nature boy
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 3m3 minutes ago
I am asking the chairs of the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to me seeing it.
He has found his scapegoat.
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 3m3 minutes ago
I am asking the chairs of the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to me seeing it.
The Obama admin/CIA is illegally funneling TOP SECRET//COMINT information to NBC for political reasons before PEOTUS even gets to read it.
Glad to see one Democrat is brave enough to stand up for what he believes in.
Glad to see one Democrat is brave enough to stand up for what he believes in.
He has found his scapegoat.
President-elect Donald Trump views the focus on Russian interference in the 2016 election a political witch hunt against him.
In an interview with the New York Times on Friday ahead of Trumps planned meeting with the heads of U.S. intelligence to discuss the community's findings that Russian actors stole emails from Democratic organizations to influence the election, the President-elect said the intense focus on Russian involvement is meant to damage him politically.
All the more reason Democrats should continue hammering this issue for the foreseeable issue. Even there was literally no basis for it (there is), the simple fact that he has to waste time responding to it is politically beneficial. Time to take the gloves off and fight dirty.
At least Diablos' evil twin is gone.
I always like how these things become a personal attack about one's motivation level. Who says I'm moping all day?
And being overly pessimistic to the point of absurdity, outright ignoring historical trends and how elections pretty much always work is exactly what the GOP wants. They want morale down.
I've spent the last few days setting up small recurring donations to figures and causes I care about. Planned Parenthood, Climate Change, Keith Ellison, The PCCC. This is basically my tip-toe back into current events after having my reality obliterated after the election. I had to withdraw from the flow of information for a while and just try to get a hold of myself. Some days I am succeeding, other days I am not, but I can't hide from current events any longer. It's time to come back. It's time to try to accomplish something again.
I recognize some of you from the election cycle. I don't know if anyone remembers me. These are dark times, but I am glad to see your names and avatars again.
So... please help me figure out who to support and who to watch as we enter this new era as the world's most dangerous laughing stock. All the political figures I supported and lined up behind failed. I don't even know who is left. I don't even know if there are enough progressives left with the motivation to take the country back. I don't really know anything any more.
I think the reason I am so pathetic is that I was so confident in how November 2016 was going to turn out and we were all wrong. We had so much evidence and data to reaffirm what we believed would happen and none of it did.
The thing that sucks most for Dems in 2018 is the Senate map:
They're gonna be on the defense. Tell me what red states can they realistically pick off from that map? Nevada maybe.
I'm pretty much in the same boat. I put my feet back in and everything is still so unreal. I still am not looking at social media like I used to. I hope we can expel this anomaly. I would feel so much better with President Pence (which is still awful due to policies) but at least I would know he was not a stooge for a foreign hostile power.
There's an apparent mass shooting at the Ft. Lauderdale Airport
How about instead of focusing on the Senate, you look at what the map looks like for Governors.
Welcome back.I recognize some of you from the election cycle. I don't know if anyone remembers me. These are dark times, but I am glad to see your names and avatars again.
I'm sure the Democrats will walk away better in 2018 than they are now; but to think they'll be able to put a stop to Trump via congress is not looking realistic at the moment. They're not gonna get the Senate, and the house is gerrymandered to shit.
We are thinking of making an online database with all "verified" twitter accounts & their family/job/financial/housing relationships.
Both the Senate and House are entirely doable in 2018
Trump winning is the best thing that could have happened for those seats. The opposition party comes into a midterm at the advantage.24-25 Democrat seats are up in 2018. 11 from states Trump won. Very vulnerable seats for the DNC.
Welcome back.
Both the Senate and House are entirely doable in 2018
There's only one path to the Senate that I really see, which is hold everything and take NV/AZ/TXBoth the Senate and House are entirely doable in 2018
Pretty good. The off party generally makes big gains in midterms. Despite how counter productive it is, voters love when the president and congress are opposite parties. Because apparently "better laws get passed with the compromises needed to work together" is what I was taught in school.
Historically, this isn't true. Midterms are when the not presidential party turns out to take back some power. Democrat turnout will probably be surprisingly high for a midterm in response to Trump and the GOP.
