1. GibbShift
2. Bicep_Curls
3. minimumhippo
4. mandiller
5. Ocelott
6. Eldritch_Spectre
Hippo texted me today saying he wouldn't be available until sometime past 11 p.m., so we may have to find a replacement. Also, just gonna let you guys know now, I got roped into Golgoroth (sp?) last night by a group that I thought was doing Crucible. They defeated him in the most simplest way possible. If we try again tonight and our regular methods don't work, I can show you guys what they did. Or we can just start off with that and get it out of the way. We'll need two Defender Titans with WoL and BoL. Thing is, I'm still probably the lowest DPSer in the group, so we'll see what happens.
See you all around 10 EST tonight!