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Dota 2 |OT5| TECHIES!!!

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I'm pretty happy with these immortals. Seems like a step up from last year.
I got Tinker boots and DP dress. Don't care about the Tinker one (because I'm not so good with Tinker), but the DP one was probably my most wanted because I love that hero and the animation is awesome.


Corporate Apologist
So, what type of Voice pack do you all want? I want one for Invoker where he is still the Arsonal Magus. Mainly so he can have a bunch of ally and rivalry lines, I think Valve could really deliver on such things.

I'm pretty happy with these immortals. Seems like a step up from last year.
I got Tinker boots and DP dress. Don't care about the Tinker one (because I'm not so good with Tinker), but the DP one was probably my most wanted because I love that hero and the animation is awesome.

The tinker one is awesome, that custom Teleport effect is amazing.
So, what type of Voice pack do you all want? I want one for Invoker where he is still the Arsonal Magus. Mainly so he can have a bunch of ally and rivalry lines, I think Valve could really deliver on such things.
Yeah us passing that really got overshadowed by all this.

And it was 33% to the next one like an hour ago. I can't even imagine where we'll be by the end of this weekend.


Corporate Apologist

Beaver Knight is coming, whoooo!

Aw, Valve actually removed Two of Lion's lines to account for his custom hex, he flat out doesn't say "Croak!" and "Hop frog" anymore.

Beaver Knight is coming, whoooo!

Aw, Valve actually removed Two of Lion's lines to account for his custom hex, he flat out doesn't say "Croak!" and "Hop frog" anymore.

They couldn't just set him to only use the lines when not equipped with that item?


so GAF I noticed the little info that shows you stuff like your ping and etc is different now


The custom Crystal Nova is tied to the Immortal item, the Gem only changes her casting animation.

That's not what the wiki says. Which is correct?

edit: speaking of kinetic gems, i really wish they'd give the sparrowhawk bow one for the powershot animation, so i could take it out and use it elsewhere :(((


DP-kun so kawaii ^-^

I'm gonna steal that.


Also finally had a good game on invoker for a change (8/2/19, multiple successfull meteor/deaf blast combos) but we lost anyway because our nyx had like phase stout at 20 minutes and we lost every fight to undying.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
Fuck i lost a game as sven because i refused to deviate from my build, i was up vs a bloodseeker's ult that was wrecking me in fights shoulda gone linkens instead i went heart, it did nothing we lost the game. By the end bs had a buttefly and i didn't have an mkb so it was game over. FML
Wiki's wrong then.

I have the Kinetic Gem in a Hood of the North, it does nothing but change her cast animation. You can browse Reddit and come across tons of disappointed people.

I wonder if they'll change it. I bought the gem and stuck it in a different hair, cause why not, it was cheap, and the new cast animation is cool enough.

But I did the same with the "muh keen gun" gem, and man, all his animations are pretty broken with it in a different gun.


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The whole idea of Kinetic gems is pretty stupid IMO. What exactly is the point? All it does is confuse things. You can't assign the special effects to any random item, certainly not to items from other heroes. Just link special effects to the item intrinsically.


The whole idea of Kinetic gems is pretty stupid IMO. What exactly is the point? All it does is confuse things. You can't assign the special effects to any random item, certainly not to items from other heroes. Just link special effects to the item intrinsically.

I don't know. I think it will be cool once there's more of them. If there's a bunch of different custom animations for your favorite hero, you can then mix and match the animations you want with the items you want... it is a bit confusing (and kind of BS that you can sell the immortals with out the gems), but I don't think more customization is a bad thing.


no im saying what's wrong with it? I don't play PA so I have no idea how her ulti works; does other crit not stack? Prob a dumb question but o well.
Not a dumb question, you said you don't play her! But anyway

Critical strike: Multiple critical strike abilities do not independently stack, as they can not trigger on the same hit.


no im saying what's wrong with it? I don't play PA so I have no idea how her ulti works; does other crit not stack? Prob a dumb question but o well.

It stack diminishingly.

Daedalus is still like the highest DPS item in the game short of divine rapier, even for heroes with passive crit, but picking up a crit as your first dps item on PA is completely terrible.


Not a dumb question, you said you don't play her! But anyway

Critical strike: Multiple critical strike abilities do not independently stack, as they can not trigger on the same hit.

It stack diminishingly.

Daedalus is still like the highest DPS item in the game short of divine rapier, even for heroes with passive crit, but picking up a crit as your first dps item on PA is completely terrible.

aah, that makes sense.

ty for explanation.
everyone should play pa

she can be super aggressive even at the most early levels

is a carry

can still get last hits if the lane sucks

has pretty wide open item choices

whats not to like

granted one of her skills is made totally useless by a somewhat common late game item pickup but hey so what


Also treads PA is really weird, but whatever..

Would also probably go vlad's/drum instead of aquila/hotd, I'd only get the hotd if i was building a battlefury for stacking ancients. But those are more up in the air.


I wonder for how long the immortal prizepool spike will last. Hopefully it's long enough to make the A-Z challenge support a done deal.

Where's the daily hero challenge? Dammit Valve, you had one job.


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I don't know. I think it will be cool once there's more of them. If there's a bunch of different custom animations for your favorite hero, you can then mix and match the animations you want with the items you want... it is a bit confusing (and kind of BS that you can sell the immortals with out the gems), but I don't think more customization is a bad thing.

That's my point though, you can't do that. You can't take the gems from these new items for instance and put them in a different item to keep the effects. So it's really rather pointless overall.


So are there gems or something I should be wary of before buying
  • Hellborn Grasp
  • Kindred of the Iron Dragon
from the Steam Market?
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