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iPad Air

Deku Tree

I was thinking about waiting for better specs next year, but IMO it might not be smart to wait for 2GB next year because you could be surprised at how long Apple is willing to stick with 1GB especially now that the Air has a smaller battery.
Yes but Deku Tree also makes a good point. My 2010 MBP has an SSD and it's sooooo much better and faster because of that.

Without an SSD and RAM upgrade I would've bought a new computer by now (really puts in perspective the lack of upgradeability of newer MacBooks).
No doubt SSDs are fantastic performance boosts, making every program load very snappy. But in terms of browsing, I doubt it makes much difference. Dany M said 'Chrome can barely stream a video and browse the net' - an SSD isn't going to help.


I was thinking about waiting for better specs next year, but IMO it might not be smart to wait for 2GB next year because you could be surprised at how long Apple is willing to stick with 1GB especially now that the Air has a smaller battery.
There is no way in hell they are keeping 1gb into next year, I'd bet all my money on it. 3 iPad models in a row with 1gb is enough, christ with android devices getting 4gb ram next year (especially awesome now that kitkat has a greatly reduced memory footprint) there's no way ios devices will have 4x less ram.
I wouldn't kid yourself, if you really must have 2gb ram, and remember these are really expensive products, wait it out. Unless you want to buy this year and sell the next.

Deku Tree

There is no way in hell they are keeping 1gb into next year, I'd bet all my money on it. 3 iPad models in a row with 1gb is enough, christ with android devices getting 4gb ram next year (especially awesome now that kitkat has a greatly reduced memory footprint) there's no way ios devices will have 4x less ram.
I wouldn't kid yourself, if you really must have 2gb ram, and remember these are really expensive products, wait it out. Unless you want to buy this year and sell the next.

I don't disagree with your sentiment. Personally I wish the iPad Air had 2GB of ram and TouchID. But I also would have thought that there was "no way" they would have left 1GB of ram in this years iPad Air... so I don't know why it will be better to be thinking that for next year things are going to be different. Apple seems to be of the opinion that almost all consumers of their iOS products don't know or care how much ram is under the hood. They have never mentioned it anywhere. We only find out because of tear downs and benchmark tests


I don't disagree with your sentiment. Personally I wish the iPad Air had 2GB of ram and TouchID. But I also would have thought that there was "no way" they would have left 1GB of ram in this years iPad Air... so I don't know why it will be better to be thinking that for next year things are going to be different. Apple seems to be of the opinion that almost all consumers of their products don't know or care how much ram is under the hood.
I expected 1gb this year tbh, i was just really hoping for 2gb, they seem to do a cycle of sticking with the same amount of ram for 2 years, it wasn't a surprise at all.
512mb ram 2010-2011
1gb ram 2012-2013 (i think people expected 2gb because 2012 saw the release of two ipad models, mainly because iPad 3 was underpowered for it's screen and needed replacing with a more capable model with the new connector).
Same with the phones which have a 2 year cycle between numbered releases (which have a ram bump) and an s model in between which is a spec bump albeit with the same amount of ram.


...hate me...
No doubt SSDs are fantastic performance boosts, making every program load very snappy. But in terms of browsing, I doubt it makes much difference. Dany M said 'Chrome can barely stream a video and browse the net' - an SSD isn't going to help.
Chrome doesn't make things easier though :p

But still, using the "number of porn tabs running" benchmark, my 2.4GHz C2D w/ 8GB of RAM and SSD still destroys any wet dream of an iOS device.
I imagine iOS and Android use RAM very differently, and the comparisons are rather meaningless. I suspect there aren't many real-world examples of an Android tablet being able to do more things, better, due to having 2GB RAM over the iPad's 1GB.

[edit] number of porn tabs running might be valid however...


I just got home from Target. I traded in my iPad 1 for $200 store credit, turned around and bought last year's iPad Mini for $300 + a $25 gift card. This thing flies compared to my old iPad. No retina display, but I'll live.
We went from a 3rd Gen to an Air also...the weight difference is much more significant than I'd imagined it would be. My wife uses the Air primarily, and I was considering a mini for myself as something to use on my commute, but I'm starting to think the Air is the one to get now.

The fact that I can comfortably hold the air is one hand seals it for me. I was looking at the mini also.


I just got home from Target. I traded in my iPad 1 for $200 store credit, turned around and bought last year's iPad Mini for $300 + a $25 gift card. This thing flies compared to my old iPad. No retina display, but I'll live.

You can trade in old ones to Target? And an iPad 1 for that much?
I nearly broke down and bought the Air today, I gotta stay strong for the mini retina. The Air is incredibly light, but I still prefer the dimensions of the mini overall. The mini will also have a higher PPI, which is an added bonus. Come on Apple, give me a date.
I was thinking about waiting for better specs next year, but IMO it might not be smart to wait for 2GB next year because you could be surprised at how long Apple is willing to stick with 1GB especially now that the Air has a smaller battery.

