his entire campaign on the notion that Eisenhower was weak on communism and that even the slightest Communist expansion, no matter how remote, was a grave threat to our security. Massively impressive call on his part as President to do the right thing when his past self, and all his advisors (and obviously his opponents) were skewering this exact kind of decision making.

- Alot of the impetus for the Civil Rights act came from the nation coming together after his assassination. That's because he essentially started the process and lit the fire which LBJ carried home. LBJ literally in his first speech as President basically said as much. The notion that "For Kennedy we have to carry to the finish line the issue of Civil Rights that he championed". Politics, sure, but him reaching out to Dr. King in Jail was the beginning of the Democratic Party ridding itself of the cancer that is the southern white conservative voter. Also, without Kennedy getting shot we probably don't have the quagmire that is Vietnam either.

I mean, he's overrated, if preventing nuclear war, civil rights, travelling to the moon, the peace corps, and an entire generation of people being interested in politics don't really matter much.
After going through the typical Reddit spaces I can't find chatter over whatever these documents were. Anywhere. That's the sort of thing that would have 500 new threads a minute if it had anything actually damning in them. Where are they posted?

r/The_Donald is a terrifying place. Like, wow, even for Reddit standards, even in comparison to the awful shit that's come out of toxic matters at Reddit before, even in comparison to the most extreme incidents in the past few years. It's en route to a complete banning at the pace it's running now.

Oh, and when did they re-purpose "cuck" to something racial? It was a term for "beta" males and has an actual historical background. Urban dictionary seems to have it right.

Cuckold porn is generally about a white male's girlfriend cheating on him with a black male. That's where the racial part came from.


Which would make her, by definition, a weak candidate, unfairly or not?

Depends on the definition, obviously. Hillary's electability may have been hurt by decades worth of smears. (Including stupid 'bububu dynasty" talk), but she'll make a fine president. Similar to Al Gore I guess (I dare anyone to read The Assault On Reason and not sadly muse on what could have been).

That, and we'll never know how she'd be polling against a Jeb or Rubio right now. It's too easy to conclude she'd be down.

Cuban Missile Crisis. GET LEARNED

Most other men would have twitched and decided to go to war. Kennedy may very well be why we are all alive today

But if Kennedy hadn't ordered the Bay of Pigs invasion and then folded as soon as it turned bad the Russians probably wouldn't have been so aggressive in the missile crisis. You don't get credit for resolving a crisis caused by your own weakness.


The Autumn Wind
People hate Hillary for some reason. I have no idea why.
Besides being attacked by the right for the past 25 years, and especially the last eight, she's also been getting attacked from the left for the past year by Bernie and his supporters.
Like I said, that was my sense of the race based on my observations and, you know, what I'm seeing here. I could totally be wrong.

I'm not talking about the fundraising emails. I'm talking about requests to volunteer and stuff. Like I said, it's still early, but I only got one during the primary. None since then. I've emailed the campaign, but I haven't heard anything. My account is flooded with the other ones, though. I know we didn't get anything from the campaign when we asked for it during the primary. I haven't been super involved in the last few weeks/month, so maybe things have changed. (I'm having to be careful to avoid my ex's mom...mess.) We're a redder part of the state, so maybe we're just not high on the list of priorities for them.

I just am not convinced that Strickland is strong enough to unseat an incumbent senator who's not a foaming at the mouth Tea Party radical. (even though Portman's kinda shitty). So far, it looks like the line of attack is going to be based on his support for trade deals. Hopefully that works.

I'm basically just lamenting the fact that we didn't have someone better than Strickland to run.

We didn't get enough people to vote for Sittenfeld.


FGC Waterboy
The greatest think Kennedy ever did was get shot. Second greatest was picking LBJ as VP.

1.) Lincoln
2.) Washington
3.) FDR
4.) LBJ
5.) Obama
6.) Truman
7.) Dwight
8.) Grant
9.) George H.W. Bush
10.) Teddy

...the Kennedy quote is pretty high up there on "stupidest things ever said in PoliGAF". Kennedy is responsible for a large chunk of the tech boom with NASA as well as being willing to actually push for civil rights.

Kennedy also saved the earth from probable nuclear apocalypse.

