Last month I took my 3rd trip to Hong Kong and my 4th trip to Japan. Here are some pickups/pics (sorry for the crappy instagrams):
I pulled a bit of a CoachKevin/Larabee
A gift from one of my best friends:
We found this interesting snack place on Mong Kok:
Not a pick up but at my GF's cousin's place in Maccau, I slept on these awesome sheets:
This thing is amazing:
A better look at my portable pickups:
The charge dock is great!:
Some boxed SFC games:
Jacki Crush doesn't seem to work on my retron so I need to grab my SNES back from my brother to check if it's working at all.
Some unboxed ones:
When I got back to Toronto, my friend gave me a bunch of stuff his dad was throwing out! I may finally play my first Pokemon game (any recommendations?) Excited for Advance Wars 2:
My arcade block for May. FoxHound cap is awesome:
I got this just before the trip:
I have a lot more stuff to show, maybe next month after I test all of them!