fucking SOLD.
Yo, where's my Mehca Jayce. Mans only has 2 fucking skins. Rito pls.
Yo, where's my Mehca Jayce. Mans only has 2 fucking skins. Rito pls.
Sharmrock Malph is too good tho.
ahri buffs oh my gawd
Apparently they transform or something
Aatrox in-game:
Malphite in-game:
The last Malphite skin to come out was Glacial Malphite, which was about two years ago.
he has new animations actually. like i think not for everything like his slapping and q and taunt/dance/etc. and whatnot but he seems to walk a bit different (but that might be me not playing malph in a long time) and he has a cool animation when he casts w and ult has like some jetpack thingies going onMan, his animations look dated as HELL compared to how nice the textures on this skin are.
I'm gonna buy and start playing malphite now. Goddamn.
Isn't her Q change supposed to be based on her aura? Like she won't get a damage aura anymore, but the projectile is unchanged.about soni rework
q idea sounds nice but i wouldn't like it if it comes at expense of my own q damage. like i want to be able to poke on my own and not rely on adc for everything. i wonder how the ally buff will be selected
i like the w shield thing, makes it so that you can both sustain people but also prevent damage.
e seems similar, tho sounds like it'll be a lot more powerful at least the early burst
overall nothing too exciting but i'm intrigued
also tried malph and cait skins and they both look pretty cool.
i dunno, the way they talk about it sounds like they're replacing the projectile with this? or maybe the power chord?When's Jinx skins
Isn't her Q change supposed to be based on her aura? Like she won't get a damage aura anymore, but the projectile is unchanged.
The thread was just a heads up to start gathering feedback, but from the stuff in it you can kinda tell her projectiles will stay.i dunno, the way they talk about it sounds like they're replacing the projectile with this? or maybe the power chord?
the way they presented that thread is not good
I know, I was trying to get you to spill more details. I guess Horo was your only mistake today.lolnope
i would really like for her to maybe get like 25 more range on her basic attacks
i know it's higher than most but it'd give her an edge over other ranged supports i think i'd appreciate
Power Chords + Q procs + Spellthief procs at 575 range?i would really like for her to maybe get like 25 more range on her basic attacks
i know it's higher than most but it'd give her an edge over other ranged supports i think i'd appreciate
eh, to be honest i agreeLooks like riot want to change her into a standart support champion losing completely her aura based champion and push her to fight and kill the enemies (lol).
i dunno i just feel like so much of her power is on her passive and her ult, why not give her more opportunities for her to do her thingPower Chords + Q procs + Spellthief procs at 575 range?
Won't someone think of the poor ADCs
I feel as though Morgana is a balancing force against Thresh, Leona, and Braum. Otherwise they might be too strong and common.
eh, to be honest i agree
like auras would be nice in another game, but league is a game in which a 3s snare is broken so like passive auras that just bump up your stats aren't so cool
like the most fun parts about sona to me are her passive, her ult, chunking people in lane with like aa+q+blue powerchord, having extended fights in lane (which maybe are going down with higher cds on her spells) and like her design overall what with the music and magic guitar and flying and giant boobs
auras don't really do much for me, so i'm fine with them going down
all his lines are on the wikiOh I forgot to to tell you I listed to the Techies voiceover on youtube. I was on vacation, so I missed cyborgmatt's stream. I found this, is it what he was streaming or is there more?
And I like how you got me and brian confused. haha.
yeah but i dont so it sucksDiving people is honestly not that hard if you know what you're doing.
excuse me are you trying to sell me a weather skin
yordle power.
i got stuck in this dumb master yi's vigilantes league though.
yordle power.
i got stuck in this dumb master yi's vigilantes league though.
I thought the joke was that stronger turrets were going to make him buy the Weather Lady skin for Janna so the turrets would be even stronger.woah bro so toxic
plz no bannarino