With iPad's great resale value you could get a 16gig this year and sell it next year before the new models with minimal hit to your wallet. Consider the $50ish bucks lost a rental fee for using it for one year.


formerly cjelly
Okay, so I just set up my new iPad Mini using my Apple ID from my iPhone and it's claiming on my iPhone now that iPad is using my email address for iMessage/FaceTime? I disabled using my email address for that stuff on my phone. Is one device's settings overwriting the other device's? I'm confused here.

It asks you what you want to use when you first set it up.

You can change it by going to Settings > Messages / FaceTime


formerly cjelly
Not too sure about $200 being the minimum. I just searched for the 3rd Gen white wifi model (32gb) and Target is offering $190 (and I sold to Gazelle for $210).

my roomie has ipad 2 16 GB. I went to that link and it's quoting me $125. What's with the $200 minimum??

Those are the usual prices. Click the big red 'get at least $200 for any iPad traded in' on the left for the offer.


got ya.

hmmm. I was going to encourage him to do $200 for his iPad 2 and get a Nexus 10, but doesn't look like Target sells it. Don't think he wants to drop $300 for Air.


got ya.

hmmm. I was going to encourage him to do $200 for his iPad 2 and get a Nexus 10, but doesn't look like Target sells it. Don't think he wants to drop $300 for Air.

Is he at all interested in last year's iPad Mini? They're still being sold with iOS 6 and are quite speedy.

The sales rep told me that the $200 store credit doesn't have to be spent on an iPad.

ipad 3 is for 190. thats less than $200....

Read the post two above yours.

Guess Who

Not too sure about $200 being the minimum. I just searched for the 3rd Gen white wifi model (32gb) and Target is offering $190 (and I sold to Gazelle for $210).

I sold that exact model on eBay for like $370.

All those trade in programs will usually get you noticeably less than just selling it, in my experience.


I sold that exact model on eBay for like $370.

All those trade in programs will usually get you noticeably less than just selling it, in my experience.

The bottom line is this is a great deal for iPad 1 owners who are looking to upgrade, like I did. iOS 5 rendered iPad 1s useless for anything but the lightest of tasks.
We went from a 3rd Gen to an Air also...the weight difference is much more significant than I'd imagined it would be. My wife uses the Air primarily, and I was considering a mini for myself as something to use on my commute, but I'm starting to think the Air is the one to get now.

I loved the Mini when it came out and thought it was near perfect, with the exception of the resolution.

Then Apple went ahead and made an iPad so light, the mini doesn't matter. I freaking love this Air!


Whoa, $200 for an iPad 1? I still have my 32G ATT version which only gets about $80 offers from Gazelle and the like. So can this be obtained from all Target locations?


ipad 3 is for 190. thats less than $200....

You have to do it it in store. I just got 200 bucks (in gift card) for my 1st gen 64gb with a bit of a dent in the corner. More than the 150-180 that I could get on craigslist (especially with the cosmetic damage). For my old 1st gen? It was a damn good deal. Doubly so when I factor in that I was gifted this iPad by my old ex-boss when he originally got the 2nd gen back in the day.

Picked up the 64gb air for the cost of the 16gb one. Super pleased.

Also, does anyone have any suggestions on a case for this that is similar to the leather one apple sells but not nearly as expensive (polyurethane would be fine)? Do I just need to wait?

Deku Tree

I am now comparing the speed of my ipad 2 to my iPhone 5S, an iPad Air and a Nexus 7 on display at BB. I never noticed or thought about how slow my iPad 2 is before in comparison to these newer devices.
Unstuck (helps you solve your problems using your creativity)
Zite/Flipboard (great news apps)
Dark Sky (100% accurate rain alerts with push notifications)
Skitch (quick and easy image marking)
Pocket (save articles for offline reading)
Khan Academy (tons of free educational videos)
Color Uncovered/Sound Uncovered
Our Choice (demonstrates the power of interactive books. Apple later copied it with iBooks Author)
Wonders of the Universe
Back in Time
MagicPlan (create a floor plan using your device's camera)
Lift (helps you build new habits)
How to Cook Everything (the only iPad cooking book you'll ever need)
Duolingo (learn a new language for free!)

Thank you, thank you.

Pocket will come in handy for long flights with no internet...
I'm starting to convince myself that I should get the Air over the mini mainly because I want to use it for my business in addition to personal use. It would be nice to use it to show off the catalogue or make quick edits to some of my spreadsheets while on on the road. The mini would probably suck for this type of thing.


$200 from Target for the iPad 1? Sounds like a good time to upgrade my wife from the iPad 1, then be jealous of her fancy new toy compared to my non retina mini.


I'm starting to convince myself that I should get the Air over the mini mainly because I want to use it for my business in addition to personal use. It would be nice to use it to show off the catalogue or make quick edits to some of my spreadsheets while on on the road. The mini would probably suck for this type of thing.

I was planning on holding out for the Mini. Went to Best Buy to check out the new Air while also getting a little hands on time with the Mini. Once I held the Air, it was pretty much decided then on point.

Granted, my N10 was pretty light too when held in landscape. Once I held it in portrait, the weight felt "heavier". For the Air, it doesn't matter how its held, just feel great all around.
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