Let's call this, Panda gets his ass kicked. http://www.twitch.tv/kadeybaybe/c/1919877
There's some weird psychology in Marvel where people think certain fireballs(like Firebrand or Morrigan) have higher durability than most, but they don't at all. Still 5 like most everything. Nemesis' rocket actually has the lowest durability in the game at 1 point. There are very, very few single-hit projectiles worth worrying about as far as durability goes. Pretty much just Magnum and Gold Arthur stuff.
There's some weird psychology in Marvel where people think certain fireballs(like Firebrand or Morrigan) have higher durability than most, but they don't at all. Still 5 like most everything. Nemesis' rocket actually has the lowest durability in the game at 1 point. There are very, very few single-hit projectiles worth worrying about as far as durability goes. Pretty much just Magnum and Gold Arthur stuff.
IIRC having more durability packed in less hits is better than durability spread over multiple hits.There's some weird psychology in Marvel where people think certain fireballs(like Firebrand or Morrigan) have higher durability than most, but they don't at all. Still 5 like most everything. Nemesis' rocket actually has the lowest durability in the game at 1 point. There are very, very few single-hit projectiles worth worrying about as far as durability goes. Pretty much just Magnum and Gold Arthur stuff.
IIRC having more durability packed in less hits is better than durability spread over multiple hits.
This thread slowed the fuck down after Karst got banned, goddamn.
I've still been playing on the regular. A bit less than normal due to online latency getting more and more noticable to me as my execution gets better, to the point where I literally cannot do half the things I attempt to do. >_>
I'm also actually working on that Dante guide I started. I've made it even more comprehensive than before, so it eats up a fair share of my free time. It's been more fun making it than the last time, though.
Random tech: Dante can fuzzy guard Magneto, Dormammu, Doom, Skrull, MODOK, Sent, Nemesis, Hulk, Nova, Strange, Haggar, Wesker and Vergil with j.M. Vergil, Skrull and Wesker are a bit weird to hit, but it does work on them. Needs an assist to set up, though.
For a while, I was thinking I was out of practice with empty cancel Weasel Shot since I couldn't hit it once online. Then I went into Training Mode and hit it like ten times in a row and went 'lol online'.I pretty much just lab monster and attempt to keep my execution sharp then get into fits of "am I getting old?/fuck this shit/why baby Jesus why" when I can't do Rapid Seismos again for the nth time. :lol
I plan to pool every little bit of information I know about Dante into the guide in some capacity. I might not be the best Dante player out there, but I know just about every little bit of tech Dante has. Hell, I came up with some of it, so that has to count for something!As for the spoiler text, hype. I hope you incorporate some of the tech we share here into it. You people are far more talented at video editing than I am/can be with this ancient ass desktop.![]()
I've known about it for a few months, but never mentioned it lol. It's a pretty finnicky fuzzy guard, and it's not all that fast... but it's a fuzzy-guard. It'll open people up.You don't say...
was anyone watching pr balrog's stream last night? he was playing
arthur (bottle) / morrigan / vergil
once he got arthur armored up, he would tag him out and put in morrigan with the soru fistu spam. the powered-up bottle assist was stopping anyone from getting in on the ground, shit was real.
yeah I saw that
bottle assist spam was hilarious
still think doom is a better fit as the assist for that team, though
For the few Wright players we have on here, When "Get em Missile!" assist is used, does Missile disappear when Phoenix is hit, or does Missile still hit low?
No but Missile has the lowest durability and hit stun in the game. It's only usefull for OTG's and unblockable setups.
Let's call this, Panda gets his ass kicked. http://www.twitch.tv/kadeybaybe/c/1919877
Damn. That other guy wasn't even good. Its enough to make you hate playing against people with subpar connections.Let's call this, Panda gets his ass kicked. http://www.twitch.tv/kadeybaybe/c/1919877
Just bought the game, I can't seem to find any matches on XBL. Is ranked completely dead? Should I just go back to AE?
Or is the community on PSN instead?
Just bought the game, I can't seem to find any matches on XBL. Is ranked completely dead? Should I just go back to AE?
Or is the community on PSN instead?
I guess the same thing goes for Raccoon and his bear trap?
Can anyone make a suggestion for defense against rapid slash (point, not assist)? Lately I've just kinda been holding up back and hope it misses and I can land on him for an attack. It's worked out alright, but I'm just wondering if anyone has better solutions. There is no move I hate more than rapid slash....well maybe everything Captain America does. Easy way to beat me....pick Cap and have an awesome THC. Cap is the solution to beating every team I play. Fuck that guy.
Yeah blocking it is no good for me. I always feel like I switch directions in time, but apparently I don't. I think I'm just gonna spend an hour in the lab trying to go over different scenarios.
I play a lot of teams but most of the time it's one of the following 3: Chris/Spencer/Sentinel, Wolverine/Morrigan/Doom, or Doom/Dorm/SentinelWhat's your team?
i know if you time your L's correctly you can hit him out of it with task and hawkeye. i didn't have luck getting out of it with haggar though. also its best if you stay neutral when he taps you to get you into his reset. moving forward and back makes it harder for you to land a hit.Chris matrix said on bc that anybody can get out of the haggar corner reset. Kinda want to know if its true
I play a lot of teams but most of the time it's one of the following 3: Chris/Spencer/Sentinel, Wolverine/Morrigan/Doom, or Doom/Dorm/Sentinel
Marvel Old Man Logan Wiki Page said:This universe/event was mentioned in a joke in the video game Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. After Hawkeye defeats Wolverine, he says "You fight like an old man, Logan" as a reference in which Wolverine, becoming a pacifist after, is brought back into action by an older, blinded Hawkeye.all villains teamed up to kill most heroes
If you beat Spider-Man with Deadpool he mentions the stage show.