Can i join? I also have a tier 3 so that i can get the fragment.
Great. Dunk joined another crew because my psn message didn't send. We need 1 more still!
My guess in terms of PvP gear level drops is this:
Iron Banner: gear will drop anywhere between 290-300. Vendor gear purchased will be at 290.
Trials: drops will range from 290-310. Going flawless will guarantee a 310 piece. No vendor gear sold.
I think part of the reason they are moving to drops instead of just purchasing stuff is to avoid having to place a set value on vendor gear level. I think they also want trials to feel less all or nothing in terms of rewards.
It doesn't sound like they will, other than the sweet flawless rewards. That will probably be more difficult now though with the nmatchmaking changes.
Goofiest raid team by far.
no stream?
Drizzay isn't logged in. Wanna help me with tier 3 CoO? Want that fragment
Just got Jade Rabbit, but I don't think it'll be as good as Hung Jury of Tlaloc, tbqh. I'm going to test it out in PVP and see if I like it.
Just got Jade Rabbit, but I don't think it'll be as good as Hung Jury of Tlaloc, tbqh. I'm going to test it out in PVP and see if I like it.
Alright my buddy is helping his friend with his raid and we need 1 more yet again
Everyone in our group is experienced.
Why couldn't this be a legendary cloak~ And thanks Eric for helping out!
Thanks for my first Oryx kill, LT, T, Save, Col & Doc!
I love how well we did when I accidentally started the encounter without Drizz giving the walkthrough.
We did it on the 3rd run and it felt great.
Long live the King!
Why couldn't this be a legendary cloak~ And thanks Eric for helping out!
Yeah I think you're right although I wouldn't be surprised if IB drops were lower, or even if they dropped relative to your own light level (same as current crucible matches). Speaking of Trials being less all or nothing, I wonder what the Bounty gear will be like. Can't wait to get back to Mercury and see if they changed the chest drops or *gasp* opened up new spaces to explore!
The big question is how much easier Trials will be at first with all the PvE scrubs back in it. Matching teams based on # of wins could make things much harder but I'm hoping the drive for 310 gear will dilute the pool enough relative to late-HoW teams. Especially since the first week will be before Heroic raid, the thirst for Mercury will be no joke.
Yeah, curious what they do. Of two minds on it since I think people should be rewarded for good play, but having stuff that people who are terrible/mediocre at PvP will never get rubs me the wrong way. It wouldn't be an issue if PvP and PvE were totally separate, but since they aren't I'll continue to kill myself doing dumb shit for quests etc in PvP, which also sucks for people who just want to play PvP which is bombarded by people like me doing dumb shit, quitting games, going afk for daily marks, paying for carries in Trials etc etc. More and more I don't think they can continue to please two masters by trying to balance everything for both, see how ridiculous hammers are in PvP right now, but needing them hurts them in PvE.
Thanks iRawr and Igor. Easy fight. Got dat fragment
Why couldn't this be a legendary cloak~ And thanks Eric for helping out!
Breezy I got one called Squid Pro Quo today. cool deal
Anybody have the second jumping section (the pistons that shoot out of the wall) checkpoint for the raid? I need the fragment and need to practice it if that's possible. I ran through it once but died a million times and was led through it.
Replace that with TLW
Why couldn't this be a legendary cloak~ And thanks Eric for helping out!
You know it and thanks for the fun.
Also GGs to T and LT doing both the NF and a strike. Gun times, good songs, glad to hang out with you guys for a while.
Will try not to sing with Arnold voice tomorrow
Thanks for my first Oryx kill, LT, T, Save, Col & Doc!
I love how well we did when I accidentally started the encounter without Drizz giving the walkthrough.
We did it on the 3rd run and it felt great.
Long live the King!
SC slayerage got in some crazy secret room in Kings Fall I've never seen or heard of before. Where you do 6 relic dunks, one per person. Interesting.
Dude, you're a tad late to the party lol
Shit, where's Marvel?! He'll want to see thisWhy couldn't this be a legendary cloak~ And thanks Eric for helping out!
no stream?
Goodnight, Eldricht.
Need one spot for Deathsingers on KF.
PSN: GibbShift