What's minimum light level for spindle groups? I think I'm 280...
i think 300s struggle to do it. :/
What's minimum light level for spindle groups? I think I'm 280...
Doesn't anyone else have to work?![]()
i think 300s struggle to do it. :/
Ozone31so anybody wants to try black spindle with me?
i'm 291
Spent most of my glimmer on buying black spindles from the kiosk and infusing weapons.
they really did say it, he wasn't being facetious. It was tweeted that this is only available during the daily* heroic.
Doesn't anyone else have to work?![]()
Yeah, watching streamerhouse's twitch right now, and they are trying the 2 bubbles / burn the boss quick strategy.Just a reminder that clearing adds and then damaging the boss isn't the only viable strategy. Mix it up if that isn't working for your group. We tried it once, abandoned ship on that strat, and then beat it in the next half hour. What works for a group of pros on video may not work for everyone if you don't have as good of add control.
Zoba you can help me out. We basically have to get into an area and kill stuff before timer runs out.
Spent most of my glimmer on buying black spindles from the kiosk and infusing weapons.
Telesto, Chaperone, Stillpiercer all at 300, Got my legendary sword to 304, ace of spades 299, supercell to 300.
Shit is addicting!
Add v1br4t1onsLooking for a Black Spindle group
PSN Stider
Looking for a Black Spindle group
PSN Stider
Yeah, that's mostly what I wanted it for honestly lol.
So far, we know you can't get from engrams:So is there a list of the known exotics that do not show up in the kiosks and cannot be found in engrams?
roger roger. inv me whenever
That's when you can see them.Got the Spindle and the ship. Goddamn that last room is a bitch. Psions for days.
So what's the light threshold for getting it to drop at 310? I'm 295. Probably getting a 300, right?
Doesn't anyone else have to work?![]()
Join up on Afrodeeziyak if you want to get this exotic sniper rifle.
Silver sounded like one of those kids getting a Gjallarhorn.
Pretty funny how we went from barely losing to overwhelming success.
Should've been with a Silver. That's the good luck charm.![]()
So far, we know you can't get from engrams:
Touch of Malice
Black Spindle
Sleeper Stimulant
The 3 gunsmith's class exclusive exotics (forgive me cause I don't know their names)
The 3 exotic swords
Boolean Gemini
We don't know yet:
No Time to Explain
First Curse
Black Spindle is the first exotic we know of that wasn't in the datamine the week before TTK released.
Trying to get spindle is there anyway my son can finish this thing in a team hes 232?
Trying to get spindle is there anyway my son can finish this thing in a team hes 232?
Join up on Afrodeeziyak if you want to get this exotic sniper rifle.
Wanna get the Spindle?I just got home.
We need a third then.
I'm going defender Titan.
So far, we know you can't get from engrams:
Touch of Malice
Black Spindle
Sleeper Stimulant
The 3 gunsmith's class exclusive exotics (forgive me cause I don't know their names)
The 3 exotic swords
Boolean Gemini
We don't know yet:
No Time to Explain
First Curse
Black Spindle is the first exotic we know of that wasn't in the datamine the week before TTK released.
Thats because i've been a little frustrated about this expansion actually. I've been away for quite some time so i feel like i dont know enough about this game anymore to be 'good' i guess. I might even feel a bit left out because of this. For instance, i have yet to raid because ppl got to 29something way faster than i did and i had a bit of trouble getting a raid group. I also dont have as much time to play this anymore.
This is the first time since coming back that i really feel the sense of achievement. And i was stoked. Still am actually. And dat minute to spare dude. Awesome.
I really hope that No time to explain is tied to a quest chain. because I really hope that I didnt waste 25 marks on upgrading my strangers rifle for nothing
I did
Kitaj84 if you still need a third.
295 warlock
I'm just under the cap and wasn't sure how to spend all of it. This is what I'll be doing once I am home from work. Soon.Spent most of my glimmer on buying black spindles from the kiosk and infusing weapons.
Telesto, Chaperone, Stillpiercer all at 300, Got my legendary sword to 304, ace of spades 299, supercell to 300.
Shit is addicting!
Spent most of my glimmer on buying black spindles from the kiosk and infusing weapons.
Telesto, Chaperone, Stillpiercer all at 300, Got my legendary sword to 304, ace of spades 299, supercell to 300.
Shit is addicting!