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Destiny |OT33| Hey Luke, What's the Theme for King's Fall? (Unmarked Spoilers)

you know at least we know now if they ever """""nerf"""" HoS ( which doesnt seem like it at this point) they will just take it out of the game completely... smh bungie is terrible with balance..
you know ppl have almost never complained about heavy in PVP.. why not control special ammo in pvp just like heavy ammo, and not just take shit out, when its good.. like have 4 rounds at spawn, have the special ammo box be the same as heavy, giving a max 4 rounds, have it only come 2 times a game. But instead of all the ammo going on death have 2 rounds go per death, or even 3 rounds...thats a max of 12 rounds per game and you cant die if you want to keep them... for someone like me shotties are my main special i fucking hate fusion rifles and dont really use snips because i dont like sniping in a closet.. only a hand full of middle size maps are they good for me..
pets matador and cries....

Because then, for all intents and purposes, you'd only ever have one weapon.

You'd rarely get the use the shotgun you love so much.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
you fellas goin raiding - if you end up at 5 and wanna shoot a brother an invite later in the run i'm your boy.

I'll be on my vita so I won't be at A+ game but i can clear adds and such without issue.

Deku Tree

Destiny LFG - nothing

Reddit fireteams and LFG - nothing

GAF - nothing

muffucking 10 digit key codes get brute forced in 5 minutes at 2 in the morning but ask the internet for one little post Golgoroth kill checkpoint for the raid and it's like i'm living in a hut on Mt. fucking Hood.

:( i want those fragments so bad. Stupid destiny.

Most people just do the whole raid and don't save the check points. You spent more tim asking for CPs than it would have taken to get to that point in the raid with a group.

(The exotic chances are so rare that it's not worth CP saving anymore.)


StrykerIsland looking to Raid on PS4. 304 Titan, got ToM, Sleeper Simulant and Exotic Sword. Have cleared King's Fall multiple times. Let's do this.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Most people just do the whole raid and don't save the check points. You spent more tim asking for CPs than it would have taken to get to that point in the raid with a group.

(The exotic chances are so rare that it's not worth CP saving anymore.)

Yea i know. And i'll be running through this weekend for sure but it's worth asking on the off chance that I can nab a fragment and have that exotic before the next raid i run.

Even like.. just jumping in for one second is enough. I'm hoping there is a kind soul here that would be willing to pop out and hook it up real fast as they play their way through.

Unlikely as that is .. i have better chances here than on reddit. So i keep asking. Like a big dumb baby.
Two-manned the Nightfall with Wicked, we at the rewards screen like



Who is interested in a 7pm cst raid? Preferably experienced people this time cause I want to do it fast. Already have 3. Send message to ThisStoreSucks on PS3.
What? PS4 Kings Fall Raid!!
When? Friday, 10am CST

1) xplicitone
2) AdamKoy
3) ShikiAoi
4) Hawkian
5) BahamutPT
6) Strider

Where? Dreadnaught, duh
Why? Why naught?

How? Wake up. Make Coffee. Turn on PS4. Profit!
did bungie fix the issue of players leaving strikes? Was playing the Valus Ta'arus stike and both left about 5 min into the strike, I was okay with it because I knew I could solo the strike but about another 30 in another two joined(party of two) one was AFK and then they left after killing the guards but again another 30 sec. in another two joined and we finished the strike.

Bravo Bungie!(if this was indeed your doing)

Could be because I just got thrown into a strike near the middle and it's the first time I've had it happen. Hopefully it's fixed.


This shotgun nerf isn't going to do anything. Rangefinder is still insane. Shotguns with max impact/range alone are insane. They're going to have to nerf them again after this.


Because then, for all intents and purposes, you'd only ever have one weapon.

You'd rarely get the use the shotgun you love so much.

nah it lets skilled players use it if they dont die... 90% of my kills in the crucible are with primary anyway.. mostly ARs and sometimes Scouts.. im not saying taking shot package out will make them useless.. but its just fucking lazy taking it out.. i mean take snips for example.. its a one shot kill weapon... it doesnt even really matter the perks on the gun in a skilled players hands, the other guy is dead.. and no one screams about it being op..i just dont think shotties should have to have the barrel up the enemies ass to get a kill..
for the most part i guess poeple think shotty kills are undeserved/unskilled i understand that.. i feel that way even more with FRs
i still havent found a y2 shotty thats good for me.. once i do it wont really matter but im sick of bungie takin the lazy way out...
This shotgun nerf isn't going to do anything. Rangefinder is still insane. Shotguns with max impact/range alone are insane. They're going to have to nerf them again after this.

I wouldn't say it's not going to do anything, but they definitely needed to address rangefinder also at the very least.


Got the Neuroghast gloves to drop today. Im only missing the chest for a complete set now. wish Id stop seeing boot and helm duplicates.


Formerly Gizmowned
The XXXIV fragment is bullshit. Everything I get to the platform I have like a second left then I lose the buff.


Shot Package may be gone, but I got a 298 Party Crasher +1 as a drop in Crucible last night. Let the Shotgun pwnage continue >:D

:*( if i was so lucky.. wow.. have yet to get a leg weapon drop for me.. they legs i do get are shit teir leg armor engrams..
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