I came across Epic Mickey 2 on the last days of May, and I picked it up because I don't have that many multiplayer games. I don't have a second nunchuk, so I might buy get one soon.
Today, I went to a second game retail store, where I found Pandora's Tower, which I knew I wanted because it seemed like a good game, as well as the mechanics of generating constant tension between going out to get supplies and returning to your base to stave off Elena's curse, and Lost in Shadow, which I wanted to try out simply because I'm really interested in the concept of a platform game where the characters and platforms are shadows projected onto the environment, and the game mechanics they use alongside it.
I also bought some rechargeable AA and AAA batteries for my Wiimotes and other devices, since the ones I have look like they're slowly running out of juice faster and faster. Luckily, I'll probably be able to get my hands on some of those sweet official rechargeable Wiimote battery packs later on (alongside a WiiU at around the end of the year, hopefully).
My Wii library now sits at 29 games (and hopefully counting). Now that I have a job, I can finally buy and experience games I wouldn't have played otherwise (which is why I nearly always bought first-party games in the previous console generations). So far, Resident Evil 4 has been really fun (except for the "shack full of ganado" part, where I got owned several times before finally managed to survive the assault), and it's the first time since forever when I actually have a console game backlog. I often played my old games over and over simply because I didn't have anything else I could play, but now I finally have enough variety to choose the game I want to play depending on my mood.
I'll probably go and check out a third games store soon... hopefully they'll have some good Wii games there as well (and finally finding a DS game that isn't Lego <whatever> would be great, too)!