So here's an interesting ethical dilemma question, Amiibo-GAF.
I'm losing my job at the end of May, and I have several hundred dollars of student loan repayment due every month. I have enough in savings to survive about three months of unemployment, but I just got to thinking - I have 12 amiibo (the rarest being Villager and Rosalina... everything else being uncommon or common), but they are all unopened.
If I get super desperate, how shitty would it be of me to resell my collection at an above market-value price? I realized that this might ACTUALLY be a legitimate source of income for me to skate by for another month, if it comes down to it. Obviously this would be a super last resort type of deal (so hopefully this question only ever stays as a hypothetical), but I'm wondering what this community's thoughts on it would be, because I have specifically cursed the scalper cause with a fucking furious aggression since last November. The last thing I would want to do is betray Amiibo-GAF's ideals when this community has been nothing but kind and helpful and wonderful.
Hell, I'm not even a real PART of this community - I've had maybe 15 or so posts in these threads TOTAL (though I lurk daily). But if you all thought this shit I'm thinking about is unethical, I wouldn't go through with it because I wouldn't want to let any of you down - even if it were only in spirit.
I dunno man. Regular life is hard, amiibo life is harder. That's the goddam gospel truth.