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Well I won't judge you for drug abuse problems anyway, teen years and depression and the like can make things tough and sometimes lead to drug abuse. I mostly just was addicted to online gaming personally, which is a bit safer, but not necessarily any better in terms of mental health.

Hope you keep getting better and find a decently healthy alternative to smoking. We don't have to be *perfect* about everything, most people still drink from time to time, but smoking cigarettes enough can be pretty nasty for ya.

Thank you :) Truly, I'm lucky to be alive. When I look at all the people who had their lives stolen away from them in Orlando, people that wanted to live, I feel really selfish about how close I've gotten to dying by my own hand. Maybe I should look into some more discrete vapes that don't look like robot cocks. It's not even that I am addicted to nicotine, I just like the act of smoking.


New York Times: Bernie Sanders, Still Running, Pledges to ‘Make Certain’ Donald Trump Is Defeated

The primaries are officially over. Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump are attacking each other over the Orlando tragedy. Final touches are being made to convention plans. Running mates are being vetted.

But on Thursday night, Senator Bernie Sanders stood at a podium in a small, chilly television studio here pointing his index finger at a camera and insisting to his supporters that his campaign was fighting on. With five bright lights illuminating him, Mr. Sanders delivered a shortened version of his stump speech via livestream to his supporters, saying his “political revolution” was just beginning and reeling off the many injustices it would set about to end.

Although it covered a lot of ground, from the influence of money to poverty wages to fracking to the cost of college, the speech did not include the one thing some Democratic leaders have awaited: an endorsement of Mrs. Clinton, who last week became the presumptive nominee.


Mr. Sanders’s advisers say he wants assurances Mrs. Clinton will fight for his ideals before he throws his support — and potentially the support of millions of his voters — behind her. Throughout the speech, Mr. Sanders seemed defiant as he repeated his critiques of economic, racial and environmental inequalities in the country, this time with the spotlight a bit dimmed.

As Mr. Sanders spoke of continuing his political revolution, much of the mainstream media that he regularly bemoans had moved on. CNN dedicated its coverage to the Orlando massacre, while Fox News hosts discussed the scourge of terrorism. MSNBC aired the beginning of his remarks live and then cut away.


At 23 minutes, the speech was one of the shortest Mr. Sanders had given since beginning his campaign last year. Afterward, Mr. Sanders left the studio, walking briskly with his wife, Jane, and campaign spokesman, Michael Briggs, to a waiting car without answering questions shouted at him by reporters, including several who asked when he planned to endorse Mrs. Clinton.

It seems like the NYT is also getting tired of Bernie (unless I'm reading too much into it).


Thank you :) Truly, I'm lucky to be alive. When I look at all the people who had their lives stolen away from them in Orlando, people that wanted to live, I feel really selfish about how close I've gotten to dying by my own hand. Maybe I should look into some more discrete vapes that don't look like robot cocks. It's not even that I am addicted to nicotine, I just like the act of smoking.

That's what my grandfather said was the biggest part for him. Holding the cigarette, the action of smoking, the experience was really relaxing. He said that was the hardest thing to break when quitting
Contrary to many angry posters, I think Bernie is pretty important for his demonstrated ability to harness small donors into a fundraising machine that can run near the level of other candidates. That is, actually, a pretty important and impressive feat. We should learn to do that for the DNC.

Seems more to do with personality then anything and excitement; it'll only work for very particular candidates . I doubt it'll work for the DNC, but it'll be good to learn from it.

Also there's nothing wrong to listen to people, but that doesn't mean we should do what they say all the time. The whole the government is corrupt and "everyone is the same" coming from mostly bystanders is not something anyone should really take seriously too much, but there is nothing wrong to hear them out.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Seems more to do with personality then anything and excitement; it'll only work for very particular candidates . I doubt it'll work for the DNC, but it'll be good to learn from it.

Also there's nothing wrong to listen to people, but that doesn't mean we should do what they say all the time. The whole the government is corrupt and "everyone is the same" coming from mostly bystanders is not something anyone should really take seriously too much, but there is nothing wrong to hear them out.