- Read some Kennedy books though. 1) He prevented a very very very very very real prospect of a nuclear war. That Cuban Missle Crisis was no joke. Literally every advisor he had, every single one, was telling him to start war. He was the only one that went along with his own gut assuming that Kruschev was bluffing. No one believed that. This is even more important because Kennedy ran his entire campaign on the notion that Eisenhower was weak on communism and that even the slightest Communist expansion, no matter how remote, was a grave threat to our security. Massively impressive call on his part as President to do the right thing when his past self, and all his advisors (and obviously his opponents) were skewering this exact kind of decision making.

- Alot of the impetus for the Civil Rights act came from the nation coming together after his assassination. That's because he essentially started the process and lit the fire which LBJ carried home. LBJ literally in his first speech as President basically said as much. The notion that "For Kennedy we have to carry to the finish line the issue of Civil Rights that he championed". Politics, sure, but him reaching out to Dr. King in Jail was the beginning of the Democratic Party ridding itself of the cancer that is the southern white conservative voter. Also, without Kennedy getting shot we probably don't have the quagmire that is Vietnam either.

I mean, he's overrated, if preventing nuclear war, civil rights, travelling to the moon, the peace corps, and an entire generation of people being interested in politics don't really matter much.

Kennedy is the reason Fallout is a fictional game and not a representation of the real world. My older brother remembers nuclear bomb drills growing up.

But if Kennedy hadn't ordered the Bay of Pigs invasion and then folded as soon as it turned bad the Russians probably wouldn't have been so aggressive in the missile crisis. You don't get credit for resolving a crisis caused by your own weakness.

Bay of Pigs was on Ike and Nixon, not Kennedy. Nixon didn't even let Kennedy get briefed of the plans during the election; Kennedy went blind into it and had to approve it just a few months after getting into office and with limited information.
I'm still not sure Clinton with the force of Obama, Biden, Bill, Warren, etc behind her would have lost against any of the establishment. I'll worry about 2020 when it comes


That CBS poll with Clinton +6 (which is a good number) has her winning college-educated whites by 21%, a demographic Obama lost against Romney. I'm not gonna unskew the poll, just keep that in mind.


But if Kennedy hadn't ordered the Bay of Pigs invasion and then folded as soon as it turned bad the Russians probably wouldn't have been so aggressive in the missile crisis. You don't get credit for resolving a crisis caused by your own weakness.

This isn't actually how history played out. Kennedy was given the bay of pigs situation early on in his presidency, and being a freshman he wasn't about to say no to carefully planned operations that Ike of all people was privy to.

If anything, the bay of pigs is what taught Kennedy to trust his own gut and not consider military intelligence infallible. The exact lesson he kept going back to as the only man in power who had the guts to wait till kruschev blinked.

Kennedy is weak arguments are literally the same thing as today's "Obama is weak" arguments. The notion that Kruschev would have somehow bahaved differently with LBJ or Nixon in power is about as much of a lie as the idea that Obama apologizes for being American and Muslims bomb us because he's weak.

"Hey look, young democrat, let's hit him with the stereotypical accusations"
Mitt Romney is very different from Donald Trump. A well-educated person even white men who suck and not in a good way should be able to see how completely abhorrent the latter is and how disastrous a President he'd be.


Mitt Romney is very different from Donald Trump. A well-educated person even white men who suck and not in a good way should be able to see how completely abhorrent the latter is and how disastrous a President he'd be.

Yeah I mean when someone told me they were voting for Romney and the reason was "I want lower taxes" or something along those lines, I could sorta believe them and say meh I think Romney has been a jerk since adopting the GoP's national policies, but whatever.

If someone tells me they are voting for Trump I think I can only look at them in horror with my jaw open like "what is wrong with you"
This isn't actually how history played out. Kennedy was given the bay of pigs situation early on in his presidency, and being a freshman he wasn't about to say no to carefully planned operations that Ike of all people was privy to.

Kennedy was given the perfect pretext to cancel the Bay of Pigs when the New York Times exposed that it was being planned and passed. Also, while he didn't veto the overall operation, he did severely restrict the air and sea support given to the Cuban rebels to maintain the pretense that this wasn't being backed by the US. Allowing a crippled plan to go forward is the worst of all possible solutions, which JFK even admitted to his brother. How does that show that Kennedy needed to trust his "gut"?


Kennedy was given the perfect pretext to cancel the Bay of Pigs when the New York Times exposed that it was being planned and passed. Also, while he didn't veto the overall operation, he did severely restrict the air and sea support given to the Cuban rebels to maintain the pretense that this wasn't being backed by the US. Allowing a crippled plan to go forward is the worst of all possible solutions, which JFK even admitted to his brother. How does that show that Kennedy needed to trust his "gut"?

