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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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More at the link. It actually looks decent for her with very positive approval ratings and the probability of a weak challenger.
I don't think any of the 5 red state Democrat senators up in 2018 should be written off. I mean, I'm going to just assume they lose so as not to get ahead of myself, but I think you could make a solid case for all five of them being able to win despite their states' leans. Donnelly I think might be the worst off, but even then I'd say it's a tossup. But who knows, plenty can change in two years.

I read some article (possibly posted here) arguing that House Dems wouldn't fully be able to capitalize even in a wave year due to poor recruitment, but I don't know enough to be able to assess that.

I can't get over this, though: "What did the three fingers signify? 'I have no idea,” she said.'"

Just incredible.
It is true, and that's going to bite us. However, waves have a tendency of producing driftwood candidates - people who pull off fluke wins in spite of having no funding or name recognition, sheerly based on coattails. If the GOP turnout is depressed that could give us a lot of surprise victories.
Can I just say as someone who has some significant interest and investment in the field of mental health how much it infuriates me when conservatives try to blame mass shootings on mental health in the most blasé way possible?

Like, Ok, yes, these people are quite possibly mentally unbalanced. What are you politicians going to do about that now that you've publicly admitted it? Are you going to fund more and better mental health programs so that more people can have access to the kind of care they need? Are we going to start mental health education initiatives so fewer Americans will view mental health programs with the kind of incredulity that I view new age medicine?

Oh, are you going to do exactly dick?

Ok, then maybe shut the fuck up, because we've identified a precipitating element to this utter travesty and we are prepared to actually do something about it.

The least they could do is accidentally help mentally unwell people in this country if they're going to use them as a scapegoat to cling to their precious guns. If they want to continue to treat it with all the sophistication and sensitivity of someone effectively going, "Have we looked into if the shooter was hexed by a witch yet? Has anyone thought of that?" Then they can fuck directly off. Mental health is not some black magic that only conveniently exists when you need something to blame murders on you are complicit with by virtue of your cowardly inaction. It's an ongoing, serious subject that many people struggle their entire lives with. Which, by the way, is helped not at all by a stigma in popular culture being formed around the idea that people with mental health disorders have the potential to spontaneously transform into psycho killers. Fuck you very much, Republicans.

Remember when Mental Health was a bigger part of the ACA and then you guys stripped it out? Because I do!!
Can I just say as someone who has some significant interest and investment in the field of mental health how much it infuriates me when conservatives try to blame mass shootings on mental health in the most blasé way possible?

Like, Ok, yes, these people are quite possibly mentally unbalanced. What are you politicians going to do about that now that you've publicly admitted it? Are you going to fund more and better mental health programs so that more people can have access to the kind of care they need? Are we going to start mental health education initiatives so fewer Americans will view mental health programs with the kind of incredulity that I view new age medicine?

Oh, are you going to do exactly dick?

Ok, then maybe shut the fuck up, because we've identified a precipitating element to this utter travesty and we are prepared to actually do something about it.

The least they could do is accidentally help mentally unwell people in this country if they're going to use them as a scapegoat to cling to their precious guns. If they want to continue to treat it with all the sophistication and sensitivity of someone effectively going, "Have we looked into if the shooter was hexed by a witch yet? Has anyone thought of that?" Then they can fuck directly off. Mental health is not some black magic that only conveniently exists when you need something to blame murders on you are complicit with by virtue of your cowardly inaction. It's an ongoing, serious subject that many people struggle their entire lives with. Which, by the way, is helped not at all by a stigma in popular culture being formed around the idea that people with mental health disorders have the potential to spontaneously transform into psycho killers. Fuck you very much, Republicans.

But, see, this makes too much sense. The typical GOP/Ring wing response is to place blame to offer help. They want someone to blame, and those who suffer from mental illness are easy enough marks. They'd prefer to pin it on Muslin Terrorists, but any port in a storm.

It's not about helping. It's about blaming.


Registered voters lol.

That... makes more sense lol. Likely and registered lol

The shooter in Orlando was texting his wife while he was doing it. He was just texting her like nothing was happening.

I have no words.

Geez. I'm definitely not going to blame her until we get much more detail. It sounds like it was a fucked up and abusive relationship and she was probably terrified.

Can I just say as someone who has some significant interest and investment in the field of mental health how much it infuriates me when conservatives try to blame mass shootings on mental health in the most blasé way possible?

It's a pretty easy deflection, albeit a very immature and inappropriate one. I wouldn't be surprised if the NRA had a "tragedy response guide" and it said to focus on how it was a mental health issue and terrorists.

It's pretty frustrating since mental health issues are already stigmatized to be associated with violence on top of it. I don't want to hurt anyone, and neither do most people suffering from mental health issues.
Unless you have really good insurance, you are fucked in the mental health department and finding a good, effective therapist.

It's not only that. In my area, there are, literally, no psychiatrists at all. You're left with LSW or (if you're super lucky) a PsyD.

I few years ago, I was in a really bad place. I went to my doctor and asked for a referral to someone. He just kinda shrugged his shoulders and said there wasn't anyone good, but here's a prescription for Prozac. I ended up having to drive about an hour away to find someone decent.


It's not only that. In my area, there are, literally, no psychiatrists at all. You're left with LSW or (if you're super lucky) a PsyD.

I few years ago, I was in a really bad place. I went to my doctor and asked for a referral to someone. He just kinda shrugged his shoulders and said there wasn't anyone good, but here's a prescription for Prozac. I ended up having to drive about an hour away to find someone decent.

I am fortunate to have been in grad school where I got free therapy, and then have therapist that cared enough to help me stay in the system.