You must have superior patience ;)


That's a real pac. lololol
Holy shit it is.
Their website is amazing -

Americans Against Insecure Billionaires with Tiny Hands PAC is a nationwide coalition of patriots dedicated to exposing the truth about Donald Trump's dangerous tiny baby hands.

We are Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. We are right-handers, left-handers, and ambidextrii. We do not agree on everything, but we all come together around the fact that American cannot risk a president with pathetic stubby mouse fingers.

Unlike alleged billionaire landlord and tiny-mitted fraud Donald Trump, we do not pay our volunteers. The army of Trump Hand Truth warriors works is only compensated by our righteous cause - to ensure no voter casts a ballot without knowing the hard truth about Donald Trump's soft wimpy infant hands.

Unlike raccoon-pawed weakling Donald Trump, we do not treat this issue with kid gloves. We have put our statistically average fingers on the pulse of the nation and we know that voters will reject any candidate with stubby corn kernel fingers.

Unlike fetus-fingered embarrassment Donald Trump, we will not cower from hand-to-hand combat when America's future is at stake.

Unlike nubbin-fisted failure Donald Trump, we will win. Join us.


Holy shit it is.
Their website is amazing -

Americans Against Insecure Billionaires with Tiny Hands PAC is a nationwide coalition of patriots dedicated to exposing the truth about Donald Trump's dangerous tiny baby hands.

We are Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. We are right-handers, left-handers, and ambidextrii. We do not agree on everything, but we all come together around the fact that American cannot risk a president with pathetic stubby mouse fingers.

Unlike alleged billionaire landlord and tiny-mitted fraud Donald Trump, we do not pay our volunteers. The army of Trump Hand Truth warriors works is only compensated by our righteous cause - to ensure no voter casts a ballot without knowing the hard truth about Donald Trump's soft wimpy infant hands.

Unlike raccoon-pawed weakling Donald Trump, we do not treat this issue with kid gloves. We have put our statistically average fingers on the pulse of the nation and we know that voters will reject any candidate with stubby corn kernel fingers.

Unlike fetus-fingered embarrassment Donald Trump, we will not cower from hand-to-hand combat when America's future is at stake.

Unlike nubbin-fisted failure Donald Trump, we will win. Join us.

That's beautifully written



Excuse me?

fuck that's cool
New York Times: Bernie Sanders, Still Running, Pledges to ‘Make Certain’ Donald Trump Is Defeated

It seems like the NYT is also getting tired of Bernie (unless I'm reading too much into it).

You left out this part.

Jessica Stokey, 43, a television editor, shed tears when Mr. Sanders suggested he might eventually endorse Mrs. Clinton to help beat Mr. Trump.

“I don’t know if it’s just my imagination, but it looked to me like the bags under his eyes got bigger and his face grew more thin,” she said. “That’s when I started crying.”

“It’s like knowing the zombies are here and you have to save your child; that’s how heartbreaking it is,” she added.

It's like knowing the zombies are here!
You must have superior patience ;)

No I just don't think it isn't a bad idea to listen to some groups, others we shouldn't pay attention at all. Listening doesn't mean to do what they say. It will give insight on the group and it'll help make them Democrats or vote for them.


Here, everyone, have a gross Trump story:

Slate: “He’s Obsessed With Menstruation”

Former Apprentice crew members on their old boss, Donald Trump.

“He would talk about the female contestants’ bodies a lot from the control room,” recalls one midlevel producer. “We shot in Trump Tower, the control room was on the seventh floor, and he walked in one day and was talking about a contestant, saying, ‘Her breasts were so much bigger at the casting. Maybe she had her period then.’ He knows he’s mic’d and that 30 people are hearing this, but he didn’t care. That’s kind of him. During the campaign, when he was talking about Megyn Kelly, I thought: He’s obsessed with menstruation.”


“There was a fat contestant who was a buffoon and a fuckup,” recalls the midlevel producer. “And he would fuck up week after week, and the producers would figure that he’d screwed up so badly that Trump would have to fire him. But Trump kept deciding to fire someone else. The producers had to scramble because of course Trump can never be seen to make a bad call on the show, so we had to re-engineer the footage to make a different contestant look bad. Later, I heard a producer talk to him, and Trump said, ‘Everybody loves a fat guy. People will watch if you have a funny fat guy around. Trust me, it’s good for ratings.’ I look at Chris Christie now and I swear that’s what’s happening.”