Voters don't like absolute power of one party. They never have. They never will. The Democrats are walking in 2018 with a huge advantage.
WASHINGTON U.S. Rep. Beto O'Rourke said Thursday he is all but certain to make a run for U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz's seat in 2018.
"Ive had the chance to talk to a lot of people around the state of Texas over the last six weeks, and I will tell you, Im very encouraged," he told The Texas Tribune on Thursday in an interview. "And I am continuing to listen to and talk to folks, and Im just becoming more and more encouraged."
"Its very likely that I will run for Senate in 2018," the El Paso Democrat added.
Trump winning is the best thing that could have happened for those seats. The opposition party comes into a midterm at the advantage.
It can't be overstated just how much voters historically do not like one party holding all parts of the federal government.
I still fear your optimism is left over from the days we all thought Hillary would win and logic and reason would save the day, if only just by a little.
Our new reality is different and I think the dems will get utterly fucked for at least a decade if not more. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see any light at the end of this tunnel.
Kinda surprised Castro isn't going for it yet.Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh
my boyfriend!
(you're talking to someone whose always optimistic about everything and hardly ever lets anything keep him down for more than a day or so)
I don't know how you do it, but I guess I'm glad you're around. If I talk to too many people like me for too long I'd just kill myself.
Having a positive perspective is comforting.
Kinda surprised Castro isn't going for it yet.
Sitting around moping all day about how nobody will do anything is the fastest way to make sure nobody does anything.
The GOP didn't sit around in 2010 and have a pity party about how they were never going to win again, so why bother, it's hopeless, the party is doomed.
For being the party of supposed activists and human rights, Democrats really seem to not actually like doing any sort of activist work.
The main problem being, we have no outlets that can compete with 24/7 hate/rage media that is AM radio and Fox News. There is no liberal equivalency. Sure, we talk a big game online, but when it comes down to mobilization, if we don't care about the person (in love with), then we won't vote out of logic, which seems so ironic to me, being supposed proponents of logic and reason.
This is why we're fucked for a while. Please prove me wrong, as I have no faith in us anymore. If Trump wasn't a warning enough of what anti-intellectualism festers into, then what could possibly motivate the left to come out against him when they didn't last year? This all sounds like false optimism to me when we were proven so wrong Nov 8th. Reality has flipped, it's a new ball game now.
In the southern states it was never about jobs, it was about other things. The southern states benefited from NAFTA and the likes.Right now a lot of people on the right have been bitching about how shitty they think the economy is and how terrible the ACA is for the country and that it needs to go away. Give it 2-4 years when the economy IS actually shitty and those people have all lost their health insurance with no backup plan to save them and maybe things can change. Especially, if those jobs in southern states and the rust belt do not come back despite Trump talking the talk which they probably won't based on the future being automation.
This counter-point article to Hillbilly Elegy goes into those "other things" - the southern states it was never about jobs, it was about other things. The southern states benefited from NAFTA and the likes.
A lot of good the 24/7 hate machine Fox News/AM Radio did in 2008.
November 8th proved that the country rejects Trump as a whole. Never forget who actually got the most support and the most votes. There are more good people in this country than you give it credit for.
I don't know how you do it, but I guess I'm glad you're around. If I talk to too many people like me for too long I'd just kill myself.
Having a positive perspective is comforting.
Right now a lot of people on the right have been bitching about how shitty they think the economy is and how terrible the ACA is for the country and that it needs to go away. Give it 2-4 years when the economy IS actually shitty and those people have all lost their health insurance with no backup plan to save them and maybe things can change. Especially, if those jobs in southern states and the rust belt do not come back despite Trump talking the talk which they probably won't based on the future being automation.
The thing I am depressed about is the kind of damage the GOP will be doing to the environment, international relations, and human rights during those 4 years. Even if we get some kind of miracle scenario in which the Democrats are completely in power by 2020 then they still have to go and pick up the pieces of a mess the Republicans made which takes time. Then if history repeats itself voters will get upset with a lack of progress in their own eyes and throw the Republicans back in power to fuck it all up again.
Kinda surprised Castro isn't going for it yet.