Last two exotics I've gotten are only decoding to 290. I was over 300 when they dropped and when I decoded them.
Last two exotics I've gotten are only decoding to 290. I was over 300 when they dropped and when I decoded them.
Hah that's awesomeI'm with you, got a 300 ghost, 302 cloak, and 310 auto rifle.
At least that last one will be good infusion material.
Also, during our raid run yesterday,one of my regular team members decided she had enough of all those jumping sections, so she just decided to...
The moment she nearly loses her rythm is when two of us are telling her she'd better have enough ammos to make it, because she was gonna end up on youtube.
Its RNG if they roll better or not soo
If you haven't started the second part of the sword quest, you can do it on another character! Just don't buy the upgrade node you unlock at 290 attack, first transfer to the class that you want to do that part of the mission on (warlocks are my personal favorite for void), them unlock the node on that character. Boom, no need to go through the void stuff as a titan.I clearly wasn't thinking this through when I picked the void sword for my Titan...
I'm with you, got a 300 ghost, 302 cloak, and 310 auto rifle.
At least that last one will be good infusion material.
Also, during our raid run yesterday,one of my regular team members decided she had enough of all those jumping sections, so she just decided to...
The moment she nearly loses her rythm is when two of us are telling her she'd better have enough ammos to make it, because she was gonna end up on youtube.
I'd be down. Not a lot of full raid runs going. PSN CollateralCat-
I'd be interested if I'm on then. I'll do my darndest to be online at 8. I'm a 291 hunter, haven't done the raid yet. Psn:WHOAguitarninja
Anyone need to do a nightfall .. Need to knock this out for this vanguard quest
You guys are in! I'm ok with a little after 8, no rush, wife isn't home so no time limits tonight.
We need one more!!
Full King's fall raid tonight , roughly between 8-9pm EST. I'll start a PSN chat with whoever wants in so that we can coordinate an exact time and what not. Disclaimer: we haven't all finished the raid yet.
1. Me! ichabod00
2. my brother
3. no gaf friend
4. CollateralCat-
5. WHOAguitarninja
Anyone need to do a nightfall .. Need to knock this out for this vanguard quest
I can be there between 8-9 today 294 warlock first time raid
Sold! What's your PSN?
If you haven't started the second part of the sword quest, you can do it on another character! Just don't buy the upgrade node you unlock at 290 attack, first transfer to the class that you want to do that part of the mission on (warlocks are my personal favorite for void), them unlock the node on that character. Boom, no need to go through the void stuff as a titan.
I'm with you, got a 300 ghost, 302 cloak, and 310 auto rifle.
At least that last one will be good infusion material.
Also, during our raid run yesterday,one of my regular team members decided she had enough of all those jumping sections, so she just decided to...
The moment she nearly loses her rythm is when two of us are telling her she'd better have enough ammos to make it, because she was gonna end up on youtube.
Another day of 3oC, another Crest of Alpha Lupi. This loot system is broken. If I hadn't sharded them, I would have had 6 Lupis over the course of a week. During the entire Y1 this thing dropped maybe once for me. Also got impossible machines but I said fuck you to my alts.
It seems that armor engrams drop more likely than weapon ones, but there is hardly any armor.
So what's this cheese? We beat it only through a complex combination of bladedancer stealth and way-far-out-there positioning for the other two as well as taking down the skiff turrets on arrival.I'll go with u if u want...I know how to cheese warsat section if u wanna do that too hahaha
Anyone care to help out with the Taken War: Earth quest? I'm sitting in Skywatch waiting for the Taken to come.
Anyone need to do a nightfall .. Need to knock this out for this vanguard quest
Another day of 3oC, another Crest of Alpha Lupi. This loot system is broken. If I hadn't sharded them, I would have had 6 Lupis over the course of a week. During the entire Y1 this thing dropped maybe once for me. Also got impossible machines but I said fuck you to my alts.
It seems that armor engrams drop more likely than weapon ones, but there is hardly any armor.
This, literally. Out of 7 drops I got, 6 were armor, and 5 were crests of alpha lupi.
So what's this cheese? We beat it only through a complex combination of bladedancer stealth and way-far-out-there positioning for the other two as well as taking down the skiff turrets on arrival.
I'm with you, got a 300 ghost, 302 cloak, and 310 auto rifle.
At least that last one will be good infusion material.
Also, during our raid run yesterday,one of my regular team members decided she had enough of all those jumping sections, so she just decided to...
The moment she nearly loses her rythm is when two of us are telling her she'd better have enough ammos to make it, because she was gonna end up on youtube.
LOL that is quality.
Hah that's awesome
Woah holy shit that video is amazing!
goddamn that's outstanding
One of those awesome moments Destiny is so good at when playing with other people. ^^LOL #SWAG
Alrighty, group is full for tonight roughly between 8-9pm EST.
I sent our FRs to everyone and I'll start a PSN chat so that we can coordinate an exact time and what not.
1. Me! ichabod00
2. my brother
3. no gaf friend
4. CollateralCat-
5. WHOAguitarninja
6. forgrim
Need another for nightfall? Angra_mainya
So what's this cheese? We beat it only through a complex combination of bladedancer stealth and way-far-out-there positioning for the other two as well as taking down the skiff turrets on arrival.
You are literally the worst human.I get the stag helmet repeatedly. I refuse to use it because it is just plain butt ugly.
So what's this cheese? We beat it only through a complex combination of bladedancer stealth and way-far-out-there positioning for the other two as well as taking down the skiff turrets on arrival.
Hey, I offered to help with the NF above but got no response or anything. If you want to do it, I'd be happy to help. PSN: gk1225
Sure. FR sent. Have room for one more for NF if anyone else is interested.
You are literally the worst human.
I'd be down. How soon is soonish?Anyone interested in doing a first time (blind) King"s Fall raid soonish? Since it's normal, light 280+ should be fine. Here's the roster (IGN):
1. Parenegade (Exploratory)
2. Xenozephyre
3. Chancerror
I clearly wasn't thinking this through when I picked the void sword for my Titan...
I'm with you, got a 300 ghost, 302 cloak, and 310 auto rifle.
At least that last one will be good infusion material.
Also, during our raid run yesterday,one of my regular team members decided she had enough of all those jumping sections, so she just decided to...
The moment she nearly loses her rythm is when two of us are telling her she'd better have enough ammos to make it, because she was gonna end up on youtube.
clip through the rocks via sparrow. You'll end up underneath it all, waiting for the warsat to finish.
Okay yeah that's a lil too cheddary for meClipping through the floor and activating it from below. Super cheese
We had no telestos, actually were pretty Void undergeared all around.Best cheese is just Telesto everything, including the canons.![]()