“I’ve been struggling with the whole experience of watching Trump go from punch line to GOP nominee,” Pruitt says, “because of how it reflects on reality TV, which is the work I’ve been dedicating my life to for the last 10 years. The associations are glaring. Those in our business who hadn’t already taken stock of what we wrought, we’re doing it now. I might have signed an NDA back in the day that would allow someone to come after me, but I feel almost a patriotic duty to talk about this.

“Those of us involved in the show are proud of our work. But we might have given the guy a platform and created this candidate. It’s guys like him, narcissists with dark Machiavellian traits, who dominate in our culture, on TV, and in the political realm. It can be dangerous when we confuse stories we’re told with reality. We need to wake up—and that’s from someone who helped tell these stories.”


Holy shit it is.
Their website is amazing -

Americans Against Insecure Billionaires with Tiny Hands PAC is a nationwide coalition of patriots dedicated to exposing the truth about Donald Trump's dangerous tiny baby hands.

We are Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. We are right-handers, left-handers, and ambidextrii. We do not agree on everything, but we all come together around the fact that American cannot risk a president with pathetic stubby mouse fingers.

Unlike alleged billionaire landlord and tiny-mitted fraud Donald Trump, we do not pay our volunteers. The army of Trump Hand Truth warriors works is only compensated by our righteous cause - to ensure no voter casts a ballot without knowing the hard truth about Donald Trump's soft wimpy infant hands.

Unlike raccoon-pawed weakling Donald Trump, we do not treat this issue with kid gloves. We have put our statistically average fingers on the pulse of the nation and we know that voters will reject any candidate with stubby corn kernel fingers.

Unlike fetus-fingered embarrassment Donald Trump, we will not cower from hand-to-hand combat when America's future is at stake.

Unlike nubbin-fisted failure Donald Trump, we will win. Join us.

Love it, amazing


Trump fucking around with rallies in Texas. This guy.

I actually read an article about that earlier:

NYT: Donald Trump, Chasing Campaign Cash, Veers From Battleground States

Donald J. Trump’s campaign schedule is being driven by his fund-raising needs, prompting him to appear in heavily Republican states like Georgia and Texas and diverting his attention from battlegrounds where Hillary Clinton is spending her time.

Mr. Trump’s aides, scrambling to raise money to compete against Mrs. Clinton’s cash juggernaut and extensive donor network, have scheduled fund-raisers in places like Georgia, North Carolina and Texas this week. The private events for donors were often scheduled first, followed by his campaign rallies, according to two people involved in Mr. Trump’s fund-raising who insisted on anonymity.


Mr. Trump has informed people raising money for his campaign that he is not interested in traveling to states for donor events unless there is a rally scheduled as well, according to the people involved. Those rallies have often garnered Mr. Trump national cable news coverage, the type of news media attention that fueled his primary campaign.

But the result for now has been that Mr. Trump is campaigning in states where he has far less risk of being defeated by Mrs. Clinton than states that are likely to be competitive, like Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin, Rust Belt states with large numbers of the white working-class voters who have been most receptive to Mr. Trump’s message.

“A travel schedule driven by fund-raising needs that takes you away from battleground states is one that’s full of missed opportunities,” said Kevin Madden, a Republican strategist and former Mitt Romney adviser.

With Mr. Trump in the South, Mrs. Clinton has been spending her week in Ohio and Virginia, two of the most crucial states for winning the presidency. She was also in Pennsylvania, another state where Mr. Trump’s brand of populism could be effective, but where he has spent little time since becoming the presumptive Republican nominee.
Wow, Labour MP Jo Cox (the British MP who was murdered today) wrote a scathing critique of Corbyn last month. She nominated him for Labour leader.


It’s tempting for Labour to breathe a sigh of relief after Thursday’s results and look forward to celebrating Sadiq Khan’s victory against the Tories’ squalid campaign in London. But we can’t pretend it’s been anything other than a desperately disappointing night. We owe it to everybody in our party to be honest about where we stand.

“It could have been much worse,” is no cause for comfort. It could and should have been much, much better.

