Is that a Porsche?
Yes, 911 Turbo
Is that a Porsche?
Just completed my KILL la KILL blu-ray collection, all 9 volume !!
Just got this. It's the Ghost in the Shell Blu-ray Steelbook Limited Edition. It comes with 24 page book with interviews and such. Haven't tried the disc out yet, gonna watch it tomorrow to see the IQ but I heard the disc is pretty bare bones over all. This is the original release and not the 2.0 edition and it's released in conjunction with the 25th anniversary.
All the text is on the J-Card so that's great as usual.
The steelbook looks great. Really pops in person. Love the artwork.
The inside has the same artwork as the book cover but looks great. The disc looks nice. Identical art to the cover.
Finally the book itself. Gonna read through this later. 24 pages.
I bought a pile of dirt!and some nice people have offered to place a home on top of it.
I've wanted one of these for awhile now and figured it was time to pull the trigger since they won't be making them next year. I'm sure they'll be back in 2016 since it was a good seller for Ford, but I couldn't wait any longer.
Got a seat for my co-pilot as well
Though she did love playing with the fabric on the seats
Just completed my KILL la KILL blu-ray collection, all 9 volume !!
Club Nintendo Yoshi arrived:
He even came wrapped in a little bow,aww...
And here he is outside his bag of suffocation:
Looks beautiful!Finally it's my turn *^*
My new car, Peugeot 208 1.4 vti allure.
Got this yesterday, waited a while and it was so worth it.
Haven't seen much of the Black/Khaki. Post a few pics of the machine!
Finally, I picked up this amazing new Cuddle 'N' Talk Dug plushie by Thinkway Toys, the company that made the Toy Story Collection figures.
Check out my review here!
-I was looking to import the Drakengard 3/Drag-On Dragoon 3 art/guide book (in the first pic) for a while now and I came across an eBay seller that had it for just under $25 with free shipping if you spent over $100.
He had several other books I was also looking to pick up for great prices so I ended up getting all of the above books for about $115 shipped.
The updated LED taillights are much nicer. 911 turbos>every other car.
Got some bad lighting, but here ya go :3
Images are quite large, fair warning.
Really liking the Khaki on it. Makes it stand out without being too loud.
They're absolutely impossible to stack (which is what they're supposed to do), but don't they look cute?