Because he had issues with it from the beginning. The plan, as constructed, would require the the rebels to arrive some hugely significant distance from where they actually needed to attack. The military suggested that arriving by boat at this location and making the trek over night wouldn't be a problem. Kennedy figured otherwise. Needless to say, the people got slaughtered because where the military advised the landing to take place was a shitty as fuck tactical decision in terms of defense. It was more of "they'll never see us coming".

Needless to say "they'll never see us coming, but if they do see us coming, we'll never ever be able to defend ourselves" is probably a bad military strategy.

This isn't me making this up btw, Kennedy kept referencing the bay of pigs in diaries and to his confidants when he was rejecting the plan of his military to escalate militarily against Cuba and kruschev

If you look at the missile crisis - Kennedy rejected the calls from everyone, including his past rhetoric to engage in attacks once it was made clear that Russia violated agreements by placing nuclear warheads in Cuba. But he ALSO set up the line and told kruschev that if Russian naval ships cross that line they needed to attack.

Basically, he calculated correctly that kruschev would bluff, despite all signs to the contrary, but he wasn't weak enough to let kruschev come and go into Cuba as he pleased. It takes balls to play chicken with someone with nuclear war hanging in the balance. If he's wrong and kruschev doesn't bluff, not only do we have a nuclear war but it would have been clear that he didn't take the advice of all his advising personnel. Literally the riskiest move he could have made


The next step for reddit after enoughsandersspam, EnoughTrumpSpam, has been pretty small until now; but today it was featured as Subreddit of the Day. Now it's shot up to nearly 16,000 subscribers, already almost double enoughsandersspam!
Kennedy was given the perfect pretext to cancel the Bay of Pigs when the New York Times exposed that it was being planned and passed. Also, while he didn't veto the overall operation, he did severely restrict the air and sea support given to the Cuban rebels to maintain the pretense that this wasn't being backed by the US. Allowing a crippled plan to go forward is the worst of all possible solutions, which JFK even admitted to his brother. How does that show that Kennedy needed to trust his "gut"?

He was pressured into the operation by fiending military curtis le may types whose dicks could only get hard under wartime conditions, remember Joe Mccarthy was not a faded memory at this time and the perception of being soft on communism could fucking sink you, as harry truman learned.
I wish I could remember the exact quote, but kennedy later said words to the effect of, "My most important advice to my successor would be just because these military men have medals does not mean their opinions on the military are worth a damn"

the fog of war is a fascinating documentary that should be watched by everyone
- Read some Kennedy books though. 1) He prevented a very very very very very real prospect of a nuclear war. That Cuban Missle Crisis was no joke. Literally every advisor he had, every single one, was telling him to start war. He was the only one that went along with his own gut assuming that Kruschev was bluffing. No one believed that.

That's wrong. Tommy Thompson, the ambassador to Russia, told Kennedy that a military response was not the only solution and that Khrushchev merely needed a symbolic victory so he could tell his people that he saved Cuba. There's a literal audio recording of this featured in The Fog of War (the Robert McNamara documentary).

Rebel Leader

So Trump is going to beg the NRA to give permission to Republicans to vote on a law that restricts selling to people on the watch list?

Trump is meeting with the NRA to discuss the no fly no buy bill? This is the type of stuff that makes me nervous about low information voters. They see this and think he's reasonable and can "make deals".

Edit: link: http://theatln.tc/1UUQirO

I wouldn't worry! Trump isn't going to get anything from the NRA


Don't let Congress pass anti-gun measures in wake of recent tragedy!

Your Action is Needed NOW! NRA has just learned that Senators Schumer, Feinstein and other anti-gun elected officials are going to offer several anti-gun bills and amendments this week in the U.S. Congress, possibly as soon as today!

These measures are wide-ranging and include an attempt to reinstate the failed federal ban on semi-automatic firearms, commonly referred to as the “assault weapons ban.”

It doesn’t matter that the Clinton gun ban did nothing to reduce crime. This is about YOUR freedoms and YOUR Right to Keep and Bear Arms. But it doesn’t stop there. In fact, one amendment will attempt to strip the Second Amendment Rights from those on secret government lists while another will require federal registration and licensing of all gun owners.

And, they’re also planning on pushing for increased federal funding of anti-gun research.

This is an anti-gun package that we must defeat.