The Tories deserved a kicking last night. With chaos and discord in our hospitals and schools, an unprecedented housing crisis and fatcats lining their pockets while life gets tougher for everybody else, it’s an outrage for David Cameron to appear on TV looking like the cat who got the cream, knowing his party is on track to win again in 2020.

The hard truth is that Labour was humiliated in Scotland and slipped back in England and Wales. No party has ever lost ground at a time like this and gone on to win a general election. Labour is in the doldrums and we have to ask ourselves why. Why, day after day during the campaign, we failed to get a hearing. Why the voters aren’t getting the alternative vision of a fairer, stronger, more just Britain that we should be offering.

Of course it would be wrong to view these results simply through the prism of Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership. But nor can we pretend that the leadership isn’t an issue.

When the voters tell us on the doorsteps that they can’t picture our leader in No 10 we have to listen. When our candidates in London and Wales ask the leader to stay away, we have a problem. When the revival we were promised in Scotland with Corbyn’s “new” politics proves to be a mirage, we have to ask what it has actually achieved.

Corbyn needs to show he’s ready to lead from the front
We come at this question as MPs elected for the first time in 2015. We have no interest in refighting battles from the past or reopening old wounds. We are focused on one thing and one thing only – getting Labour back on a path to winning again. Because elections matter. People’s lives depend on the outcome.

We both nominated Corbyn for leader last year. We have never had cause to doubt his commitment to society’s most disadvantaged and to Labour’s values – a commitment we all share. But we have come to regret that decision.

We helped put Corbyn on the ballot because we wanted a genuine debate within the Labour party. We didn’t expect to be debating things far from the priorities of most voters: unilateral nuclear disarmament, the Falkland Islands, the monarchy and all the rest. Important issues, perhaps, but not ones that swing elections. Why should we be surprised if people are turning their backs on a party that appears to have stopped talking about the things that are relevant to them?

Weak leadership, poor judgment and a mistaken sense of priorities have created distraction after distraction and stopped us getting our message across.

We have kept our own counsel until now because we didn’t want to make life any more difficult for all those working so hard for Labour candidates on Thursday. And having decided to speak out, we’re doing it openly and on the record. We owe it to the party to reflect what so many good colleagues have been telling us for a long time.

Up and down the country, Labour folk – no matter whom they might have supported last year – are crying out for leadership and a clear, bold strategy that takes us from where we are now to where we need to be, so we can beat the Tories and start undoing the damage they are inflicting on our society.


Donald "I'm very rich" Trump scurrying around the country begging donors for cash is not a good look for him. Hope the Clinton campaign pounces. Again.
(I don't get how y'all drink straight liquor. I need mine to be mixed with ice and sugar!)

the only liquor I ever drink straight is whiskey

everything else gets mixed (with other liquors, mostly)

Well.. We can have one more night of happiness before Game 7. Fuck.. Just don't get slaughtered Cavs.. Pls?

And If we don't hear from EBay.. Adam will have to lead the search party to find him.

don't worry, i spent the first half of the night serving crow in nba-gaf and the other half troubleshooting some router-related bullshit
I don't know why third parties waste their time trying to get the presidency. I guess it assumes that if they can become the president it means their ideas are viable. Good luck getting anything done though. A counter would be that it their ideas were very popular it would start to reflect of state and local governments, and eventually Congress.


Donald "I'm very rich" Trump scurrying around the country begging donors for cash is not a good look for him. Hope the Clinton campaign pounces. Again.

He will have to ask the public to finance his camapign soon if he can't get money from republican donors.


First thing I think of when I woke up is how absurd it is that a Presidential "candidate" basically yelled at everyone for 26 minutes about how important his "revolution" is. He cares more about his platform and defying Democrats than he does defeating Trump. He barely spent any time talking about Orlando. He's so selfish. He's so goddamn infuriating.

2016 really sucks so far. I watched some videos of Jo Cox, and it's very depressing to know that her life was cut short by some fuckwit with a gun.

Can there please just be one month of this year where nothing sucks?


First thing I think of when I woke up is how absurd it is that a Presidential "candidate" basically yelled at everyone for 26 minutes about how important his "revolution" is. He cares more about his platform and defying Democrats than he does defeating Trump. He barely spent any time talking about Orlando. He's so selfish. He's so goddamn infuriating.

