I think his bubble just needs a cooldown reduction, and his maybe his gun needs a small damage boost.Winston really needs some kind of buff. Not a big one, but something. Change some of his white health to shields like Zarya, or give him back the 1000 hp bubble like he had back in beta (changed because double Winston was too strong,) give him 50 more armor, or something...
He doesn't need a buff. The tank meta has reduced his viability but with a few corrections to key drivers of this meta (ana) and a reintroduction to more dps hero's, he will be just fine.Winston really needs some kind of buff. Not a big one, but something. Change some of his white health to shields like Zarya, or give him back the 1000 hp bubble like he had back in beta (changed because double Winston was too strong,) give him 50 more armor, or something... Just a little buff and he'd be perfect.
Yeah, I'm cool with a CD reduction on the bubble. It's kind of fucked up that Rein can completely regenerate a 2000hp shield before Winston's bubble can even come off CD.I think his bubble just needs a cooldown reduction, and his maybe his gun needs a small damage boost.
I think his bubble just needs a cooldown reduction, and his maybe his gun needs a small damage boost.
I wish I knew.Hey guys how do I be less salty at this game
The answer lies within. Embrace tranquility.Hey guys how do I be less salty at this game
Zen's sitting emote is extremely relaxing.The answer lies within. Embrace tranquility.
Pharmercy brawl should be removed from all brawls at this point.
Yeah, although it is kind of funny when you get into a firefight with another Mercy while hovering.Good lord, just played my first round of the Pharah and Mercy brawl and I had to stop playing for a bit because I got so dizzy.
What an absolute clusterfuck of brawl lol.
They're are too many that just end up taking forever, although stuff like Roadhog/Lucio is pretty decent.Brawl would a lot more fun if they..
Add more unique & fun modes like Total Mayhem, Lucio/Roadhog on Ilios where everyone try to throw people in the hole, 5 Reinhards/1 Lucio for the chaos, etc.
Remove Soldiers only, or at least remove the 100 HP handicap(seriously who likes dying in 2 hits anyway?)
Remove Pharah/Mercy(can't hit shit when everyone is flying)
Remove Snipers only(just a terrible mode)
Mfw 300 ping spikes at random times this has to be on blizzards side right cause this has only started in the last few weeks.
I dont know how i won the last match i just ulted in the middle hoping for the best then hear sextuple kill
Fuck, I wasted my tranquility.The answer lies within. Embrace tranquility.
That sucks.watching Ryujehong stream and every game has at least somebody hacking in it -_-
watching Ryujehong stream and every game has at least somebody hacking in it -_-
best brawl mode
I guess that's one advantage of being really mediocre at this game. People with aimbots aren't really hovering at my comp level.
Winston really needs some kind of buff. Not a big one, but something. Change some of his white health to shields like Zarya, or give him back the 1000 hp bubble like he had back in beta (changed because double Winston was too strong,) give him 50 more armor, or something... Just a little buff and he'd be perfect.
This season has broken us.Junkrat on King's Row attack is legit, I don't think I ever seen so many red skulls popping up in that map without even knowing how lol
I don't really like to have one on my team, or play against it, but it sure is fun playing as him.
Don't forget random ass Symmetra running in out of nowhere and melting everyone on your team uncontested because no one actually shoots at her.This season has broken us.
Sombra, Junkrat, Torb....
We are lost.
dont forget 10% accuracy widow :^)This season has broken us.
Sombra, Junkrat, Torb....
We are lost.
I wish I can practice sombra in ptr but everyone playing there is like dumb so I dont know if my sombra is gdlk right now or enemies are just dum dums
probably the latter.
This season has broken us.
Sombra, Junkrat, Torb....
We are lost.
That might enable 200HP one shots though. Increasing his sustain is really scary too. Beta Winston was mad strong with 1k shield even solo. The nerf had more than just Twinston behind it.
Like you could touch shield CD a bit but it's still kinda scary tbh. He's p balanced as is which is why it seems sketchy to mess with in the first place.
I think Winston's bubble's HP is fine as-is. I initially thought it sucked, but I've learned to be better about initiating and placing. But when I dive in and use it, I feel like I have to wait far too long before I can dive again, and Winston is pretty squishy due to his size.Yeah, I'm cool with a CD reduction on the bubble. It's kind of fucked up that Rein can completely regenerate a 2000hp shield before Winston's bubble can even come off CD.
Maybe 10 seconds instead of 13. I think 600hp on the bubble is still fine, though.
Even D.Va's Defense Matrix of INFINITE SHIELDING completely regenerates in 10 seconds.
I wish I knew.
I feel like this game is 95% me feeling awful about being shit at the game, and 5% landing cool stuff.
Junkrat on King's Row attack is legit, I don't think I ever seen so many red skulls popping up in that map without even knowing how lol
I don't really like to have one on my team, or play against it, but it sure is fun playing as him.
I thought the patch would come out yesterday so we could start learning the new, hopefully better, meta. But looks like it's one more week of suffering.lmao
I can't understand this game anymore![]()
yes.Does Master Overwatch allow you to split stats by seasons?
I thought the patch would come out yesterday so we could start learning the new, hopefully better, meta. But looks like it's one more week of suffering.
I thought the patch would come out yesterday so we could start learning the new, hopefully better, meta. But looks like it's one more week of suffering.
At this point I think my goal is 'don't be placed in platinum for season 4'
And I have much greater success when my attitude is 'fuck it' we should keep that in mind next time we group up.
Embrace the Junkrat. Be one with the Junkrat. Junkrat is your new main. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
Pharmercy brawl should be removed from all brawls at this point.
Junkrat on King's Row attack is legit, I don't think I ever seen so many red skulls popping up in that map without even knowing how lol
I don't really like to have one on my team, or play against it, but it sure is fun playing as him.
When your playing ana and zen doesn't give you a orb lol