What’s obvious is that many who want to destroy our firearm freedoms are using the terrorist attack in Orlando to push their anti-gun agenda. They’re trying to strike while the nation continues to grieve and many Americans look for answers. It’s clear that Obama’s continued failure to protect us from radical terrorists is the problem and leadership is what we actually need, not gun control on law-abiding Americans.

But they’d rather blame you as a law-abiding gun owner than make Obama answer for his failures in the global war on terror. We can’t let them succeed in this depraved attempt to politicize a tragedy so they can destroy our freedoms.

Funny how the anti gun research is all alone


The greatest think Kennedy ever did was get shot. Second greatest was picking LBJ as VP.

1.) Lincoln
2.) Washington
3.) FDR
4.) LBJ
5.) Obama
6.) Truman
7.) Dwight
8.) Grant
9.) George H.W. Bush
10.) Teddy

Eisenhower was a capable enough president got enough of the big things right, but I tend to think that he gets rated rather highly based on the fact that he was the last Republican president we had who didn't publicly engage in ad hominem tactics and us vs. them rhetoric on a major scale. He cynically rode into office on an anti-war platform yet engaged in numerous proxy operations that created myriad issues decades into the future. Yeah, we can argue about the exigencies of the period and all that, but his "military-industrial complex" speech almost seems to atone for a system he created. Whilst Defense Secretary Charlie Wilson managed to cut the military budget significantly, his procurement processes massively favored General Motors over other suppliers -- many independent companies not even being allowed to bid (one of the reasons why Chrysler and Ford bought heavily into aerospace and military towards the end of the decade, as they too were arbitrary locked out of bidding on certain contracts), not coincidentally, he was the former CEO of GM.

Eisenhower was a lot more receptive to religious conservatism than Truman was, a trend that follows among Republican candidates that point onwards.


That's wrong. Tommy Thompson, the ambassador to Russia, told Kennedy that a military response was not the only solution and that Khrushchev merely needed a symbolic victory so he could tell his people that he saved Cuba. There's a literal audio recording of this featured in The Fog of War (the Robert McNamara documentary).

Ambassadors don't count as military advisors. But ok, sure. There were voices outside of the military that gave Kennedy a different view. There's information about Excomm as well.

But from what I understand kennedy's military advisers and also folks like his chief of staff and other regular White House advisers were all singing the same tune.


That Storify of the Atlanta Trump rally was so fucking depressing.
I'm not the least bit shocked. It's stuff that I have heard my entire life when not in mixed company.

There's a reason that.. how do I say this in a delicate manner..?

There's a reason that I don't hold a very high regard about Republicans.
I don't think he wants to go back to being some regular old dude who isn't fawned over like he's a messiah by droves of young white idealists.

How long does anyone expect that will last now that he no longer has a functional presidential campaign?

People already started moving on to the GE before June 7, and that accelerated after Orlando. Bernie Sanders is already rapidly fading from the news cycle, and with that most attention on him beyond his most fanatical supporters. He still has a chance to capture attention one more time by trying to unwind his campaign in the direction of a prompt Clinton endorsement. I think if he waits until the convention and simply releases his delegates he'll find most people there barely giving him any notice.

Day by day he's just falling further out of the picture.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
All indications are that he isn't going to. Although maybe he'll release his delegates at the convention.

His Senate colleagues have made peace with it.
You know that old saying; you don't kick a dressage horse after a failed pas de deux.

I swear you thought he was going to suspend his campaign after DC, or was that Y2Kev?


Yeah, all the chatter seems to indicate that he has no plans to drop out any time soon. He's going to technically refuse to concede and endorse, but not actually make serious attempts to claim the nomination. He's just holding on for leverage to get concessions. Of course, whether he actually has the leverage he thinks he does is a different story.
Depends on the definition, obviously. Hillary's electability may have been hurt by decades worth of smears. (Including stupid 'bububu dynasty" talk), but she'll make a fine president. Similar to Al Gore I guess (I dare anyone to read The Assault On Reason and not sadly muse on what could have been).

That, and we'll never know how she'd be polling against a Jeb or Rubio right now. It's too easy to conclude she'd be down.

I'd say being a weak candidate is different than like likelihood of being fine president.
Rachel is reporting that Bernie won't be dropping tomorrow.

Guy is just a joke at this point.

Whatever. Democrats have a path to victory this November with or without his help. If he doesn't want to properly concede and compromise and endorse, that's fine. He's not essential. Democrats have plenty of other good surrogates ready to bring the majority of Sanders supporters back into the fold.

I've been really frustrated with Sanders over the last two months, but he isn't worth getting worked up about anymore.
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