Well, I originally half-painted the room black (1 wall) and white (3 walls); to "clean it" from the original blue paint and glued-to-the-wall-posters
p) it had;, but left it incomplete for a few years.
Finally repainted it fully to blue, added a few "geeky-Nintendo stuff" I had lying around to give some life to it. Also got a few things along with it; mostly as gifts. (Pic made me notice is August already, so instead of Nintendogs in the calendar, is DK Country Returns
New computer/desktop. Was using a laptop wiuth Windows XP through all this years. XD
(Also new router -the small white box-; since the previous router a D-link sucked and reseted itself every day)
Nintendo 3DS (Aqua) [with trade-ins; along with Ocarina of Time 3D. A friend gifted me Super Street Fghter IV 3D Edition, because of some stuff I had in the closet I was going to trash (some old figurines, shirts). Got Super Mario Land (Virtual Console) too.
The room looks more clean and alive for now, so I'm glad with that more than anything. The 3DS is awesome-er than I thought, so glad I got one too. Still incompelte, as I'm looking for more stuff to add to it and something to put the desktop too.