After graduation I actually saw a resident psychiatrist who I loooooooove. She's awesome. Since she young she is able to be more open and adaptable as opposed to an old fart who is set in their ways. Unfortunately, she is entering a fellowship where she only is seeing children... :(


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
It's not only that. In my area, there are, literally, no psychiatrists at all. You're left with LSW or (if you're super lucky) a PsyD.

I few years ago, I was in a really bad place. I went to my doctor and asked for a referral to someone. He just kinda shrugged his shoulders and said there wasn't anyone good, but here's a prescription for Prozac. I ended up having to drive about an hour away to find someone decent.

I think the majority of them are called Social Workers now.
I am fortunate to have been in grad school where I got free therapy, and then have therapist that cared enough to help me stay in the system.

After graduation I actually saw a resident psychiatrist who I loooooooove. She's awesome. Since she young she is able to be more open and adaptable as opposed to an old fart who is set in their ways. Unfortunately, she is entering a fellowship where she only is seeing children... :(

That's great that they offered that. I saw someone in Columbus who was pretty awesome, but she moved to California. I preferred seeing a psychiatrist because I wanted someone who could prescribe if necessary. (It was). Especially since a lot of my depression was tied to the anti-seizure/migraine meds I was on.

I think the majority of them are called Social Workers now.

In Ohio we have LSW (Licensed Social Workers) and LISW (Licensed Independent Social Workers). I have tons of respect for Social Workers. I was 50% going to grad school for English, 25% for Social work and 25% for PoliSci. Ended up enrolling in the MA in English, but MSW was on the list. (I didn't want to take more stats, though...)


It's not only that. In my area, there are, literally, no psychiatrists at all. You're left with LSW or (if you're super lucky) a PsyD.

I few years ago, I was in a really bad place. I went to my doctor and asked for a referral to someone. He just kinda shrugged his shoulders and said there wasn't anyone good, but here's a prescription for Prozac. I ended up having to drive about an hour away to find someone decent.

And stuff like this breaks my heart because nine times in ten, cognitive dissonance is the root problem. You need to work through the conflicting impulses that are pulling at you, so that your mind can return to peace. Things like Prozac are meant to be supplemental until a therapist can actually help you work through your stuff. This is like casting a broken leg without trying to set the bone.

I'm glad you put in the effort to actually help yourself on this front, but it shouldn't have to be so fucking hard.
Hmm, forgot about the fuckery of caucus in voting totals....

Anyway, a bunch of people are sure talking up mental health after a NeoNazi assassinated a woman in Britain.
I read some article (possibly posted here) arguing that House Dems wouldn't fully be able to capitalize even in a wave year due to poor recruitment, but I don't know enough to be able to assess that.

I can't get over this, though: "What did the three fingers signify? 'I have no idea,” she said.'"

Just incredible.

When races swing nationally, candidate quality really doesn't matter. In the '94 and '06 waves, unfunded candidates won on both sides. Heck, this is Canada, so it's different, but there were NDP candidates in Quebec winning that were on vacation for most of the election and didn't even live in the district.
Bernie's website has been updated.

IT's just the stream information now. They've changed it to "The Revolution Continues"

and if you put your email in it doesn't take you to his website. Justs asks you to give $10.


Bernie's website has been updated.

IT's just the stream information now. They've changed it to "The Revolution Continues"

and if you put your email in it doesn't take you to his website. Justs asks you to give $10.

Could it be happening, finally?

Nope, probably not.


Unconfirmed Member
I've posted this before but it's way more relevant after what happened.


Really standing up for the gay community.

"nipples protruding"

Is this real life?
I feel insulted that he compared his campaign to the civil rights and women rights movement.

ok so basically he is going the Microsoft route in going "WE HAD OVER 1,000,000,000 HOURS OF XBOX GAMES PLAYED!!!!" during an NPD release


Bernie should be happy that an old Jewish SOCIALIST senator from Vermont was able to get to the numbers that he did. Not be sad that he lost.
The major political task that we face in the next five months is to make certain that Donald Trump is defeated and defeated badly. And I personally intend to begin my role in that process in a very short period of time.

Sounds good. This is all fine, peeps.


One day I hope for a socialist to run who, you know, can talk about more than one thing. Always with the same speech, Bernie.

Maybe I should run for office


This was posted in the OT thread, the transcript of his speech:


The major political task that we face in the next five months is to make certain that Donald Trump is defeated and defeated badly. And I personally intend to begin my role in that process in a very short period of time.

But defeating Donald Trump cannot be our only goal. We must continue our grassroots efforts to create the America that we know we can become. And we must take that energy into the Democratic National Convention on July 25 in Philadelphia where we will have more than 1,900 delegates.

I recently had the opportunity to meet with Secretary Clinton and discuss some of the very important issues facing our country and the Democratic Party. It is no secret that Secretary Clinton and I have strong disagreements on some very important issues. It is also true that our views are quite close on others. I look forward, in the coming weeks, to continued discussions between the two campaigns to make certain that your voices are heard and that the Democratic Party passes the most progressive platform in its history and that Democrats actually fight for that agenda. I also look forward to working with Secretary Clinton to transform the Democratic Party so that it becomes a party of working people and young people, and not just wealthy campaign contributors: a party that has the courage to take on Wall Street, the pharmaceutical industry, the fossil fuel industry and the other powerful special interests that dominate our political and economic life.


I feel insulted that he compared his campaign to the civil rights and women rights movement.

My eyes rolled so hard at that part they're still hurting.

I can't wait to hear a bunch of white straight cis males claim their "political revolution" is as important as civil / women's / LGBT rights for months to come...
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