Damage: 22,85 EUR
And I've received two Graze USA boxes thus far. Dang, this stuff is YUMMY.
I can't believe Kid Icarus actually comes with a stand...I thought that was a joke on the Giantbomb podcast. Can it be played without it?
Yeah. They appear even larger on those small cases. :lolGuter Preis, wenn nicht die großen Altersfreigaben wären. Ich frage mich noch immer, was sich die dt. Politiker dabei gedacht haben.
Yesterday and today were good days:
Deadwood is the American Blu-ray version.^^
This game is stupid but since it has "Metal Gear" in the title...
Japanese Premium Package on it's way as well. Ugh.
My first romp in the series.
Oh man you're in for a treat.
Wow! That's awesome. I'd absolutely love an invite if you have one, please! My sister is vegan, and I'd love to get her this for her upcoming birthday; looks like there might be some options for her.
Rest of my computer stuff as well as some other stuff arrived today:
The tubung is the only thing left and that should be here later today. After that I'm all set to build.
did i miss something?
Posted these in the Game Boy thread too, but so awesome!
Some more SNES stuff and games that were on sale. I can't believe Kid Icarus actually comes with a stand...I thought that was a joke on the Giantbomb podcast. Can it be played without it?
Parts for my new PC
Still have more on the way.
Complete series of Rocko's Modern Life
Signed lithograph by creator/artist Joe Murray Number 180 out of 215
I need to get a frame for it
Taiko for 3DS:
Posted these in the Game Boy thread too, but so awesome!
Posted this in the SNES collecting thread, but it's a February pick-up, so it goes here, too!
For 10 dollars on eBay, I got a device to play my SNES games on my Super Famicom. It apparently also supports Super FX games. It plays Yoshi's Island, at least. Usually this kinda thing is 60+ dollars, and few of them have SFX support.
I'm super jealous. I didn't know they were release Rocko on DVD till yesterday.
New Ron Fricke...can't believe it has been twenty years since Baraka and thirty since Koyaanisqatsi.
I love it so far. Game Boy Pocket, plus being able to see, can't go wrongSweet I'll have to get one of these one day how is it mate ?
Watched Steins;Gate anime and played VN not long ago. Loved them so much that I just had to buy this!
did i miss something?
I love the Taiko games on DS and will end up I'm sure buying a Japanese 3Ds for the series.
I anyone has a set of stick for this series there willing to part with please PM me what I have to do as I need a set
I would also love the new version of Taiko for Wii but with Play Asia charging nearly $200 with shipping not a chance.