2016 really sucks so far. I watched some videos of Jo Cox, and it's very depressing to know that her life was cut short by some fuckwit with a gun.

Can there please just be one month of this year where nothing sucks?
Man I'd been hearing that woman's name thrown around, had no idea who she was because I'm American. But RIP to her, she sounds like a lovely woman and her life was cut way too short.


It doesn't matter. He is not relevant.

The following people will also not be endorsing Hillary Clinton: Hulk Hogan, Randy Pitchford, Barney the Dinosaur, Latoya Jackson, Janet Jackson, Jack from Will & Grace, Will, Grace, and Bartolo Colon.

Actually Debra Messing got in a fight with Susan Sarandon on Twitter a while ago about this.
don't worry, i spent the first half of the night serving crow in nba-gaf and the other half troubleshooting some router-related bullshit
I wanna be wrong so bad and they win EBay.. I wanna be wrong so bad. One time God.. Pls just once in my life.

Also if they do win.. We will send Adam to find you, BG, and Bert in the carnage. So don't worry. Ohio's best and bright
as well as most fabulous :)
on the case.


NPR posted a video of an 8th Grader impersonating Trump, Cruz, Obama, Hillary, and Bernie for his graduation speech.

"Some of the best cinnamon rolls I'VE EVER TASTED! I do have one improvement for them, though!: We need to make them FREE! What we need is a cinnamon roll REVOLUTION!"

"As far as school's go, TMS is in the top one half of one half of one percent of school's...in the ENTIRE COUNTRY!"​

Impressions are surprisingly spot on, especially Bernie.
Contrary to many angry posters, I think Bernie is pretty important for his demonstrated ability to harness small donors into a fundraising machine that can run near the level of other candidates. That is, actually, a pretty important and impressive feat. We should learn to do that for the DNC.

Well first of all I don't really see how it really translates to democrats in general and downticket races. I hate to say it, but Bernie was able to get so many donations because he was promising them the moon and claimed he wasn't taking any pac money. There was the poll a while ago that showed that a decent amount of Bernie's donations had actually come from the unemployed. I mean it would be nice to even a bit more support, but I find it hard to believe he would convince people to donate to the corrupt DNC and DWS's pockets.
After eight years of largely abstaining from politics, former President George W. Bush is throwing himself into an effort to save his party’s most vulnerable senators, including several whose re-election campaigns have been made more difficult by Donald J. Trump’s presence at the top of the ticket.
Among them are Senators John McCain of Arizona, who was one of Mr. Trump’s earliest targets of derision, and Kelly Ayotte
stressed the importance of preserving the Republican-held Senate as a “check and balance” on the White House, suggesting that such a check was needed, whether the next president is Mr. Trump or Hillary Clinton
Next week, he will appear in St. Louis at a fund-raiser for Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri. And similar events are being planned for Senators Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Rob Portman of Ohio.
Mr. Bush’s effort to help down-ballot candidates fill their campaign coffers underscores how fissures in the Republican Party are affecting fund-raising. The senators are not receiving any fund-raising help from Mr. Trump, a typical role for the party’s standard-bearer. And few congressional candidates have sought Mr. Trump’s endorsement, given his high negative ratings in polls and unpredictable nature.
Mr. Bush is highly popular among Republicans, especially the party elites who are big campaign donors. The hosts listed on the invitations for the fund-raisers for Mr. McCain and Mr. Blunt include some of the country’s leading Republican contributors who have recoiled from Mr. Trump’s candidacy.

Damage controlling the Trumpster fire.


The gift that keeps on giving. Trump's causing senators to run from him to W. Bush allowing Dems to tie them all to W. as well. It's amazing that we haven't even gotten to the main theme of the election yet: when the Dems are in control, the economy booms. When the GOP is in control, we get the great recession under W.
This is a good point. You can either be a Trump Republican or a GWB Republican. It's like trying to decide if you want slapped or kicked.


The gift that keeps on giving. Trump's causing senators to run from him to W. Bush allowing Dems to tie them all to W. as well. It's amazing that we haven't even gotten to the main theme of the election yet: when the Dems are in control, the economy booms. When the GOP is in control, we get the great recession under W.

Economy is currently not booming
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